Board Minutes

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Content Classification: 

2008 Board Minutes

2008 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
 Board Meeting
Thursday, March 20, 2008
7:30 p.m. 164 Oakland Drive
Peter Knupfer
Note taker:
Nella Davis-Ray
John Hays, Alan Munn, Judy Benedict, Nella Davis-Ray, Peter Knupfer
Tim Dawson & Ryan Fink.
Agenda Item
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Motion passed to approve minutes from 11/15/07 board meeting as distributed with the addition of Ryan’s last name.
Treasurer’s Report
No report at this time. Report to be submitted to board via email.
Membership Drive
When are we going to do it? Plans made at last meeting not followed thru on. Agreed on April 19th. Before then, Peter will provide updated Spring newsletter for our door to door distribution. Again, newsletter will include explanation of what neighborhood association does and what is paid for with the annual dues. Newsletter will also include information about the garage sale and date for the 2008 annual meeting.   Peter asked board members to send him any additional info that should be included in the newsletter. When we go door to door we will use list provided by Allan to determine who has not paid 2007 dues  to collect dues. Alan will issue receipts to those that want them.  Again, Board members going door to door should encourage home owners to provide their email addresses.
·         Judy Benedict will do Oakland
·         John Hays will do Roseland
·         Nella Davis-Ray will do the even side of Maplewood
·         Alan Munn will do the odd side of Maplewood
Tree Replacement
City Affairs
1.      East Village -
2.      Hagadorn/GR signs and signals –
3.      Flood Plain –
4.      Board Vacancies –
Agenda item tabled, Dave Drolshagen not in attendance
The following information was provided by Peter:
Project is moving along. 
Signs controlled by the State. Peter will send letter to City about placement of no turn on red sign. The MDOT, Signal shop is responsible for timing of left turn signal. Peter has called them, they said they would time the signal. Peter to follow-up with signal shop.
As part of the East Village project, Red Cedar flood plain remapping accorded. Flood plain is not extending closer to Brookfield.
There a number of vacant positions on the various boards. Residents are encouraged to apply. This will be shared in the Spring newsletter.
Discussed timing of newsletter issues at last meeting. Decided that quarterly issues will follow the board meetings. Peter will provide Spring newsletter.
BHNA Garage Sale
Stephanie, garage sale coordinator, was invited to the board meeting for update. Advertisements – 1. With Judy’s assistance, Stephanie will circulate second announcement throughout neighborhood. 2. She will send announcement via email to Peter for use in newsletter. 3. Signs will be put out the morning of the sale at corners of Roseland, Maplewood and Oakland. Stephanie will provide signs. 4. Nella will submit ad to Lansing State Journal and Towne Courier.
Collecting Donations – During the sale, Stephanie (Roseland), Kevin (Oakland), Tim (Grand River & Hagadorn) and Nella (Maplewood) will canvas the neighborhood to see who’s having sales. At the end of the sale they will return to sellers to collect donations. No set amount or percent for donations, it’s what the sellers chose to give.  Will need to record who we collected from (name and address) and how much. Alan will provide receipts to donators. Recognition should be given to donators in Summer newsletter.
Organization of sale – We talked about providing list of homes that are participating in the sale for shoppers. No decision made about who will generate list or where list will be provided. 
Refreshments -We talked about selling bake goods/drinks at association table, weather permitting. Where would we set up table? Some central location, Ryan offered his yard. He will confirm availability. What will we sell? Donated items from McDonald’s, Quality Dairy and/or TC Pies. No decisions made about who will man the table (Knupfer crew?) or who would contact local businesses about donations.
Old Business
·            Selling on the corner lot of Maplewood & Grand River. Peter informed Board that PACE’s response was that sale was “legal business”. Peter to follow-up with City about safety concerns.
New Business
Board Meeting Schedule
·            Empty Country Market location – No info on plans for building. Trader Joe’s rumor. Peter volunteered to send letter to Phipps about the neighborhood’s interest in having another grocer at the location.
·            Passing of neighbor – Sudden death of Oakland neighbor discussed. Judy will do write up for Spring newsletter for her with input from Manny and LSJ obiturary which was printed on 3/2 and should be available on line.
·            Neighborhood Presidents meetings – Peter reported that the E L Neighborhood Presidents Association is not active but regular meetings with Mayor are still held. In the event Peter is not able to attend, vice president or other board member should attend. Peter will send meeting schedule to board members.
·            Spring get together – idea suggested by Peter, some discussion about when and where but no decisions made.
·            Planting at corners – some discussion about how there used to be annuals planted at the corners of Brookfield and why we stopped doing them. No plans to purchase/plant annuals.
·            Next meeting - Thursday, April 24th , at Alan Munn’s house again. Will address to-do items for the May 10th garage sale.
·            Thursday, August 7th (agenda will focus on September 14th annual meeting). Meeting location to be determined. Meeting will start at 7:00 p.m.
·            Thursday, September 25th (selection of officers and scheduling of 2008/2009 meetings)
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Submitted by Nella Davis-Ray, Recording Secretary


Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
 Board Meeting
Monday, December 1st, 2008
7:30 p.m. 164 Oakland Drive
Peter Knupfer
Note taker:
Nella Davis-Ray
Joe Skwara, Alan Munn, Nella Davis-Ray, Peter Knupfer, Dawn Parker & Tim  Dawson
Agenda Item
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:42 p.m.
Motion passed to approve minutes from 09/21/08 annual meeting as distributed with the correction of Joe’s last name.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan Munn provided an oral report. He also provided written report for the record to the president. Currently we have $ 2,196.79 total in our MSUFCU checking account. No outstanding bills. No tree purchases this fall.
Membership Drive
Neighborhood Blog
When are we going to do it? We have not held a membership drive this year as planned. Plans made at last meeting not followed thru on. Alan informed the board that we are at a low point for membership, around 20%. Peter stressed the importance of having strong membership representation. 
·         Newsletter plea for membership dues.
·         Email plea for membership dues.
·         Send a self-addressed and stamped letter to each unpaid 2008 property owner. Board agreed to chose this option.
·         Actions due by December 17th:
1.      Alan will create mailing labels, purchase envelopes and copies of short notice about dues.
2.      Peter will have his crew stuff envelopes.
Membership drive discussion led into discussion about communication to the neighborhood. Peter volunteered to set up a blog for the neighborhood. It would be a place to put the newsletters, ads, etc. Dawn offered to have her spouse do a website for us. The key is to have a site that does not require much maintenance. Peter will have a discussion with his contact about Word Press blog software. We would need to pay for a domain name.
Tree Replacement
City Affairs
1.      East Village -
2.      Brookfield Plaza –
3.      Rental property in Brookfield  –
Agenda item tabled again, Dave Drolshagen not in attendance again. Bylaws address a standing environment committee. Dave needs to make a decision about his commitment to chairing this committee. Nella volunteered to speak with Dave about his commitment to chairing this committee. If he will not chair, Nella will.
The following information was provided by Peter:
No movement on Resident Inn at Grand River.
It’s been almost a year since Country Market was vacated. No signs of a replacement tenant yet. Try to keep the issue on the City’s radar.
Should we file a complaint about rental violations? Peter suggested that we should be concerned about rental violations when there are safety concerns (fire/over occupancy). We discussed the pros and cons of filing a complaint. No motion from the Board on this issue. Peter and Tim will have discussion with the current Oakland residents.
Officer Election
·         All officer positions are open.
·         Allan Munn agreed to stay on as the treasurer/membership secretary.
·         Nella Davis-Ray agreed to stay on as the recording secretary.
·         Dawn Parker agreed to stay on as the communications officer.
·         Tim Dawson agreed to serve as the President
·         Vice President – we may need to declare open seat and nominate a new vice president. Dave Drolshagen was appointed but he has not attended meetings. Nella agreed to talk with Dave about serving out his term which ends in 2009.
It was decided earlier this year that quarterly issues will follow the board meetings. Dawn to work with Peter and Tim on a Winter newsletter.
BHNA Garage Sale
Stephanie, 2008 garage sale coordinator, is not interested in coordinating 2009 garage sale. Due to time, discussion about 2009 garage sale tabled to next Board meeting.  Advertisements, collecting donations, organizing the sale, setting up refreshments, etc. will be discussed. 
Old Business
New Business
Board Meeting Schedule
Discussion with University Church about supporting the Neighborhood Association.
Tentative 2009 Meeting dates: Thursday February 12th, Thursday May 7th, and Thursday, July 9th. Dates will be confirmed four to three weeks before tentative date.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Submitted by Nella Davis-Ray, Recording Secretary


Content Classification: 

2009 Board Minutes

2009 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
Sunday, August 16, 2009 
The purpose of this meeting was to finalize plans for the annual business meeting & neighborhood gathering.
Present: Alan Munn, Dave, Nella, Tim, Joe, Jan, Judy
Absent: Peter, Kristin & Dawn Parker
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009 (Rain date, the following Sunday)
Time: 2 hours, 4- 6 pm, setup - ½ hour before, tear down – ½ hour after.
Provisions: Board decided to make this year’s gathering an ice cream social.
Board approved having Scoops provide vanilla & chocolate ice cream with toppings bar
at $210/hr from 4 – 5 p.m.
Action Item: Judy Benedict to contact Scoops and make reservations. 
Entertainment – Board liked the suggestion to have music from 4 – 5 pm. Discussed past practices. Board approved paying ~ $100 for one hour of music. 
Action Items: 1. Judy will talk to Bianca for more music ideas this week.
2. Judy to email Board members about music choice.
For the kids – Board liked the suggestion to have activities for kids from 5 -6 pm. bike parade, older neighborhood kids to play games with the younger kids(duck, duck goose, sack races, musical chairs, water balloons, prizes for all), face painting, balloons, construction paper/art activities (markers, chalk) – the 2nd hour of the gathering, 5 – 6.
Action Items: 1. Judy to contact the balloon man.
2. Judy to talk with Knupfer girls about being at the meeting from 5-6 to do face painting and “supervise” kids.
Dues – Treasurer should be collecting and providing receipts.
NOTE: The dues we collect in September are for 2010. 2010 dues are due by January 2010.  Joe reminded the Board that earlier this year we had agreed to do a mail campaign for outstanding 2009 dues. We did not do the campaign so there was no followup after the September 2008 meeting. This year we will do mail campaign for outstanding 2010 dues in November/ December.
Notice – Board review and edited draft notice.
Action Item: Nella to provide revised draft via email to Board for final review and approval. Second page of the notice will be devoted to the Association constitution.
Agenda - Board review and edited agenda.
Action Items: 1. Nella will ask Pat Robinson to give a tree report.
2. Nella will ask police chief to give presentation on neighborhood safety tips and give report on EL crimes/break-ins.
3. Jan to talk with Susan MacKenzie about being on the Board.
Petition– due to city ASAP because the City Council needs to approve at August Council meeting. 
Action Items: 1. Dave and Jan to collect Oakland Ave. signatures this week.
2. Dave & Jan to give signatures to Judy by this weekend.
3. Judy to deliver signatures and cover letter to City next Monday or Tuesday.
Distributions of the notice – we no longer mail the notice; will distribute the notice to each house by Sunday, August 31st.
Action Items: 1. Nella will provide 100 copies of final notice to Dave by Wednesday.
2. Dave to distribute notices to each Brookfield household.
Updating Neighborhood Directory – Hard copies of updated neighborhood directory will be provided at the meeting.
Action Items: 1. Allan to use East Lansing website information to update his Excel file.
2. Allan to provide updated file and email updates provided at last year’s meeting to Nella.
3. Nella to provide copies of updated directory at meeting.
Miscellaneous Stuff
·         PA system for speakers
Action Items: 1. Nella to provide PA system and extension cord.
 2. Nella will ask Sally Lloyd for use of her power.
·         Tables & chairs – need some tables (Stephanie, Sallie, Knupfer, Whalen) , neighbors provide their own chairs (will need volunteer to contact)
·         Purchase of disposal table covering, spoons, cups & napkins.
Action Items: 1. Tim to purchase items.
2. Allan to reimburse Tim for purchase of items.
·         One or two trash bags
·         Setting up barriers – barriers to be delivered to Judy’s house.
Action Item: Judy & Mike to set up barriers by 3:30 on Sunday and take down barriers by 7:00 on Sunday.
·         Banners and flag line – set them up after barriers go up.
Action Item: Nella to set up banner and flag lines by 3:45 on Sunday and take down banner and flag lines by 6:45 on Sunday.
·         Email reminder – send out one week before meeting.
Action Item: Nella to send out reminder by Sunday, September 6th.


Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting
September 13, 2009
6 pm
Present: Jan Bernsten, Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Dave Drolshagen, Peter Knupfer, Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Joe Skwara and Tom Weibert
Absent: Kristin Rosenbrook
Immediately following the Annual Meeting, the Board members had a short meeting to elect officers. Peter Knupfer agreed to serve this year as the communications officer and Joe Skwara agreed to serve this year as the treasurer. Motion to have the remaining current officers to continue serving another year was seconded and approved by the Board.
2010 Neighborhood Association Board
President – Tim Dawson, 103 Oakland 333-8654
Vice President – Dave Drolshagen, 155 Maplewood 332-6565, ddrols at
Treasurer – Joe Skwara, 144 Oakland Drive, 507-3205
Secretary - Nella Davis-Ray, 164 Maplewood, 281-3488, nelladr at
Communications – Peter Knupfer, 120 Oakland Drive, 351-6677
Members at Large
-         Jan Bernsten
-         Carl Lira
-         Sally Lloyd
-         Kristin Rosenbrook
-         Tom Wibert
Action Items:
Nella Davis-Ray to email all Board members with late October/early November date(s) for next meeting.
Dave & Tim volunteered to canvas neighborhood to collect remaining 2010 membership dues.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 6:30 p.m.
The September 13, 2009 minutes were approved with one amendment at the October 20, 2009 Board meeting . Tom Wibert’s name had been omitted. His name was added as a 2010 Neighborhood Association Board member at large.


Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:30 pm
Present: Jan Bernsten, Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Dave Drolshagen, Carl Lira, and Tom Weibert
Absent: Kristin Rosenbrook, Peter Knupfer, Sally Lloyd, and Joe Skwara.
Approval of minutes
The September 13, 2009 board meeting minutes were approved with one amendment. Tom Wibert’s name had been omitted. His name was added as a 2010 Neighborhood Association Board member at large.
Action Items
The following updates were provided on action items from theSeptember 13, 2009 meeting:
  • Nella Davis-Ray to contact City to update Brookfield page. The following information was provided to the City’s web contact:
2010 Neighborhood Association Board
President – Tim Dawson, 103 Oakland 333-8654
Vice President – Dave Drolshagen, 155 Maplewood 332-6565, ddrols at
Treasurer – Joe Skwara, 144 Oakland Drive, 507-3205
Secretary - Nella Davis-Ray, 164 Maplewood, 281-3488, nelladr at
Communications – Peter Knupfer, 120 Oakland Drive, 351-6677
Members at Large
-         Jan Bernsten
-         Carl Lira
-         Sally Lloyd
-         Kristin Rosenbrook
-         Tom Wibert
·        Dave & Tim volunteered to canvas neighborhood to collect remaining 2010 membership dues. As of this meeting, they are both still willing to canvas neighborhood when they get information from the treasurer. They agreed to have outstanding 2010 dues collected before January. If the home owner is not available when they go door to door, they will leave note (on 3x5 card) asking for 2010 dues and envelope (with Joe’s name & address).
Action Item: Jan Bernsten volunteered to make cards & envelopes for Dave & Tim’s use.
Update – Past treasurer provided information to current treasurer after this meeting. Two copies of the list of neighbors that paid 2010 dues at the September 13 meeting was provided to David. 
Treasurer’s Report  -
Joe Skwara was unable to attend meeting due to illness. No report available.
New Business
  • Scheduling 2010 meetings – Sally asked that we avoid scheduling meetings on the 3rd Monday and Tuesday of the month and the 4th Thursday of the month. Following are the remaining meetings scheduled for the 2010 Board:
    • Monday, January 25, 2010
    • Monday, April 12, 2010
    • Wednesday, July 21, 2010
All meetings will start at 6:30 p.m. David volunteered to hold next meeting at his house. Board secretary will send email reminder and call for agenda items a week before the meeting.
NOTE: Sunday, September 12, 2010 – Annual Neighborhood Meeting
  • Tree Plantings – We believe that the Association’s past treasurer paid for the purchase and planting of two trees this year. There was some concern that there was no formal Board approval of this transaction. Discussion about Pat Robinson role as the Brookfield “tree lady”. Motion to have Pat Robinson added as the official “tree lady” was seconded and approved by the Board. If Pat accepts this role, she will be asked to give regular updates and make recommendations to the Board for annual tree replacement. 
Action Item: Nella will contact Pat.
  • Archiving Brookfield Information - Viewing the current content(description, boundaries, meetings, purpose, board members) of the Brookfield page on the city’s site led to discussion about what other information we may add to the page. Can we use the City’s site to store minutes? Newsletters? Other information?
Action Items: 1. Nella to contact EL webmaster about adding additional contnent to the Brookfield page. Update – City’s response: “At this point, we do not have the staff time to maintain content for the various neighborhood associations. What we have done for others is to link to their website.” Carl & Peter are having discussions about and using this as our host.
2. Tom to contact ELPL about archiving Brookfield historical documents.
Old Business
  • A welcome package for new neighbors was recommended by the past Board but this was an uncompleted project. Tom volunteered to draft a prototype for review at the January meeting.
  • Newsletter – Discussion about distributing via email and recruiting volunteers to write articles. David volunteered to write about landscaping. No discussion about next issue of newsletter.
Updates –Tim will give updates to the Board from the regular Neighborhood Presidents meeting held with the mayor. Board agreed to incorporate Presidents meeting updates as a regular board meeting agenda item.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:37 p.m.
The October 20, 2009 board meeting minutes were approved as submitted with no amendments at the , January 25, 2010 Board meeting.
Content Classification: 

2010 Board Minutes

2010 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting
Monday, January 25, 2010 6:30 pm
Present: Jan Bernsten, Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Dave Drolshagen, Peter Knupfer Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Kristin Rosenbrook and Tom Wibert
Absent: Joe Skwara.
Approval of minutes
The October 20, 2009 board meeting minutes were approved with no amendments.
Action Items Update
The following updates were provided on action items from theOctober 20, 2009 meeting:
1.      Collecting remaining 2010 membership dues
Dave & Tim volunteered to canvas neighborhood to collect remaining 2010 membership dues. They had little interaction with homeowners. When the home owner was not available when they went door to door, they left a note asking for 2010 dues. Based on the 1/24/10 treasurer’s report it didn’t look like additional dues had been submitted to Joe in response to their canvassing. Both agreed to continue canvassing.
2. Archiving Brookfield Information
Tom reported that the EL Historical Society has a small room in the Hannah Center for permanent storage of EL historical information. Room is accessible to the public. Discussion about why we are looking for archive location and what we have to archive. Motion: Create a subcommittee to review collected Brookfield information to determine what information should be archived at the Hannah Center. Motion seconded and approved by the Board. Tom Wibert & Peter Knupfer volunteered to be the subcommittee.
Treasurer’s Report -
Joe Skwara was unable to attend meeting but did provide a written report. Report was reviewed and approved with no amendments.
Action Item: Joe and Peter to complete transfer of president and treasurer names on the account.
New Business
Brookfield Website – Carl Lira summarized his work on the test site from October – December. Board members were encouraged to log in and use the site to show some support and content before the site is launched. Carl would like to see multiple editors (ex. himself, communications officer & secretary). Editors can create content. Carl is willing to show/teach other Board members. Peter encouraged Board members to ship web content to him to add if they do not want to an editor.  There was additional discussion about how the site will be used, blog space, forums, moderator/administrator to ensure family friendly content. 
a.       Domain Name- The site will need a domain name. We can purchase name from domain registrar for $10/yr. was suggested.
Motion: Association to purchase domain name for annual fee. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Action Item: Peter to contact domain registrar. If not available Peter will suggest 2 -3 other domain name for Board approval.
b.      Hosting site – Currently the test site is being hosted by Gail Lira’s site. Carl volunteered to allow us to continue using current hosting arrangement. There was discussion about pros and cons of leaving site where it is. 
Motion: Association to pay up to $100/yr for hosting site. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Action Items:
-Carl & Peter to identify and recommend hosting site. 
- Carl & Peter to draft some basic rules for use of the site.
Old Business
1.      Welcome package - Tom showed the Board a collection of City information (calendar, Guide to downtown, MSU info, bus schedule, etc.) that he has collected from various sources for the welcome package. The Board like what they saw and made suggestions for additional content, Brookfield brochure and coupons for neighborhood businesses. David volunteered to contact neighborhood businesses for coupons. Tom volunteered to make up 5 – 10 additional welcome packets that the Board will use this year for any new Brookfield neighbors. The packet will need to be updated annually.
Action Items:
- Tom to compile 5 – 10 additional welcome packets before April meeting.
- David to collect coupons and provide to Tom for packets before April meeting.
2.      Brookfield Brochure – Carl scanned the existing brochures and created a skeleton Word doc of the brochure. Carl asked for feedback on the brochure. Do we want to update it? If we update, do we want hard copies of the brochure or just use updated info as web content? There was some discussion about how a printed brochure could be used; provide copies to realtors for prospective home owners, include in Welcome packet.
Motion: Revise, finalize, and print copies of brochure before the April Board meeting. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Board agreed to give final approval via email to print brochure instead of waiting ‘til the April meeting.
Action Items:
-         Nella to ask Dawn Parker to review and edit brochure.
-         David to check on printing & folding costs for 100 – 500 brochures.
-         Peter to check with GLAR about distribution of brochure to realtors.
3.      Newsletter – Discussion about distributing via email or hard copy. Discussion about using the website for updates and periodic columns/articles (landscaping, living conditions, EL info) instead printing a newsletter.
Motion: Continue to print and distribute information about the annual gathering. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Updates –Neighborhood Presidents meeting - Tim had to leave this meeting to attend the Neighborhood Presidents meeting held with the mayor. Tim will provide Presidents meeting update for the April board meeting.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:13 p.m.
REMINDER: Next Board meeting is April 12th at Tim Dawson’s house, 103 Oakland.
Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting
Monday, April 12, 2010 6:30 pm
Present: Jan Bernsten, Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Peter Knupfer, Sally Lloyd, Kristin Rosenbrook and Tom Wibert
Absent: Joe Skwara and Carl Lira.
Approval of minutes
The January 25, 2010 board meeting minutes were approved with no amendments.
Action Items Update
The following updates were provided on action items from theJanuary 25, 2010 meeting:
1.      Collecting remaining 2010 membership dues - Tim wants to try to make contact with homeowners to collect remaining 2010 membership dues. Tim would like an updated list of all Brookfield households that have not paid FY2010 dues. It was suggested that a dues reminder should be posted on the website. We also discussed the option of identifying non-resident homeowners and contact by mail for dues. New Action Item: Post dues reminder and the association bylaws to the website.
2. Archiving Brookfield Information - Tom Wibert & Peter Knupfer are the subcommittee. Tom reported that Mike Benedict had Brookfield information for the subcommittee to review. Later in the meeting Peter brought to posters from Mike. The posters included photos and other Brookfield documents.   New Action Item: Peter to scan and upload documents to the website.Some additional discussion about what Brookfield Neighborhood information should be archived.Agreement that house specific information (ex. blueprints, alternation info, landscape plans) should be maintained with the house. 
Treasurer’s Report -
Joe Skwara was unable to attend meeting but did not provide a written report. His 4/7/10 email message to the Board was, “There has been no financial activity since my last report.”
Action Item: Have Joe verify that Excel spreadsheet showing FY10 dues paid as of 11-12-09 is still current. Tim would like to use list to identifying homes to visit to collect remaining 2010 membership dues.
Old Business
1.      Brookfield Website – Some Board members having problems with creating accounts, posting information to site, etc. Suggested “lunch & learn” with Carl/Peter to learn more about using the Brookfield site. Peter encouraged all to email him if we are having any problems. Reminder that two neighborhood listservs have been created for email communication. Please use 'announcements at'  to send neighborhood announcements. This list is moderated by Carl & Peter. Please use 'board at' to communicate amongst the board members. Peter mentioned that the system will delete email addresses on the list after a certain number of bounce backs. Neighborhood members should be reminded to provide updated/new email addresses.
2.      Welcome package - Tom brought a number of Welcome packets with him that the Board will use this year for any new Brookfield neighbors. Kristin Rosenbrook volunteered to be the “Welcome Lady”. All the packets were given to Kristin for her use. 
Action Items: Kristin to visit the new homeowners at 147 Maplewood to provide packet, inform homeowners about association and website, collect email address(es) to add to 'announcements at'and to gather information about new neighbors for newsletter/website piece.
3.      Brookfield Brochure – No activity on draft brochure since last Board meeting.
Action Items:
-         Nella to ask Dawn Parker to review and edit brochure.
-         Nella to check on printing & folding costs for 100 – 500 brochures.
-         Peter to check with GLAR about distribution of brochure to realtors.
4.   Newsletter – Peter is planning on doing Spring/Summer newsletter. It will feature the       new website, tree update, summer activities. Please send newsletter material and ideas to Peter.
New Business
Brookfield Tree Update – Pat Robinson joined the meeting to give the Board an update and her recommendations for 2010 planting. Last fall, two trees were purchased and planted on Oakland at the cost of $785. The homeowners, Alan Munn & Manny Hackel generously donated a total of $600 to the Association’s tree fund. Both trees made it through the winter in great condition. Pat recommended purchasing two more trees this fall. One to be planted at 235 Maplewood and the other on Roseland. One of the two sites needs to have small dead tree removed. Funds are available to purchase two more trees this fall. Pat will be reimbursed for the cost.
Action Items: Pat to survey the trees this summer to identify locations for 2011 tree plantings. Pat will make recommendations to Board in the fall or next spring.
Updates –Neighborhood Presidents meeting - Tim has been attending the Neighborhood Presidents meetings held with the mayor. Action Item: Tim will post Presidents meeting update to the website.
Other Concerns
1.      Break-in - Tom gave an update on the break-in that occurred at 277 Maplewood. Kristin thanked Peter for promptly sending out the neighborhood announcement. 
2.      Website development - Motion: Association to express their gratitude to Carl Lira for all his hard work on the development of the Brookfield website. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
3.      Dave Drolshagen’s death - Motion: Association to express their sympathy by sending flowers to his funeral/memorial or honoring the wishes of the family. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
REMINDER: Next Board meeting is Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 6:30. Location to be determined.


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:30 pm
Present: Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Peter Knupfer, Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Joe Skwara and Tom Wibert
Absent: Jan Bernsten and Kristin Rosenbrook.
Approval of minutes
The April 12, 2010 board meeting minutes were approved with no amendments.
Action Items Update
The following updates were provided on action items from the April 12, 2010 meeting:
- Postings to website - the association constitution & bylaws will be provided to Carl by Peter as scanned documents for the website. NOTE: Covenant needs editorial for posting.
Treasurer’s Report -
Joe Skwara provided a written report of the Associations’ accounts. Any dues paid after the beginning of the fiscal year (7/1/2010) were credited as 2011 dues. Three households have already paid their 2011 dues.
Joe announced that he has sold his house and will be moving at the end of the month! He was prepared to transfer the records he has collected since the beginning of his term as treasurer. The Board asked Joe to keep the records until we can have a Board member willing to finish the reminder of his term. The temporary treasurer will serve until a new treasurer is elected in September. The Board would like to have Jan Bernsten serve as treasurer. Jan Bernsten agreed to serve as treasurer for the remainder of Joe’s term. Joe has agreed to provide a tutorial to the new treasurer. 
Action Item: Joe and Jan to meet to review treasurer duties. Joe to transfer records to Jan.
Old Business
1.      Brookfield Website – Carl provided “lunch & learn” to neighbors about using the Brookfield site. 
2.      Welcome package - Kristin Rosenbrook volunteered to be the “Welcome Lady”. No update from Kristin on action item. NOTE: Two additional homes on Maplewood have sold since the April meeting and also need welcome package.
Action Items: Kristin to visit the new homeowners at 147 Maplewood to provide packet, inform homeowners about association and website, collect email address (es) to add to "announcements at" and to gather information about new neighbors for newsletter/website piece.
3.      Brookfield Brochure – No activity on draft brochure since last Board meeting.
Action Items:
  1. Nella to ask Dawn Parker to review and edit brochure.
  2. Nella to check on printing & folding costs for 100 – 500 brochures.
  3. Peter to check with GLAR about distribution of brochure to realtors.
4.   Newsletter – Peter completed Spring/Summer newsletter.
New Business
·         Annual Business Meeting & Neighborhood Gathering. See detailed action list.   Nella to send out regular updates on action list to Board members.
·         Neighborhood Presidents meeting - Tim has been attending the Neighborhood Presidents meetings held with the mayor. Last meeting focused on the proposed development at the old Blue Cross Network site on Lake Lansing. A report about the impact of the Overlay Ordinance was shared with neighborhood presidents. In summary, the district overlays seem to be working as planned. They do not have a negative effect on home sales. Because the report makes specific reference to Brookfield the Board asked that the report be linked at our website.  
Action Item: Tim to provide City of East Lansing URL for report to Carl.
Other Concerns
1.      Foreclosures – Lack of maintenance on foreclosed property is a matter of public concern. Empty, neglected properties attract vagrants and additional damage. Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye on these properties. The Board is aware of at least one in the neighborhood. 
Action Items:
- Peter to access assessor’s database to identify Brookfield homes under foreclosure and the bank holding the property.
- If the property is in bad shape, Tim and Peter to draft letter to bank asking for information on the property and to inform bank of Association’s concern about poor condition of property.
- If needed, Association to ask city to inspect property.
2.      Corner house at Oakland and GR - Abe Cuddeback is the new owner. Many outstanding issues are going to be resolved.  The dead tree in front of the house has been removed and the owner has invested in code-compliant repairs. Abe seems
committed to keeping a viable rental property in alignment with the neighborhood's character and wishes.

The purchase agreement permits rental of the pole barn that’s on the property.  This is a violation of city rental ordinance and of our deed restrictions.  This violation splits the lot into two rental properties.  

 Action Items:
- Peter & Tim to draft letter from the association to Abe about this issue.
- Draft letter to Board for review and approval.
3.      Northbound Hagadorn turn at Grand River – no resolution on the short time allowed for turns. With school starting soon, at 5 pm traffic will be backed up to Bogue and car will be cutting thru neighborhoods to get to Hagadorn.
Action Items:
- Peter to identify right private/public party that has the power to resolve problem.
- Peter to consider contacting John Snyder about the problem.
4.      Michigan-Grand River Corridor Study - CATA is sponsoring a study of options for public transportation along the Michigan-Grand River corridor. This may have implications for our neighborhood. More information is in the Forum for Neighborhood issues. Some discussion about lack of info/detail about project, traffic congestion, need for options, etc.
Action Items:
- Carl Lira to draft letter of concern from Association to CATA/Lansing & East Lansing with cc to Mark Meadows.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
REMINDER: This was the last scheduled meeting. Additional meetings to be scheduled after 2010 Business Meeting & Neighborhood Gathering. Location to be determined.


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Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday, September 30, 2010 6:30 pm

1.  The September meeting was hosted by the Wiberts. Members present were Tom Wibert, Carl Lira, Jan Bernsten, Rhoda Wolff, Sally Lloyd, Judy Cunningham, Kristin Rosenbrook, Susie Engelhart, and Dawn Parker. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M.

2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. After a short discussion about officer duties, a slate of names was presented to fill vacant board positions, moved and seconded, and approved. They are as follows: President - Rhoda Wolff, Vice President - Susie Engelhart, Treasurer - Jan Bernsten, Secretary - Judy Cunningham, Communications - Dawn Parker. Members -at-large are Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Kristin Rosenbrook, and Tom Wibert.
4.  TREASURERS REPORT was presented by Jan Bernsten.  She reported that we have $1,960.22 in savings and $379.52 in checking, for a total of $2,339.74.  Dues were collected from 36 of 94 households so far this year and we need to have 50% of homes as members to sustain our neighborhood association status with the city.  A letter will be composed by Dawn Parker thanking all who have paid dues and explaining why we collect dues, which will be mailed to all households by Sally Lloyd and Jan Bernsten to encourage others to mail their $20.  After that we will canvass.
5.  NEW BUSINESS.  We discussed the tree trimming that Pat Robinson addressed at the picnic, and it was moved and seconded that we spend up to $500. from our treasury to hire the commercial tree trimmer to come and trim.  Jan will notify Pat R. of this decision.
We also discussed sending someone to the meetings of the Michigan/Grand River corridor, and to the association of neighborhoods president's meetings.
6.  OLD BUSINESS.  Tom Wibert reported that he had nothing new to report regarding the history of the neighborhood.  Sally Lloyd  shared a brochure that might be updated and used by realtors to advertise our neighborhood.  It was suggested that if any of us would like to research the history of the Brookfield neighborhood, to do so, and bring ideas for a new brochure to the next meeting.
7.   Web Site Report.  Carl Lira mentioned several things.  First, the web site now has a letter that was sent to the city about the traffic light cycle on Grand River being too short to allow more than a few cars through. A new neighbor, Stuart Blythe, will be helping with the web site.  Also, board members can have separate email addresses if so desired using their board position and name.
8.  Adjournment at 8:00 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Cunningham
Content Classification: 

2011 Board Minutes

2011 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


The January meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association was held on January 31, 2011, at Sally Lloyd’s home, 216 Oakland. Members present were Dawn Parker, Jan Bernsten, Carl Lira, Susie Engelhart, Rhoda Wolff, Sally Lloyd, Kristin Rosenbrook, and Judy Cunningham. The meeting was called to order At 6:30 P.M.
1.  The secretary’s report was given by Judy Cunningham. Minutes of the September meeting were read, corrections made to the date of this evenings meeting, approved, and stood as read.
2.  Jan Bernsten presented the treasurer’s report. She reported that we have a savings account balance of $1,811.89, and a checking account balance of $397.07, for a total balance of $2,208.96. Since October, $330.00 has been added to our account, $300.00 from dues collected, and a $30.00 donation to the tree fund from the Poli family.   In response to the mailings that were sent out to all residents, (15) fifteen more households sent in dues, which brings the total number of households who have joined and paid dues to fifty-one (51) of ninety-four (94) households.
    We also discussed some ways to encourage people to pay dues at the annual meeting through incentives like selling t-shirts, or something else along that line.
Last fall, Peter Knupfer wrote a letter to the city of East Lansing and to MDOT expressing our concerns about the short left turn cycle of the light at Hagadorn and Grand River. That light cycle has been increased to allow more left turns to get through.
     In November, Carl Lira and Sally Lloyd attended an open house at the Hannah Community Center to discuss the Michigan Ave/Grand River CATA issues regarding our section of Grand River Ave. They expressed our feelings about the bottleneck that would be created by the plan of 100 feet width in our area. Three alternatives are under consideration, Bus Rapid Transit, Light Rail Transit, and Modern Streetcar.We will be hearing more about this from CATA.
     Jan Bernsten went to a Wardcliff neighborhood meeting to offer some tips to help them begin a neighborhood association last fall. They welcomed her input.
     Carl Lira reported that Stuart Blythe is working with him and with our web site. He reported that we need to renew our web site and that our domain privacy had expired. After discussion, we moved, seconded, and voted to renew our web site for one (1) year .The cost for one year will be $9.00/month.
     Rhoda suggested having a link from Facebook to our Website. Response was favorable.
     There was discussion about having a progressive dinner or garden tour, both to be discussed at the April board meeting. These would be fund raisers for the neighborhood.
     Rhoda attended the mayor’s meeting of neighborhoods and came away with lots of
great ideas of things being done in East Lansing neighborhoods. For example, Emergency Response Training, a 20 hour course offered to people in the community to learn how to respond to all types of emergency situations. The mayor also wants to initiate neighborhood watches, and to start walking teams that would compete with other cities.There wasn’t time to get involved with the walking right now.
     It was moved, seconded, and passed after some discussion that we update our e-mail list and create an announcement list. This would be used for neighborhood news, warnings, lost dogs, break ins, etc. Dawn Parker, Communications, will send news out to all on the list.
     The vacancy created by Tom Wibert’s move to Texas will hopefully be filled by a volunteer. Susie Engelhart, Vice President, has volunteered to talk to anyone interested in filling Tom’s position.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Cunningham



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     The April 11 board meeting was held at the home of Rhoda Wolff and was called to order by the president, Rhoda at 6:30 P.M. Members present were Carl Lira, Jan Bernsten, Sally Lloyd, Susie Engelhart, Rhoda Wolff, and Judy Cunningham.
1.  The minutes of the January 31 board meeting were read by secretary Judy Cunningham, approved, and stood as read.
2.  Jan Bernsten presented the Treasurers report. We currently have $397.07 in our checking account, $1833.06 in our savings account, for a total balance of $2,230.13.
a.    The neighborhood e-mail ‘Listserv’ was discussed, and after discussion we moved, seconded, and voted to use the ‘Listserv’ only for neighborhood issues, not for fundraising. We felt that the website could be a place to advertise fundraising events.
a.    We have a new neighbor at 1521 Grand River and Kristin Rosenbrook will be asked to welcome them.
b.    There is a house being rented without a license at 147 Maplewood. This has been reported to the city and the appropriate steps are being taken to follow up on the issue
c.    Verna Hodge, a long time East Lansing and Brookkfield Heritage Neighborhood resident passed away this winter. Since Verna did much to beautify the city over the years, the board decided to plant flowers in late May at the Roseland/Hagadorn entrance to the neighborhood in memory of Verna. Judy and Susie volunteered to do the planting and will ask Dawn Parker about putting a little notice in the Towne Courier.
d.    The traffic light at the corner of Hagadorn and Grand River has reverted back to being a short cycle again. Susie will ask Peter Knupfer if he can follow up about this again.
e.    The vacancy on the board created by Tom Wibert’s move is being filled by Judy Putnam.
f.  Picnic dates were discussed, and because of several conflicts with the Sunday following Labor Day, it was decided to choose September 18, 2011, with a rain date of September 25.
The next board meeting is scheduled for JULY 14, 6:30 P.M., at Jan Bernsten’s, 184 Maplewood. The meeting adjourned at 7:40P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Judy Cunningham, Secretary


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MINUTES, JULY 14, 2011
     The July 14 board meeting was held at the home of Jan Bernsten and was called to order at 6:30 by board president, Rhoda Wolff. Members present were Jan Bernsten, Judy Putnam, Dawn Parker, Carl Lira, Rhoda Wolff, Sally Lloyd, and Judy Cunningham. New member-at-large, Judy Putnam was introduced and welcomed to the board.
1.  The minutes of the April 11, 2011 meeting were presented the Judy Cunningham, and approved with one amendment made to change paragraph 4.,c to say that mums or asters will be purchased and planted this fall in memory of Verna Hodge, rather than flowers last spring. It was moved, seconded, and passed.
2.  The Treasurers Report was given by Jan Bernsten. As of June 30, 2011, we have $397.07 in the checking account, $1834.21 in savings, for a total of $2231.28 at the MSUFCU.
a.    There was some discussion regarding rental homes in our neighborhood, and vacant vs. rentals. No conclusions were drawn.
a.    We discussed when to review the by-laws and decided that the April, 2012 board meeting will be best.
b.    Future board members will be needed, and Carl mentioned that it’s good to be thinking of prospective people. We have filled so far Treasurer - Sally Lloyd to replace Jan Bernsten, At Large - Carl Lira and Judy Putnam, President, Vice President, and Secretary, and Communication remain the same. We need another At large member.
a.    Jan and Sally - petition for signatures to close off Oakland
b.    Barriers will be dropped off at Carl’s
c.    Dawn will see if Poli’s have the banner.
d.    Carl will check with Peter about the box of picnic items and find out about the balloon man.
e.    Dawn will ask city council candidates to come for meet and greet from 4 until 5 or so.
f.      Dawn will help collect dues.
g.    Judy C. will contact BWL speakers bureau to present from 5 - 5:15, bring trash bags, buy flowers for Verna Hodge, collect dues, and bring a neighborhood roster for people to update their information.
h.  Rhoda will arrange for a neighborhood watch presentation from 5:15 - 5:30. Also solicit businesses for discounts for door prizes.
i.      Judy P. - Ice
j.      Kids Activities - Gus (Rhoda’s son), and ? Nancy’s kids?
k.    Dawn to make a flyer that will announce the picnic. It will be hand delivered by representatives of each street who are on the board door to door.
We decided to have a pot luck , bring a dish to pass type picnic, with the business meeting starting at 5:30. Sally volunteered her electric outlet for us to use, even though she will be away. We will provide beverages.
In the fall, once we have everybody’s new email information, etc. a new directory will be made.
Respectfully Submitted
Judy Cunningham, Secretary 


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The October board meeting was held at the home of Dawn Parker and was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by board president, Rhoda Wolff. Members present were: Judy Putnam, Sally Lloyd, Susie Engelhart, Carl Lira, Rhoda Wolff, Judy Cunningham, and Dawn Parker.
1.  Secretary’s report was given by Judy Cunningham. The minutes from the July 14 board meeting were accepted as read.
2.  The Treasurer’s report was given by Sally Lloyd. She reported that as of October 12, 2011, our statement from MSUFCU on September 30 reported a balance in the savings of $1855.14, and in the checking account of $867.07, for a total of $2722.21. There are outstanding checks for various expenses totaling $152.40, leaving us with an actual balance on hand of $2569.81.
a.   Communications
We thanked Dawn for composing the newsletter “The Brookfield Occasional” that was distributed throughout the neighborhood before the picnic. 
b.  Trees
Susie Engelhart reported that she had received a report from Pat Robinson about the trees since the annual meeting. Pat’s report said that there are two (2) trees on Oakland that need replacing. One was expected, the other was not. The homeowners have said they will replace the trees, but not until the roots die and the stumps are ground down next year.
a.  The topic of officer responsibilities came up, and after some discussion, we were reminded that they are written in the by-laws. Also that we will be reviewing the by-laws at the April board meeting.
b.  We discussed the picnic and annual meeting, and ways to make it come together more smoothly next year. Some members felt that getting together informally a week to ten days prior to the picnic date might help with last minute details. Sally has a list from previous years that tells how the picnic and planning for it was done, and will email each of us her information. Overall, the board felt that this was one of the best picnics, and that the food was wonderful.
a.  Judy Putnam brought up the topic of neighborhood tree replacement types. She wondered if they are hybrids? Since the city is not fond of Silver Maples, she wondered what type do they prefer to replace trees with now. Another question was how many can we replace annually, two to three as in the past? We also talked about who pays for tree replacement, does our treasury, or does the homeowner? We decided to ask Pat Robinson these questions, and ask her to write a paragraph for our next newsletter to answer peoples‘ questions.
b.  Carl asked the board whether or not we wanted to keep the Forums on the Brookfield web site. After discussing it, we decided to keep the Forums and open a page, and link comments from the Forum to Facebook. With Dawn’s help, we are now on Facebook.
c.  Neighborhood Watch: After discussion, it was moved and seconded to put a notice in the next newsletter and on Facebook to see if there is enough interest in starting and having helpers for a Neighborhood Watch program.
d.  Information and e-dues letter: An information letter and dues email will be sent to homes as a way for people to pay annual dues easily by using PAY PAL if they want to, with the hope of reaching more people this way. We will be requesting a reply by November 1. Beyond that date, we will begin to work on a new neighborhood directory, with a completion date of November 15. Thanks to Dawn’s husband for helping set up Pay Pal.
e.  Election of officers for the year 2011 - 2012
     President - Rhoda Wolff
     Vice - President - Susie Engelhart
     Treasurer - Sally Lloyd
     Secretary - Judy Cunningham
     Communications - Dawn Parker
     Members -at-large:
     David Betts
     Wayne Claycombe
     Carl Lira
     Judy Putnam Gwizdz
ADJOURNMENT: President, Rhoda Wolff adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:00.


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2012 Board Minutes

2012 Board Minutes

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     The January, 2012 board meeting was held at the home of Sally Lloyd, and called to order by president, Rhoda Wolff at 6:35 P.M. We began the meeting by introductions of all members present, with two new board members in attendance. Board members present were Dawn Parker, Rhoda Wolff, Sally Lloyd, Susie Engelhart, Dave Betts, Wayne Claycombe, and Judy Cunningham.
I.  SECRETARY’S REPORT: Judy Cunningham distributed copies of the October board meeting secretary’s report. The minutes were approved and seconded as written.
II. TREASURER’S REPORT: Sally Lloyd presented the treasurer’s report in detail, reminding us that the fiscal year goes from July 1 until June 30 each year. Dues from the picnic totaled $520.00, and checks received since then for dues have been for $80.00. As of December 30, 2011, balances in our savings account are $1856.09 and in checking $754.58 for a total balance of $2610.67. Sally also provided us with a list of neighbors who have paid dues for the 2011/12 year from the list of all households.
III.            OLD BUSINESS.
     A plant was sent from the Brookfield neighborhood to the family of Don Martin, who passed away last week, and had been a 35 year resident on Maplewood, and the board voted to reimburse Judy Cunningham for the cost of the plant.
     After discussing the new directory and when to distribute it, the board decided to attempt to reach neighbors one more time with a dues request, in the hopes of reaching the necessary number of members to keep our neighborhood status with the city, which is understood to be 50% +1 households. Dawn Parker agreed to draft a new letter to this effect, and Dave Betts volunteered to make copies and mail them out by February 14. The date to return them was set to be February 29. Judy Cunningham will get the names of people not yet paid to Dave. The new directory is still on hold.
     At our April meeting we will be going over the by-laws of the association. Many of us have never seen the by-laws which can be found on our Brookfield web site, and could read then prior to the meeting.
     We would also like to have a report on plans for trees this year from Pat Robinson, and Dawn volunteered to call Pat and invite her to our next meeting.
     There was concern about our $50.00 check from the annual picnic, which was a deposit given to the city and has not been returned to our neighborhood. Dawn will call the city clerk’s office and clear this up.
     Next meeting,  APRIL 18, 6:30 P.M., Susie Engelhart’s, 244 Maplewood.
     8:10 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Cunningham, Secretary


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     The April 2012 meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Board was held at the home of Susie Engelhart and called to order by the president, Rhoda Wolff at 6:50 P.M.  Members present were Judy Putnam, Wayne Claycombe, Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Judy Cunningham, Susie Engelhart, and Rhoda Wolff.

  1.   SECRETARY’S REPORT:  The minutes of the January 18 board meeting were distributed by Judy Cunningham.  There were no additions or corrections, and were approved and seconded as written.
  1.  TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sally Lloyd presented the treasurer’s report.  As of March 31, 2012, our savings account had a balance of $1857.02, our checking account $1123.27, for a total of $2980.29.  Sally reported that 50% of ninety-four households in Brookfield have now paid dues, and that three more dues payments came in after March 31 for a total of twenty from the February mailing.
  1.  We discussed the progress of the new directory and plans for it’s distribution.  Judy Cunningham updated all of the information by street and house numbers,etc. and an updated list of board members, which includes names, phone numbers, and email addresses that people want listed in the directory.  Carl volunteered to format it, and Judy Putnam will pick it up from Carl and take it to the printer.  We decided to draft an announcement letter to accompany each directory that would be similar to the one done by Dave Betts in February, and Judy Cunningham would do that.  Judy Putnam will organize distributing the directories, and we will try to have this done by the end of April.  We also decided to add our web site address, Listserv information, and a link to Facebook on the inside cover page.  Twenty extra copies will be printed as extras for  use as needed.
  1.  It’s been awhile since we’ve had a report about the trees in our neighborhood from Pat Robinson,  and there are trees to be replaced this year, so Judy Putnam is going to ask Pat to attend our July meeting if possible, or to send a report.
  1.  A thank you note was received from Dorothy Martin for flowers sent, and acknowledged by the board.
  1.  We have a new “welcome person” in the neighborhood.  She is Beth Blythe, and she has volunteered to greet new neighbors.  Sally Lloyd will be contacting the former “welcome person”, Kristin Rosenbrook to let her know and to help Beth in the transition.  Carl Lira agreed to invite Beth to our July 18 meeting.
  1.  Use of the Listserv was discussed.  After some discussion, the board decided that it should not be used for commercial or personal gain.
  1.  By-Laws -  Originally the board by-laws were going to be reviewed at this meeting, however as the meeting progressed, it became obvious that they would need more time and attention than we had, and that a sub-committee might be a better way to review them.  Dave Betts had already been working on them, and Wayne Claycombe volunteered to work with Dave to review the by-laws.  We discussed the three main committees, 1. Government 2. Historic 3. Environment, and whether or not we need all three.  It was felt by the board to have a committee of Dave and Wayne decide this, and bring their thoughts to the July 18 meeting.

We also talked about having a newsletter go out prior to the picnic and in that, ask if there are people in the neighborhood who know of historic facts about this neighborhood, ie. the horserace track, etc.

  1.  The zoning issues in the city were discussed and we felt that while we aren’t directly affected, we would support the neighborhoods that are, and that Rhoda will keep us informed as to what is happening with that issue.


     The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

      Next meeting, JULY 18, 7:00 P.M. JUDY CUNNINGHAM’S, 1511 ROSELAND

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Cunningham,  Secretary


Content Classification: 



MINUTES, JULY 16, 2012

     The July 2012 board meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Board was held at the home of Judy Cunningham, and called to order at 7:25 P.M. by president Rhoda Wolff.  Members present were Sally Lloyd, Dawn Parker, Dave Betts, Wayne Claycombe, Carl Lira, Judy Putnam, Judy Cunningham, and Rhoda Wolff. 

     Announcements were made, including welcoming and introducing Beth Blythe to the meeting, who has agreed to welcome new neighbors in Brookfield for the rest of this year, and introducing our guest speaker, Pat Robinson,  who came to up date us about the trees in our neighborhood.  Judy Cunningham let the board know that a sympathy card had been sent from the board to the wife and family of Manny Hackel who recently passed away.

  1.  SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Copies of the April board meeting were distributed by Judy Cunningham.  There were no additions or corrections, the minutes were accepted as read.
  1.  TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sally Lloyd presented the treasurer’s report.  As of June 30, 2012, our neighborhood association had $1857.96 in savings, $1243,27 in checking, $19.12 in the Pay Pal account, for a total of $3120.35.  Sally reported that 56 of 94 neighbors have paid dues for 2012.  Her report was moved, seconded, and accepted.
  1. SPECIAL TREE REPORT  Pat Robinson, a neighbor who has been looking after our trees for many years attended the meeting to give us an update on the current status of tree care with this drought, and replacing trees.  She handed out a list of ways to keep trees healthy, the city of East Lansing’s web address, and her home phone number, in addition to the city Dept. of Public Works phone number where home owners can get more information.  Pat said that three trees likely will be replaced this fall by us, and that they are hybrid red and silver maples from Oregon.  Wayne moved that we print Pat’s information and pass it out door to door and/or put it on our web site.  It was seconded and passed.  We thanked Pat for her very helpful information and for attending our meeting.
  1. OLD BUSINESS:  We discussed the proposed by-law changes that Dave Betts and Wayne Claycombe have worked on after we read them on our computers and some print outs.  These suggestions must be voted on at the annual meetng and passed by a simple majority of a quorum of neighborhood members present.  The proposed changes will be posted on our web site prior to the annual meeting and also there will be copies distributed door-to-door two weeks prior to the annual meeting along with an announcement of the picnic to all residences in the neighborhood.  Copies will also be available for reading at the meeting on September 9 or 16.  Dave Betts has agreed to print these forms and the board has agreed to reimburse Dave for his expenses to do so.  Article X of the Constitution says that a formal proposal is needed 30 days  prior to the annual meeting to change the by-laws.  After discussion by the board, it was moved and seconded that we accept the proposal to change them.  All board members but one were present at the meeting.
  1.  Hospitality:  Beth Blythe reported that she has welcoming packets but has not yet known of new neighbors, so several board members gave her names and addresses of people new to the neighborhood.
  2.   Picnic:  The date of the picnic/annual meeting has been set for September 9, 2012, with a rain date of September 16.  It will be held on Maplewood this year, from 4 - 6 P.M.  A separate picnic planning meeting will be held at another time which Rhoda will schedule.
  1.   ADJOURNMENT:   The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Cunningham,



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     The first meeting of the new 2012/2013 Brookfield Board was held at the home of Erica Windler on September 26, at 7:30 P.M.  The purpose  of this meeting was to bring the new board together for the purpose of selecting officers to fill vacancies and to choose dates for board meetings this coming  year.  Members present were Alan Munn, Mary Beth Blythe, Nancy Knupfer, Rhoda Wolff, Erica Windler, and Judy Cunningham.

     The meeting was called to order by Rhoda Wolff, President at 7:40 P.M.  We skipped the regular format of board meetings but will follow it with our October meeting and from then on.  After discussion about the new by-law changes and duties of some officers that have changed, we proceeded to fill the vacant vice president and treasurer slots. Nancy Knupfer volunteered to become vice president, and Alan Munn volunteered to become treasurer.  Beth Blythe and Erica Windler will be at-large members.  All present voted to accept Alan and Nancy to the Executive Committee.  President, Secretary, and Communications remain the same.

     Meeting dates will be decided up by using a Doodle Poll that Alan Munn is emailing to the board.  We will be choosing dates which are October 17th or 24,  January 14th or 21st.,  April 15th or 22,  and June 25 or July 1.  Please choose your dates soon.

     The October meeting will be held at the home of Alan Munn.

     Before we adjourned, Rhoda shared with us information from the mayor’s meeting she had attended regarding MDOT’s plans for improving Grand River Ave. next summer, and widening the sidewalks to eight feet from Bogue St. to Brookfield Ave. on both sides.

     We adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Judy Cunningham


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2013 Board Minutes

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     The January 2013 board meeting was held at Dawn Parker’s home and called to order at 7:40 P.M. by president Rhoda Wolff.  Members present were Beth Blythe, Wayne Claycombe, Dave Betts, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, Rhoda Wolff, Dawn Parker, and Judy Cunningham.

  1. SECRETARY’S REPORT.  Minutes of the October, 2012 board meeting were distributed by Judy Cunningham.  There were no additions or corrections, and it was moved and seconded to accept the minutes as written.
  2. TREASURER’S REPORT.  Alan Munn reported that we have a checking account balance of $1674.69 and a savings account balance of $1859.70.  Since our last board meeting we have had an expense of $121.87 to renew our web space for the year, and received membership dues of $154.12.  We moved and accepted this report.
  3. OLD BUSINESS.  A. We continued our previous discussions regarding city requirements for informing the neighborhood residents of important matters such as changes in by-laws, membership drives, annual meetings, etc., and after much discussion, we decided to first send information by email to all members belonging to the neighborhood association.  Mailings will be sent to those who are not members.  Dawn clarified for us after talking with Laurie Hoffman, clerk for the city, that they don’t care how we notify people.  It was moved and seconded and passed that we notify neighbors however we want to.
    1. We next talked about the huge street work beginning in March and how we will be impacted by it.  Dave mentioned that the MDOT engineers are the best people to contact if there are concerns, and that the Brookfield area should be completed in August.  Rhoda will write a letter to MDOT with our concerns about traffic cutting through the neighborhood.
    2. The neighborhood history was the next topic.  When the by-laws changed in September, the secretary became the one to keep items pertaining to history of our neighborhood for three years and pass those on to the next secretary.  We all talked about this and felt we should abide by the by-laws.  It was also mentioned that the E. L. Library has an extensive history of our neighborhood.
    3. Dawn reported on the E.L. City Council’s reaction to  ordinance 1288, having to do with rent without rental licenses for two years.  It was sent back to the housing commission and we moved and seconded to check the city council web site and read about it before we take a stand on this.
  4. ADJOURN. 9:05 p.m.   Next meeting April 17, Rhoda’s, 7:30 p,m.






Content Classification: 




     The April meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Board was held at the home of Rhoda Wolff, and called to order at 7:40 P.M.  Members present were Erica Windler, Wayne Claycombe, Rhoda Wolff, Dawn Parker, Alan Munn, Dave Betts, and Judy Cunningham.

  1.  SECRETARY’S REPORT  - Copies of the January board meeting were distributed by the secretary, Judy Cunningham, and the minutes were accepted as written.
  1.  TREASURER’S REPORT -  Alan Munn, the treasurer, reported that there were no changes at all since last month’s meeting.  See the January minutes for a full report.
  1. OLD BUSINESS -A.  There was discussion about whether or not to have a membership drive at this time of the year but we decided that since it’s getting close to the picnic date it would be best to wait until after the annual meeting.

     Alan Munn agreed to put together a complete list of members on a Google Doc for  

     board members to have.  Alan and Nancy have the most up to date information.

  1.  Last month we talked about writing a letter to MDOT voicing our neighborhood concerns regarding extra traffic issues on our streets or other problems that may arise with the road and sidewalk work being done on Grand River.  That letter has not been written, but will be if traffic becomes a problem.
  1.  Dawn mentioned Charettes that are being held to discuss long range plans for development of Michigan Ave. and Grand River area, and the City Center II project.


  1.  The annual picnic and meeting has been set for September 8 with a rain date of September 15.
  1.   We discussed having a neighborhood wide garage sale in late August.  Rhoda will send an announcement out to see if there is enough interest to do this.
  1.   Our neighborhood web site was the next topic of discussion and it’s use and purpose.  We talked about the possibility of having a Facebook link to our web site, and also having it more usable by people in the neighborhood to put their own notifications on for the other neighbors to see.  Alan suggested that we set up a computer at the annual meeting with the web site available for everybody to look at and see what’s on it.

We adjourned at 8:40 P.M.  The next meeting will be June 25 at 7:30.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Cunningham,  Secretary

Content Classification: 



MINUTES,  JUNE 26, 2013

The June (summer) board meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood was held at the home of Judy Cunningham at 1511 Roseland Ave.  Members present were Beth Blythe, Judy Cunningham, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, and Rhoda Wolff.  The meeting was called to order at 7:50 by president Rhoda Wolff.

The first item of business was to create an agenda which we formed immediately to be the format for our meeting. 

  1.  SECRETARY’S REPORT   - The Secretary’s report was distributed by Judy Cunningham for review from the on-line copy.  There was one correction made to the date of this meeting.  Minutes were then moved, seconded, and accepted as corrected.
  1.  TREASURER’S REPORT   Alan Munn, Treasurer, reported that as of June 26, 2013, our treasury has a balance of $1674.69 in the checking account, and $1860.47 in savings, for a total of $3,535.16.  There were no expenses or receipts since the last meeting.
  1.  After talking about having a complete list of neighborhood names and addresses for the board, Alan put together a Google Doc which has that information.  He then emailed it to all members of the board for our use when necessary.
  2.  Possible garage sale -  This topic was brought up again and we discussed the possibility of having a neighborhood wide garage sale over the weekend that MSU students come back for fall semester, August 24 - 25.  After discussing it, Rhoda volunteered to send out an announcement to find out if there is enough interest to have one, or not.  She will let us know what the results are.
  3.  Historical Brookfield Files -  Nancy Knupfer brought two posters and one box of historical information about the neighborhood to the meeting, to be kept with the secretary from now on.  We thanked her and Peter for the safe keeping of these important documents in the past.
  1.  Little Free Library - Judy Cunningham brought up a question to the board asking      their opinion about a Little Free Library somewhere in our neighborhood.  It was felt that that was something better to be brought up at the annual meeting.
  2.  City Council news -  Dawn Parker brought us up to date with news about the Park District and the final two choices by the city, DTN and Lurvey White.

Following the annual meeting guidelines from Sally Lloyd, which were distributed, and helped greatly, our plans thus far are as follows:


In the past few years, the picnic has been a pot luck and board members provided the main dishes, while others attending brought any other kind of dish to pass of their choice.  All table service and beverages were provided by the association.

From 4:00 until 5:00 people arrived and mingled, got to meet candidates for school board and city council, and started eating.

At 5:00 activities for kids started, and other speakers who were invited until 5:30.

The formal business meeting was called to order at 5:30, beginning with a roll call.


  1. Dawn volunteered to pick up the petition from the city for signatures of residents on Oakland to sign in time for the August City Council meeting, along with a $50. check, by August 20.  Other board members will help with getting signatures.
  2. Line up speakers ASAP, if not already done, the balloon man, someone to watch kids.
  3. Announcements to the neighborhood need to go out by August 25, whether by email or by flyer.  We can divide up by streets to distribute as prior years.
  4. Visit Asana online that Alan set up for us to see tasks and to find your own tasks.  Thank you Alan!
  5. We are meeting again on August 28, 7:30 at 144 Oakland with final plans and preparations. Thank you Beth Blythe.
  6. Be thinking of someone to fill a slot on the board.  We need nine members, three have to be replaced either by continuing  or getting new members.

     The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 P.M.

Respectfully submitted.

Judy Cunningham


Content Classification: 




1. Roll Call

The meeting was held at Beth Blythe's home and was attended by Board members John Boughman, Beth Blythe, Dawn Parker, Wayne Claycomb, and Dave Betts. Heather Robertson also attended the meeting to provide an update to the board about Halloween event planning.

Allan, Rhoda, Erica, and Nancy were unable to attend due to other commitments.

2. Halloween Event Planning

Heather Robertson of 240 Hagadorn represented a group of residents intending to organize a Halloween event for kids. The other organizers include Erin Compton, Teagen Drayton, Michelle Fulton, and Julie Polleys. They are planning to have a kids’ costume parade at 2 pm on Sunday, October 27. They also are looking into such activities as face painting, pumpkin painting, and having cider and donuts donated. The process for requesting a neighborhood road closure for the festivities was discussed. The request needs to go through the city clerk’s office. There is a $50 deposit for the barricades which is refunded once the barricades are returned. Methods for getting the word out to the neighborhood were also discussed. Dawn Parker offered to write some messages about the event on the neighborhood Facebook page. The board affirmed that it could provide some support for this event with Association funds subject to a more detailed request from the organizers.

3. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the September meeting of the Association were approved with corrections.  

4. Treasurer’s Report

Dave Betts gave a report of the recent dues and expenses forwarded by Nancy Knupfler. A more complete treasurer’s report will be distributed to the Board before the next meeting.

5. Old Business


Picnic Procedures Follow up - The procedures for holding the September association picnic were discussed briefly and minor changes were suggested. Dave will revise document and send it to the secretary for her records. The signs for the event are stored at 205 Oakland. Dawn has three tables for the event. The possibility of purchasing or renting a wireless microphone for the event was also discussed.

Neighborhood Directory - The discussion of the Neighborhood Directory and the Mayor's Meeting was deferred. Dave will meet with Nancy and work up a plan for completing and distributing the directory. The board agreed to work on a mailing the directory to non-members explaining the benefits of being a member of the neighborhood association. Dawn will look for a copy of a letter used within the last three years for this purpose.  Judy has an Excel spreadsheet with directory data.

Mayor’s Meeting – Rhoda will provide an update on the Mayor’s Meeting at a future date. Dawn provided an update on a number of town meetings and provided a reminder about the upcoming election on November 5.

6. New Business

Under new business, Dave will be meeting with Carl and Stewart to discuss the future of the website and other means of improving communication with the neighborhood.

There was general agreement that the Board's work program for 2014 will consist of a review of the tree planting program, improving internet use, more outreach efforts such as a welcome wagon for new residents, a neighborhood garage sale, a garden tour, and staging more holiday events. These are items for further discussion and neighborhood feedback.

The board agreed to continue to meet each quarter. Dave will use the Google scheduling application to get a consensus on future meeting dates as was started last year.

7. Adjournment

Content Classification: 

2014 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 





I. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm at Alan Munn’s house. Present were Dave Betts, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, Beth Blythe, Rhoda Wolff and Wayne Claycombe. Absent were Erica Beattie and John Boughman (excused).


II. Minutes of October 3, 2013 meeting. The minutes of the October 14 meeting were approved with the correction of the spelling of Nancy Knupfer’s name.


III. Treasurer’s Report. The report was received and approved. The Association has just over $3,000 in two accounts and outstanding bills due of about $150 for the membership mailing. The new website host annual fee of approximately $130 will be an additional upcoming expense. These bills will be paid when the Treasurer regains the checkbook which was passed to the acting Treasurer while Alan was out of town this Fall.


IV. Old Business.

               a. Listserv Hosting Change. Alan reported that the webmaster Carl Lira and he will implement the changeover from Hostmonster to A2 Hosting this coming weekend. The cost will be less than the current hosting service and the web site will have a separate IP address, reducing the amount of bounces the announcement listserv was experiencing. It was noted that Rhoda will need to be involved in the transfer authorization as past president of the Association.

               b. Membership Mailing. Nancy reported that the response to the letter soliciting new members and comments from the residents was good. Thus far 5 new members have pledged. There were several questionnaires returned with information and suggestions about the ice storm. It was agreed to wait up to two more weeks for responses before finalizing and sending out the new Membership Directory. It was also agreed to denote Association members in the Directory with a small graphic symbol (maple leaf or tree) and a footnote reading “supporter of the neighborhood treescape preservation program” or something to that effect.


V. New Business.

               a. City of East Lansing Neighborhood Partnership Initiative. Ami Van Antwerp attended the board meeting and gave a brief overview of the program’s purpose. The neighborhood’s web site was discussed and compared to other East Lansing neighborhood sites maintained by the City. It was stated that Ami would ask City administrators if Brookfield’s current functionality (the email listserv for neighborhood announcements, the Board and other groups) could be hosted when the City upgrades it site next year. It was agreed that the Board favors moving the site to the City over time. In the meantime, we will continue to maintain the site ourselves with a link to the City page.  Amy also stated that she will serve as an additional contact for information and questions but the Board could continue to use their old sources at the City.


               b. Ice Storm Power Outage Response. There was extensive discussion about the neighborhood’s experiences during the power outage with many complaints aimed at BWL’s  response and communication failings. The comments sent in from the neighborhood were also discussed. These ideas included the use of phone trees, door knocking volunteers, links to public safety representatives, use of social media, identifying a single information source, periodic inspections of power easements, etc. It was agreed to form a study committee from the neighborhood which would makes recommendations to the Board.  Committee members suggested were Peter Knupfer, Judy Cunningham, John Hays, Heather and Nathan Robertson, Charles and Teagen Drayton. Dawn Parker agreed to serve as liaison from the Board to the committee. The President was asked to contact and recruit members. It was agreed that final recommendations would be presented to the neighborhood at the annual picnic for action.

               c. Rental Licenses/Code Enforcement Incident.  Reference was made to the information in the agenda packet explaining the incident. It was generally agreed that there was a misunderstanding in the City as to the intent of the request about the house at 236 Oakland. Nancy explained her role in researching members’ addresses in tax records and her reliance on contacts at City Hall for her professional duties. It was emphasized that the Board needs to be very clear in making such requests and only after discussion at a Board meeting by which there would be a clear paper trail of actions and intent. There was concern that the Board would be perceived as overreaching and enforcement- orientated such as the case with many homeowner’s associations. It was agreed to send a personal letter to the Eisenlohr family explaining the incident and expressing the Board’s regret about the misunderstanding. The Board was also cautioned to be more prudent about the use of the neighborhood announcements listserv and the need for moderators’ to review messages to the neighborhood which may be better directed to the Board.


VI. Members Report.

               The President asked for the Board’s support for a neighborhood volunteer project to help neighbors haul downed tree limbs to the curb before the City’s scheduled pick up this Spring. A request from a neighbor to look into a new street light for the Maplewood/Grand River Ave intersection was deferred to the annual meeting for additional comments by the neighborhood. It was noted that the City was believed to have a long range street light plan and that further information should be collected. The previously agreed April meeting date was not suitable to some of the members and the President was asked to poll the members by email for an alternative. 


VII. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.


Submitted by David Betts, President

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting April 24, 2014


The quarterly meeting of the BHNAB was held at 185 Maplewood Drive and called to order at 7:00 pm. Attending were David Betts, Beth Blythe, John Boughman and Wayne Claycombe. Absent with prior excuse were Alan Munn, Rhoda Wolff, Dawn Parker and Nancy Knupfer. Absent without notice was Erica Beattie. There not being a quorum present, no business requiring Board action was conducted. Also attending was East Lansing Police Officer Chad Pride who briefly presented the City’s new Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness program information. It was decided to have the full presentation made to the Association meeting in September. Also invited to attend the Board meeting but not able to arrive until after the meeting was Bill Perialas, Manager of BWL’s Community Service and Community Relations division. He agreed to attend the next Board meeting and possibly present at the Association meeting.

David Betts requested that the members present serve on a nominating committee to recommend a slate of new Board members. The term of three members is expiring this year and a fourth member has been removed for failure to attend consecutive meetings without cause as required in the Association’s Constitution. Beth Blythe agreed to hold a nominating committee meeting in late May or early June.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Submitted by David Betts

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from July 24, 2014

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by Board members Dave Betts, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Wayne Claycomb, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, and Rhoda Wolff. In addition, community members Aaron Preuss and Jen Sommerville (224 Oakland), Philip Eisenlohr (236 Oakland), and Gail and Carl Lira (131 Oakland) were in attendance.

Announcement of Resignation

BHNA Board President Dave Betts handed out a number of printed materials for the meeting and then announced his resignation citing the sale of his home. He left the meeting following his announcement. In his absence, Alan Munn (Treasurer) took over the meeting. John Boughman agreed to take notes as the Secretary position is currently vacant.

Approval of Minutes

The Board was not aware that the minutes of the previous meeting were available on the neighborhood website. As such, a vote of approval will occur at the next meeting.  

Treasurer’s Report

Alan Munn provided the Treasurer’s report. As of July 24, 2014 there is a total of $1118.80 in the BHNA checking account and $1862.48 in the savings account. There was a question about what was listed as “newsletter” expenses. These were in fact expenses associated with the neighborhood directory. The Treasurer’s report was approved with this correction.

BHNA Board Vice President Nancy Knupfer arrived at this point and it was decided that Alan would continue to chair the meeting.

Old Business


Nominees for board vacancies – There are going to be four openings on the BHNA Board at the annual business meeting and neighborhood gathering. Dave Betts and Nancy Knupfer provided lists of potential candidates.The board approved the following candidates:

  • Dr. Jefferey Johnson, 144 Maplewood
  • Ed Swanson, 245 Maplewood
  • Judy Benedict, 147 Oakland
  • Kay Ruekberg, 227 Oakland

The BHNA Board will vote on new officers at the business meeting. As part of the discussion about board nominees, it was agreed that the board needs to do a better job of notifying the neighborhood when board meetings take place by using the announcements list at the neighborhood website.

New Business

Rental License at 224 Oakland - The board was satisfied with the city’s decision granting the rental license.  

Donation for Patriarche Park - The BHNA was asked to contribute to the renovation of the playground at Patriarche Park by buying a commemorative brick. The board voted to approve the expenditure of $150. Treasurer Alan Munn will send a check.

Annual Business Meeting and Neighborhood Gathering – The BHNA Board agreed to a date of September 21, 2014 to hold the meeting, with a rain date of September 28. The meeting will be held on Maplewood Drive this year. Board members volunteered to accomplish necessary tasks for the meeting as follows:

  • Alan Munn will assume the BHNA President’s planning and organizing role for meeting. Beth Blythe will assist.
  • John Boughman will circulate a road closing petition.
  • Dawn Parker will send out invitations to invited guests.
  • Dawn Parker will coordinate production and ensure that the newsletter is mailed 14 days prior to the meeting.
  • Rhoda Wolff will contact Pat Robinson so that she can provide an update on the neighborhood tree initiative.
  • A status meeting will be held at Alan Munn’s house at 7:30pm on August 27, 2014.

Neighborhood Yard Sale – David Finet asked Rhoda to bring up the idea of a neighborhood yard sale. After some discussion, the board decided to bring the subject up at the annual business meeting.


Content Classification: 

2015 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from January 29, 2015

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by Board members Judy Benedict, John Boughman, Jeff Johnson, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, and Ed Swanson. Beth Blythe, Jennifer Castner, Dawn Parker, and Kay Ruekberg were unable to attend.

Treasurer’s Report

Alan Munn presented the BHNA Treasurer’s Report. Account balances as of 29 January 2015 are $661.79 in the BHNA checking account and $2543.59 in the BHNA savings account. Dues brought in $720 last year. Expenses include web hosting, annual picnic, and the donation of a brick to the refurbished Partriarche Park. The board also discussed some ideas for getting more residents to pay dues. This subject will be revisited at the next meeting.


Communications Report

The Communications Report was tabled until the next meeting.

President’s Report

Ed Swanson attended three city council meetings and reported back on issues relevant to the BHNA.  

At the October meeting, the following items were discussed:

  • The park district vote
  • East Lansing received positive feedback on their quality of life survey
  • Dormant neighborhood associations can be taken away or absorbed by other neighborhood associations

At the November meeting, the following items were discussed:

  • Infrastructure improvements including work on sewers that will result in upcoming lane closures on Michigan Ave
  • The city updated its website; it is now more searchable
  • Residents can now recycle textiles, toys, and electronics at the curbside

At the January meeting, the following items were discussed:

  • New ice and snow removal ordinance, specifies time to remove snow from sidewalks and fines for not doing so
  • Closure of the Bailey Community Center


Old Business

There was a brief discussion about emergency preparedness for the neighborhood, and various ways to communicate with neighbors during an emergency. Use of the website, Listserv, and Facebook page were discussed, along with a phone tree. Alan and Nancy will work together to get up-to-date contact information for the neighbors and bring this to the next meeting.

New Business

 Our webmaster Carl Lira asked that the following items be added to the agenda:

Would anyone on the communication’s committee be interested in learning how to post items of interest on the web page? I try to watch the East Lansing news lists and post stuff to my blog that I think is of wide interest, but I would welcome someone else who would want to watch the lists.

The communications committee has been contacted and will meet separately.

Also, the forums have never been used very much except be me. Should we take down the forums?

The board agreed that the forums should be taken down as they are under-utilized.

Other business




Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from April 29, 2015

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by Board members Judy Benedict, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Jennifer Castner, Jeffrey Johnson, Dawn Parker, Kay Ruekberg, and Ed Swanson. Nancy Knupfer and Alan Munn were unable to attend. In addition, East Lansing City Manager, George Lahanas, Department of Public Works Director Scott House, and candidate for East Lansing City Coucil Erik Altmann attended.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report was tabled until the next meeting pending Alan Munn’s availability.

Communications Report

The prior meeting’s minutes were approved. They are posted on the BHNA website.

President’s Report

Ed Swanson attended city council and neighborhood meetings and reported back on issues relevant to the BHNA.  

The following items were discussed:

  • Tighter restrictions on taxis being instituted by the Greater Lansing Taxi Authority to curtail abuses.
  • Upcoming vote on charter amendments, including the sale of city property and easing of anti-marijuana laws in East Lansing.
  • A new CATA bus fast transit lane scheduled to be built on Grand River Ave beginning next spring.
  • New building at MSU to provide family housing.
  • The Bailey community meeting, at which the future of the Bailey Community Center was discussed.

Special Presentation

Following the president’s report, East Lansing City Manager, George Lahanas, provided the board with an interesting presentation about East Lansing’s aging infrastructure and the need to invest in upgrading now or be forced to pay much more later. Both agreed that, while not ideal, the upcoming vote on a gas tax was the best way forward.

Candidate of East Lansing City Council

At the conclusion of the presentation, Erik Altmann, a candidate for the City Council was introduced.


Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from August 12, 2015

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by Board members Judy Benedict, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Jennifer Castner, Jeffrey Johnson, Alan Munn, and Ed Swanson. Nancy Knupfer, Dawn Parker, and Kay Ruekberg were unable to attend.

Treasurer’s Report

BHNA Treasurer Alan Munn presented the treasurer’s report. As of August 12, 2015 the association held a balance of $681.79 in its MSUFCU checking account and $2,545.09 in its savings account.

Secretary’s Report

The prior meeting’s minutes were distributed and approved. They are posted on the BHNA website.

President’s Report

Ed Swanson attended city council and neighborhood meetings and reported back on issues relevant to the BHNA.  The following items were discussed:

  • Upcoming changes to the city’s recycling program.
  • Refrigerator cards containing medical information available for free from the commission on aging.
  • The summer picnic/neighborhood meeting. The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 13th, with a rain date the following Sunday, September 20th, from 4:00-6:00pm on Oakland. The picnic will once again be a pot-luck affair. The board discussed the various tasks to be performed prior to the meeting and assigned responsibilities.
  • Judy Benedict offered to get the paperwork from city hall for requesting closure of Oakland for the meeting. She will also work on gathering signatures.
  • Beth Blythe offered to put up the signs.
  • John Boughman offered to pick up drinks and ice on the day of the event and bring some coolers. He will also contact Patricia Robinson to see if she will discuss the trees in the neighborhood. John will also bring copies of the meeting notes from the prior year’s event.
  • Jennifer Castner offered to assist Dawn Parker with the announcement newsletter. She will also send the email reminders out on September 6th and 11th. Jennifer also offered to look into authorship issues occurring with the neighborhood Facebook page.
  • Alan Munn offered to contact the balloon man.
  • Three current board members terms are expiring including Vice President Nancy Knupfer, Treasurer Alan Munn, and Judy Benedict. A number of potential replacements were discussed.
  • It was agreed that the board will meet again on Tuesday, September 8th at Beth Blythe’s house to go over last minute details.


Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from September 29, 2015 Board Meeting

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by BHNA Board members Mike Benedict, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Jennifer Castner, Jeff Johnson, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, Kay Ruekberg, and Ed Swanson.

Treasurer’s Report

Alan Munn reported that $540.00 in dues were collected during or soon after the annual meeting and neighborhood picnic.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The minutes are posted on the BHNA website.

Election of New Board Officers

The Board elected the following officers:

  • President - Ed Swanson
  • Vice President – Jennifer Castner
  • Treasurer – Alan Munn
  • Secretary – John Boughman
  • Communications – Dawn Parker

New Business

BHNA President Ed Swanson discussed information he learned while attending various city meetings, including:

  • Excess deer population mitigation efforts
  • New recycling bins.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place at BHNA Vice President Jennifer Castner’s home on November 11, 2015 at 7:30pm.

Other business



Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from November 18, 2015 Board Meeting

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by BHNA Board members Mike Benedict, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Jennifer Castner, Philip Eisenlohr, Jeff Johnson, Kay Ruekberg, and Ed Swanson.

Treasurer’s Report

Alan Munn was unable to attend.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The minutes are posted on the BHNA website.

New Business

BHNA President Ed Swanson discussed the following agenda items:

  • The BHNA provided a $20 gift certificate to our neighbors, the Whelan family, as they struggle to recover from a catastrophic car accident.
  • President Swanson brought up the issue of whether BHNA board members need separate BHNA board email addresses. There was some discussion, but the board mostly agreed that using our individual email addresses would be preferable.
  • A proposal was put forward to change some of the outdated language in the neighborhood covenant (particularly some of the offensive provisions). It is possible that 100% of neighborhood homeowners would be needed to make such a change. The board formed a committee to look into this issue, including whether or not we would need a lawyer. Kay Ruekberg agreed to head this committee.
  • Mike Benedict brought up the possibility of hosting the new mayor, Mark Meadows, at one of our meetings.
  • President Swanson congratulated the town on doing such a good job on the leaves this year.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was supposed to take place at John Boughman’s home (216 Maplewood Drive) on January 20, 2016 at 7:30pm. Unfortunately, John will be out of town that day. A new venue has yet to be determined.

Other business



Content Classification: 

2016 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from June 30, 2016 Board Meeting

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by BHNA Board members Mike Benedict, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Jennifer Castner, Jeff Johnson, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, and Kay Ruekberg, and Philip Eisenlohr.

Treasurer’s Report

Alan Munn reported that the BHNA holds approximately $449.00 in its checking account and $3,347.00 in its savings account. Neighborhood trees are the biggest expense item for the BHNA. Alan brought up the possibility of removing the PayPal option for paying dues from the website as it is not used.  He will investigate other options and report back.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting were not prepared.

Old Business

Nothing new to report on the history project.

Mike Benedict offered to contact the East Lansing Human Relations Commission to see if there was any way to remove the offensive language from the BHNA charter documents without having to put the neighborhood at any risk.

New Business

The board was unable to contact BHNA president Ed Swanson prior to the meeting. John Boughman will contact Ed.

Jennifer Castner announced a bake sale in support of a neighborhood Little Free Library. The bake sale will take place on Saturday, July 16.

The upcoming board rotation was discussed. John Boughman, Beth Blythe, and Dawn Parker will all be leaving the board at the time of the annual picnic, and new people need to be recruited to fill their roles. Each member of the board was asked to think about anyone who might be interested in joining up and discussing at the next meeting.

The board discussed a message from a resident who inquired about the threat to our neighborhood posed by the Asian Longhorned Beetle. Kay Ruekberg agreed to inquire at the MSU extension program and other places to see if anyone could speak to the issue at a future meeting. The importance of tree diversity was discussed, along with maintaining the character of the neighborhood. .

The CATA BRT and its potential impact on the neighborhood were discussed. An article inviting feedback from Brookfield neighborhood residents will appear in the next neighborhood newsletter.

The annual picnic was discussed. It will be held on September 11 from 4:00pm – 6:00pm at the mid-point of Maplewood Drive. Board members volunteered to complete the following tasks:

  • John – Supply extension cord for electricity, gather signatures for road closure and deliver to City Hall with check, tables, ladder
  • Alan – Prepare agenda, put out signs, contact balloon man, man the dues table along with John, email reminders and update social media, banner
  • Jennifer – Prepare newsletter, contact Heather about entertainment for the kids.
  • Beth – Mail newsletter
  • Mike – hot dogs, buns, condiments, paper products; set up barriers
  • Jeff – Cups, tables
  • Dawn – Drink cooler, invite dignitaries
  • Kay – Contact Whole Foods about contribution for drawing.

Other business


Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place at John Boughman’s home at 216 Maplewood Drive on Tuesday September 6, 2016 at 7:30pm.


Content Classification: 

2017 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association:  Board Meeting Notes, January 16, 2017

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by current board members Jennifer Castner, Mike Benedict, Alan Munn, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince, Robert O’Meara, Jeff Johnson, Kay Ruekberg.  Special guests included Mark Meadows, Mayor of East Lansing, Brad Funkhouser, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for CATA, and Eilis Seide, Assistant to the City Manager of East Lansing.

CATA-BRT Discussion

Brad Funkhouser provided the board with the latest information regarding the plans for the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) that CATA is wanting to construct along the #1 Bus Route on Grand River from Meridian Mall to the Capitol in downtown Lansing.  The original plan would originate in Meridian Township, but 5 alternative plans were developed in response to many businesses and residents in both Meridian Township and East Lansing opposing the BRT out to Meridian Mall.  According to Brad, all plans are still on the table, but the two favored plans of CATA would be the original full route plan or the alternative plan that would run a BRT only out to the vicinity of Abbott Road on Grand River.

According to Brad, the main impetus to implementing the BRT is to increase capacity of the #1 Bus Route ridership.  According to Brad, ridership is expected to increase by 50% in the future due to increased housing on or near Grand River Avenue, though he could not provide a timetable for this growth.

In the coming months, CATA will present its plans to the FTA (Federal Transit Administration) for approval.  Once the FTA has given CATA the go ahead, CATA will then schedule a number of community meetings for discussion and input.  Mayor Meadows informed us that the official position of the city is neutral until a plan comes out from CATA.  Since it is to be constructed by MDOT and built on a federal Highway (Grand River Avenue), the City of East Lansing has no approval rights.

As the BRT specifically relates to the Brookfield neighborhood, the board voiced its strong objection to the location of a BRT station at Oakland Drive and Grand River Avenue in the event that the BRT ends up running out to Meridian Township.  Board members cited many reasons against this station location, including:

  • increasing the already difficult access to Grand River Avenue from Oakland Drive.
  • potential daytime parking on Oakland and Maplewood from bus riders parking their vehicles on our streets to catch the BRT at this proposed station.
  • increased traffic backup at the stoplights at Grand River and Hagadorn.
  • loss of aesthetic value of the neighborhood from the presence of a station there.
  • increased traffic on our neighborhood streets as drivers “cut thru” Brookfield to avoid the probable longer wait times for lights at Grand River and Hagadorn due to loss of driving lanes on Grand River to accommodate the BRT.

Board members suggestions included:

  • ending the line at/around Abbott Road (the top alternative plan).
  • locating the station closer to Brookfield Road on Grand River should the line have to run out to Meridian Township.
  • offering more EXPRESS bus service to and from the Lansing Capitol as opposed to constructing the BRT system
  • improving safety at the Grand River/Hagadorn intersection by including an all-direction red light pedestrian cycle (all vehicular traffic stops in all directions, pedestrians cross in all directions including diagonally).

The board will continue to closely follow the development of the BRT project and we encourage all Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood residents to attend the community meetings that will be scheduled later this spring.

Other Agenda Items

Due to the lengthy discussion of the BRT, other agenda items were tabled until our next neighborhood board meeting scheduled for February 20, 2017 at Mike Benedict’s home.


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting on February 20, 2017

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by current board members Jennifer Castner, Mike Benedict, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince, Robert O’Meara, and Philip Eisenlohr. Absent: Jeff Johnson, Alan Munn

Minutes from the 1/17/2017 meeting were approved.

BRT Update

Mike Benedict is following this and will continue to do so directly with Brad Funkhouser of CATA. Ours is the only historic neighborhood that is significantly impacted by the BRT proposal, as others do not directly border Grand River Blvd. The location of a bus stop is our biggest concern and we should continue to push for locating it at Brookfield Rd. and not Oakland Dr. if the project goes forward.

Treasurer’s Report

We currently have a balance of $3,700. Tree replacement fund donations have been received.

The treasurer’s report was approved.


Most residents have made the transfer to Listserve. Alan will try to reach the residents who have still not converted over. The board discussed whether or not board meeting minutes should remain available to the public (as it now stands), or limited to protected access by website-subscribed residents only.

Deed Restrictions Committee Update

We have been advised to seek out expert legal advice concerning updating our deed restrictions and removing the racial restrictions clause. EL City Hall deems it a board/neighborhood issue and other historic neighborhoods have not indicated reported any similar experience. Robert O’Meara will be meeting with Congressman Sam Singh in March for advice on this topic and also to communicate BHNA views on the CATA-BRT project. Henceforth, the deed restrictions will be accessible on the website with through a neighborhood user account. Mike and Robert will report back on progress at the next board meeting.

Directory Update

Mike has been working on compiling an up-to-date neighborhood directory and he will follow up with outstanding residents for permission to include their contact information. Web-based access to the directory will be by use of neighbor account only. Each resident’s retains the right to determine what, if any, information to share.

Newsletter Planning

Our last neighborhood newsletter was in August 2016. The next newsletter will be published in

August 2017 and newsletter contents will be planned at the next board meeting.

Tree Replacement Fundraiser

Wes Reedy (Oakland Drive) has volunteered his services to sharpen neighbor’s yard tools as a way to raise money for the tree fund. Another idea was to have a neighborhood yard sale day where residents could hold a yard sale on their own property on a selected date and possibly contributing proceeds to the tree fund.

History of the Neighborhood

Mike Benedict continues to compile the history of our neighborhood, he is trying to confirm dates homes were built and how neighborhood development was impacted by national and world events, such as The Great Depression. Mike will share another draft and ask for any other contributions residents might be able to add to the history.

Neighborhood Boombox/Sound System

Philip Eisenlohr purchased a boombox for the neighborhood to be used at the annual picnic/neighborhood meeting. It is being kept at Philip’s house and can be loaned out to neighbors as well.

Annual Meeting and Picnic 2017

The annual all neighborhood meeting and picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 10, 2017.

The next board meeting will be May 8, 2017 and will focus on newsletter content and committee updates.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:00.

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting on May 8, 2017

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by current board members Jennifer Castner, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince, Philip Eisenlohr, Jeff Johnson, Alan Munn, Kay Ruekberg.

Absent: Mike Benedict.

Minutes from the February 20, 2017 meeting were approved.

Deed Restrictions Update

There is no new information on how to change the deed restrictions document regarding the racial restrictions clause. Mike Benedict will contact Mayor Mark Meadows, but it was suggested by Kathy Prince that, at this point, it appears the board will have to seek legal counsel in order to move forward with the removal of verbiage from the deed restrictions.

A motion to meet with an attorney with a budget of $500 using a an agreed upon set of questions from board members prior to such meeting was approved by the board.

Kathy and Jennifer will head the search for an appropriate attorney. Kathy and Jennifer present the board for input a proposed list of questions/topics to be discussed with the lawyer prior to meeting the lawyer.

Treasurer’s Report

The current balance is $3,621. The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Board Member Recruitment

Board member Robert O’Meara resigned the board in May due to moving out of the neighborhood. This creates an at-large board vacancy. Board members with terms ending this year include Jennifer Castner, Jeff Johnson, and Kay Ruekberg. Jennifer Castner and Jeff Johnson volunteered to serve another term. This will leave 2 board member openings needing to be filled this year. This topic will be revisited at the next board meeting and board members were encouraged to seek potential new board members.

Newsletter Planning

Topics to include in our next newsletter were discussed. Some topic suggestions included summary of the tree work done by BWL, deed restriction update, picnic/annual meeting announcement, neighborhood dues reminder, neighborhood history, tool sharpening offered by Wes Reedy, locking up of vehicles overnight.

Annual Meeting and Picnic 2017

The planning of the annual picnic and assignment of responsibilities among the board members will be discussed and decided at the July board meeting on July 31, 2017.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes

July 31, 2017

Present: Jennifer Castner, Alan Munn, Philip Eisenlohr, Jeff Johnson, Mike Benedict, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince

Absent: Kay Ruekberg

  1. Introduction of guest John Hays, resident
  2. Minutes of May 8, approved.
  3. Treasurer’s report.
  4. Deed restrictions
    • As individual contracts between the homeowner and their property in the subdivision, deed restrictions and as a result neither city, county, nor state can aid us directly. The deed restrictions only have provisions for 2/3ds approval of renewing the restrictions, but because it does not make specific provisions for amendments, each property owner would have to affirm amendments.
    • John Hays suggested that we investigate the possibility that because the racially-motivated is illegal and unenforceable, perhaps the covenant can be reissued with the offensive language removed. More investigation is needed to verify whether omitting language has the potential to invalidate the entire contract.
    • Any new deed restrictions would need to be filed with the registrar of deeds for each property. The board will attempt to determine the exact state of the restrictions that are transmitted to new owners (whether or not they include the disavowal).
    • Kathy and Mike will also try to collect as many Association records as are around, especially those pertaining to the 2000 deed restriction renewal process.
  5. Board recruitment
    Terms ending: Jennifer (renewing), Jeff (renewing)
    Board members leaving: Kay, Robert (both moving or have moved)
    Continuing: Mike, Alan, Philip (’18), Bill, Kathy (’18)
    The board will recruit new potential board members, particularly residents from streets other than Oakland Drive, as Oakland is currently heavily represented on the board.
  6. Newsletter planning. Alan will contact Pat Robinson for a report for the newsletter. Jennifer will generate a newsletter for review and printing by mid-August. Bill Martin will help with printing and distribution.
  7. Board response to request to reconsider the rental overlay
    • Motion: The board agrees preserve the existing R-0-3 rental overlay for our subdivision as it stands. Approved.
  8. Neighborhood road repairs. There is nothing currently on the EL schedule for repaving in our neighborbood. They will do patching as needed.
  9. Annual Meeting – Sep 10 – planning. We divided up the responsibilities amongst ourselves.
  10. Discussion of proposed East Lansing city offset tax. The board agreed to invite representatives of the city to attend the annual meeting in order to present and answer questions about the proposed offset tax.

The meeting adjourned at 9 pm.

Minutes submitted by Alan Munn.

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Executive Committee Minutes
October 16, 2017

  1. Call to order

President Castner called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Traverse Pie Company meeting room.

  1. Roll call

Present: Hassan Alizadeh, Jennifer Castner, Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince and Mike Benedict.

Absent: Alan Munn.

  1. Comments from the floor


  1. New business
    1. Bill asked if the Board will take a position on the millage and income tax ballot proposals. It was decided the Board should not take a position on this matter.
    2. Proposed Board officer nominations for the next year were considered. Moved by Kathy, seconded by John to elect the following candidates as Board officers:
  • Philip Eisenlohr - President
  • John Hays - Vice President
  • lan Munn - Treasurer
  • Jennifer Castner - Communications Officer
  • Mike Benedict - Secretary

All yeas. Motion carried.

  1. Philip Eisenlohr assumed duties of President. His first order of business was to schedule future meetings:

Date:                                   Time:                                   Location:

January 22, 2018*            7:30 p.m.                            GT Pie Co. meeting room

May 14, 2018*                  7:30 p.m.                            GT Pie Co. meeting room

July 30, 2018*                    7:30 p.m.                            GT Pie Co. meeting room

September 9, 2018**       4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Maplewood Drive

*Regular Board meeting;          **Annual neighborhood meeting and picnic

  1. The Treasurer provided a written report on the financial situation of the BHNA. No substantial changes relative to former times were noted and the report was unanimously accepted.
  1. Follow up on old and current business and the appointment of committees to address these issues
    1. Philip made the following appointments to neighborhood association committees:
      • Illegal neighborhood covenants: Kathy and John
      • Traffic issues on Roseland: Jennifer and Bill
      • Changes to the Constitution and By-laws of the Association: Jeff and Mike
  2. Other business
    1. John indicated he attended a meeting to discuss the redevelopment of Grand River Avenue from the Capital to the Meridian Mall. John suggested we should carefully watch this initiative.
    2. Kathy indicated in follow up to the annual picnic and neighborhood meeting that the popcorn was successful, the hot dogs were exceptional, and all in all things went well. She suggested that more tables should be made available.
  3. Adjournment

There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Content Classification: 

2018 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Executive Committee Minutes
January 22, 2018

  1. Call to order
  2. Phil called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Traverse Pie Company meeting room.

  3. Roll call
  4. Present: Hassan Alizadeh, Jennifer Castner, Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Bill Martin, Alan Munn and Mike Benedict.

    Absent: Kathy Prince.

  5. Guests
  6. Heather Robertson, Donna Mullins, Liz Miller, Beth Miller, Dave Finet, and Chris Roots of E.L. Info.

  7. October 16, 2017 minutes.
  8. It was moved by Jennifer and seconded by Alan to approve the October 16, 2017 minutes as presented. All yeas. Motion carried.

  9. Comments from the floor
  10. Heather Robinson raised concerns about abusive comments sent out over the neighborhood Facebook page. She requested that rules of conduct be established to reduce or eliminate the behavior. It was moved by Jennifer and supported by Alan that Jennifer will search out a moderator for our Facebook page who is not a Board member. All yeas. Motion carried.

  11. Treasurer’s Report
  12. Alan reported that there are no substantial changes in the financial condition of the Association. He noted that there is currently a balance of $3,277 in available funds. He also noted that Tim and Cyndee Dawson contributed $200 to the tree fund.

  13. Illegal neighborhood covenants
  14. John provided a brief synopsis of actions to date to try and remove illegal language from the neighborhood covenants. He suggested the Board consider asking for a declaratory judgment from the circuit court which would allow the Association to remove the illegal language. Further suggestions included seeking the advice of a lawyer experienced in community issues to review this matter, finding out how other neighborhood associations in and out of the city have dealt with this issue, and approaching the State Legislature to approve legislation which would allow this language to be deleted from the covenant. It was moved by Mike and seconded by Jennifer to expand the illegal neighborhood covenant committee to include Liz and Beth Miller. All yeas. Motion carried.

  15. Traffic issues on Roseland
  16. Jennifer and Bill indicated they had not done much work on this matter because the winter weather naturally slows down traffic through the neighborhood. They will study this matter when the weather warms and the streets are cleared of ice and snow.

  17. Changes to the Constitution
  18. Jeff and Mike indicated they had drafted an amended constitution. It was moved by Mike and seconded by Jennifer that the draft constitution be reviewed prior to the next meeting of the Board and acted on by the Board at its May meeting. If a draft is approved, it will then go to the neighborhood for consideration with the neighborhood voting on the amended constitution at the annual meeting of 2018. All yeas. Motion carried.

  19. Adjournment
  20. There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

These minutes were unanimously approved by the Board at its regular meeting of May 14, 2018.

Mike Benedict, Secretary

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Executive Committee Minutes
May 14, 2018

  1. Call to order
  2. Phil called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Traverse Pie Company meeting room.

  3. Roll call
  4. Present: Jennifer Castner, Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Bill Martin, Kevin Poli* and Mike Benedict.

    Absent: Hassan Alizadeh and Alan Munn

    Guests: Liz Miller and Kathy Prince.

  5. January 22, 2018 minutes.
  6. It was moved by Jennifer and seconded by John to approve the January 22, 2018 minutes as presented. All yeas. Motion carried.

  7. Jennifer asked for suggestions for the next newsletter and received the following comments:
    1. Traffic study status
    2. Trees
    3. Illegal covenants
    4. Constitution amendments
    5. Annual neighborhood picnic
  8. Comments from the floor
  9. There were no comments from the floor.

  10. Treasurer’s Report
  11. Phil reported that there have been no substantial changes relative to former times.

  12. Illegal neighborhood covenants
  13. John, Liz, and Kathy provided a brief synopsis of actions to date to try and remove illegal language from the neighborhood covenants. Liz noted she has tried to research other neighborhoods. She found two, Pine Crest and Glencairn, that solved their problem by simply not renewing their covenants. There was possibly a third neighborhood in East Lansing and three in Lansing, but she did not know their status. John spoke with Judy Putnam to see if she had received any response to her February newspaper article. Judy sent him two emails which had mentioned restrictions in the Lansing Colonial Village sub and one in the East Lansing Spartan Manor sub. Neither reported that anything had been done to remove the restrictions. Judy said she had also heard that the Flower Pot sub had some sort of objectionable restrictions. John was asked to research attorneys to determine who would best represent the Association in seeking a declaratory judgment from the circuit court and to report back at the next meeting.

  14. Traffic issues on Roseland
  15. Jennifer and Bill indicated they had not done much work on this matter because the winter weather naturally slows down traffic through the neighborhood. They will study this matter when the weather warms and the streets are cleared of ice and snow. Jennifer noted she had reviewed the city’s traffic study process and will contact the city to determine what the Association needs to do to have a study performed on Roseland, ideally in Sep and/or Oct 2018.

  16. Changes to the Constitution
  17. Jeff and Mike presented the Board with a 3rd draft of an amended constitution. A few amendments were suggested and will be incorporated as a 4th draft. The 4th draft will then be sent to the Board for final review and editing.  

  18. Adjournment
  19. There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

*Kevin was appointed to complete the balance of the year resulting from Kathy Prince resigning her seat on the Board.

 Minutes prepared by Mike Benedict, Secretary

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Executive Committee Minutes

July 30, 2018 


1. Call to order 

Philip called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Traverse Pie Company meeting room. 

2. Roll call 

Present: Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Alan Munn, Bill Martin, Kevin Poli and Mike Benedict. 

Absent: Jennifer Castner, Hassan Alizadeh and Jeff Johnson.  

Guests: No guests were present. 

3. Approval of previous meeting minutes. 

It was moved by John and seconded by Bill to approve the May 14, 2018 minutes as amended. All yeas. Motion carried. 

4. Treasurer’s report.

Alan reported on the account balances as of 07/30/2018. There is $103.32 in checking and $3,008.86 in savings for a grand total of $3,112.18. He also noted there were expenses for web hosting (an annual fee) of $131.88 and domain registration (an annual fee) of $14.95 for a grand total of $146.83.

It was moved by Kevin and seconded by Mike to approve the report. All yeas. Motion carried. 

5. Comments from the floor. 

There were no comments from the floor.

 6. Committee reports:

A. Illegal neighborhood covenants – John reported he has found a Michigan case that says if you don’t have a provision to remove language from a covenant, the language can only be removed where there is 100% concurrence by the neighborhood association.  Therefore, the only option left to the BHNA seems to be going to Court for a declaratory judgment asking the Court to approve removing the language. John will likely be the plaintiff and the Association will need an attorney to represent us. John is researching attorneys to see who should be contracted and he will work with the attorney to keep costs down. He also will work with Jennifer to prepare an article for the newsletter explaining the Board’s actions. 

B. Traffic committee – Bill indicated that after careful but casual observation of traffic in the neighborhood, there does not seem to be a serious traffic problem. The committee, however, will request the city do a traffic study in the fall after students return to college. 

C. Amended Constitution – Mike reported there have been no comments received regarding the amended Constitution. He will work with Jennifer to prepare a brief synopsis of changes that have been proposed and why the Board feels they are necessary. 

7. Newsletter items to be sent out prior to the Neighborhood Annual Meeting:

A. Traffic report

B. Illegal neighborhood covenants

C. Amended Constitution

D. Election of Officers to the Board

8. Neighborhood picnic planning – certain duties were assigned as follows:

A.  Alan to prepare an agenda.

B.  Mike to try and encourage people to run for the Board.

C.  Jeff to collect signatures on Maplewood to petition the street to be closed for the picnic (already done by Philip, Aug 7). 

D.  Notice of meeting to be handled by Jennifer and Bill.

E.  Jeff to inventory what products we have and what we need for the picnic. 

F.  Alan to ask people to bring card tables and chairs. He will also contact the balloon guy and work with Erin to get a popcorn machine for the day. He will also put out signs letting people know of the picnic, write a $50 check to the city as required by city ordinance, and see if he can find a barbecue for the day.

G.  Philip will write a letter to the city to get approval for the picnic. 

H.  Bill will put up and take down the barricades provided by the city on the day of the picnic.

I.  The Board will meet at Alan’s home at 164 Oakland Drive for a meeting to further discuss plans for the picnic and annual meeting. The meeting will be on August 30 at 7:30 p.m.

9. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. 

Minutes drafted by Mike Benedict, Secretary 

Content Classification: 


BHNA Executive Committee
October 1, 2018

1. Call to order – Philip called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at his house

2. Roll call

Present: Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Alan Munn, Bill Martin, Kevin Poli, Jennifer Castner,  Heather Robertson, and Hassan Alizadeh

Absent: Jeff Johnson. 

Guests: No guests were present.

New board positions proposed and voted in:

            President: Philip Eisenlohr
            VP: John Hays
            Secretary: Kevin Poli
            Treasurer: Alan Munn
            Communications: Jennifer Castner
            At large:  Bill Martin, Hassan Alizadeh, Jeff Johnson, Heather Robertson      

3. Sept 9, 2018 minutes – Neighborhood Picnic

Votes for board members Kevin Poli, Alan Munn, Philip Eisenlohr  to serve terms 2018–2021 and for Heather Robinson to serve out the remainder of Kathy Prince’s term (2016–2019)

- Motion to accept the updated constitution passed

- Update on Deed restrictions

- Book club news

- Altmann city update

4. Treasurer’s report – Alan reported there is no Treasurer's report for this meeting. 

6. Discussions:

A. Illegal neighborhood covenants – John showed a letter from an attorney outlining the process to revise the Covenant.  We will combine signatures for Covenant renewal with changes to the Covenant.

i. 100% approval is required for changes to the Covenant.  66 & 2/3 required for renewal.

ii. Document collecting signatures for renewal and affirming changes at the same time.

iii. We will start going door to door and follow up with registered mail for anyone we cannot contact directly.

iv. If necessary, a process server could be hired to find missing property owners.  This would be expensive and would be a last resort.

v. John will draft a document to be signed for these purposes and submit it to the board for review.  He will also try to reach out to Curtis Hertel about possible legislation that would make this easier.

B. Annual reports: Now that the new board is identified, Alan Munn will prepare and submit the Annual reports for 2017 and 2018.

C. Amended Constitution – Amended Constitution – Mike reported (in a written note) there have been no comments received regarding the amended Constitution. He will work with Jennifer to prepare a brief synopsis of changes that have been proposed and why the Board feels they are necessary.

D. Welcoming committee – newly formed consisting of Heather, Jennifer, and Kevin and Mike Benedict.

E. Future meetings: Jan 14, May 13, July 29, all at 7:30pm at GTPC.  Annual picnic Sept 8 from 4-6pm.

Minutes drafted by Kevin Poli, Secretary

October 1, 2018


1. Call to order – Philip called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at his house

2. Roll call

Present: Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Alan Munn, Bill Martin, Kevin Poli, Jennifer Castner,  Heather Robertson,

                and Hassan Alizadeh

Absent: Jeff Johnson. 

Guests: No guests were present.

New board positions proposed and voted in:

            President: Philip Eisenlohr

            VP: John Hays

            Secretary: Kevin Poli

            Treasurer: Alan Munn

            Communications: Jennifer Castner

            At large:  Bill Martin, Hassan Alizadeh, Jeff Johnson, Heather Robertson      

3. Sept 9, 2018 minutes – Neighborhood Picnic

- Votes for board members Kevin Poli, Alan Munn, Philip Eisenlohr  to serve terms 2018–2021 and for Heather Robinson to serve out the remainder of Kathy Prince’s term (2016–2019)

- Motion to accept the updated constitution passed

- Update on Deed restrictions

- Book club news

- Altmann city update

4. Treasurer’s report – Alan reported there is no Treasurers report for this meeting. 

6. Discussions:

A. Illegal neighborhood covenants – John showed a letter from an attorney outlining the process to revise the Covenant.  We will combine signatures for Covenant renewal with changes to the Covenant.

1. 100% approval is required for changes to the Covenant.  66 & 2/3 required for renewal.

2. Document collecting signatures for renewal and affirming changes at the same time.

3. We will start going door to door and follow up with registered mail for anyone we cannot contact directly.

4. If necessary, a process server could be hired to find missing property owners.  This would be expensive and would be a last resort.

5. John will draft a document to be signed for these purposes and submit it to the board for review.  He will also try to reach out to Curtis Hertel about possible legislation that would make this easier.

B. Annual reports: Now that the new board is identified, Alan Munn will prepare and submit the Annual reports for 2017 and 2018.

C. Amended Constitution – Amended Constitution – Mike reported (in a written note) there have been no comments received regarding the amended Constitution. He will work with Jennifer to prepare a brief synopsis of changes that have been proposed and why the Board feels they are necessary.

D. Welcoming committee – newly formed consisting of Heather, Jennifer, and Kevin and Mike Benedict.

E. Future meetings: Jan 14, May 13, July 29, all at 7:30pm at GTPC.  Annual picnic Sept 8 from 4-6pm.

Minutes drafted by Kevin Poli, Secretary

October 1, 2018

1. Call to order – Philip called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at his house

2. Roll call

Present: Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Alan Munn, Bill Martin, Kevin Poli, Jennifer Castner,  Heather Robertson,

                and Hassan Alizadeh

Absent: Jeff Johnson. 

Guests: No guests were present.

New board positions proposed and voted in:

            President: Philip Eisenlohr

            VP: John Hays

            Secretary: Kevin Poli

            Treasurer: Alan Munn

            Communications: Jennifer Castner

            At large:  Bill Martin, Hassan Alizadeh, Jeff Johnson, Heather Robertson      

3. Sept 9, 2018 minutes – Neighborhood Picnic

- Votes for board members Kevin Poli, Alan Munn, Philip Eisenlohr  to serve terms 2018–2021 and for Heather Robinson to serve out the remainder of Kathy Prince’s term (2016–2019)

- Motion to accept the updated constitution passed

- Update on Deed restrictions

- Book club news

- Altmann city update

4. Treasurer’s report – Alan reported there is no Treasurers report for this meeting. 

6. Discussions:

A. Illegal neighborhood covenants – John showed a letter from an attorney outlining the process to revise the Covenant.  We will combine signatures for Covenant renewal with changes to the Covenant.

1. 100% approval is required for changes to the Covenant.  66 & 2/3 required for renewal.

2. Document collecting signatures for renewal and affirming changes at the same time.

3. We will start going door to door and follow up with registered mail for anyone we cannot contact directly.

4. If necessary, a process server could be hired to find missing property owners.  This would be expensive and would be a last resort.

5. John will draft a document to be signed for these purposes and submit it to the board for review.  He will also try to reach out to Curtis Hertel about possible legislation that would make this easier.

B. Annual reports: Now that the new board is identified, Alan Munn will prepare and submit the Annual reports for 2017 and 2018.

C. Amended Constitution – Amended Constitution – Mike reported (in a written note) there have been no comments received regarding the amended Constitution. He will work with Jennifer to prepare a brief synopsis of changes that have been proposed and why the Board feels they are necessary.

D. Welcoming committee – newly formed consisting of Heather, Jennifer, and Kevin and Mike Benedict.

E. Future meetings: Jan 14, May 13, July 29, all at 7:30pm at GTPC.  Annual picnic Sept 8 from 4-6pm.

Minutes drafted by Kevin Poli, Secretary

2019 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


BHNA Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2019

Present: Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Bill Martin, Jennifer Castner, Heather Robertson, Jeff Johnson, Alan Munn
Absent: Hassan Alizadeh, Kevin Poli Guests: Nicole Bartell
1. Call to order

Philip called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Grand Traverse Pie Company. We approved the minutes
from the January 14, 2019 meeting.

2. Treasurer’s report - No unusual expenses, balance ~$2800.
3. City of East Lansing staff liaison – Nicole Bartell – introductions, also serves Hawthorne and Bailey
4. Discussions:

A. Illegal deed restrictions covenants –

1. The group reviewed the committee’s work, including renewal/amendment and legislative
2. The Deed Restrictions Committee proposes to do three things: 1) renewing the deed restrictions, 2)
amend the deed restrictions to allow for 2/3s vote for changing them, and 3) removing the racist
3. Proposed timeline: Introductory letter mid-summer, first signatures gathered at annual picnic in
September, then “signing parties”, then individual outreach, then by process server.
4. Notaries must not derive benefit from the transaction; past BHNA renewals have used
neighborhood-based notaries. Nicole Bartell will check with city attorney about what constitutes
“beneficial interest” in terms of who may serve as a notary.
5. Jennifer Castner will draft the introductory letter, John Hays will begin drafting language for each of
the 3 proposals and their affidavits (deletion, addition, renewal). We will use the introductory letter to
gauge initial response and reevaluate.
Motion: We proceed with the process as described toward renewing the deed restrictions and
removing the racial restrictions and seeking member approval to add a provision to allow
amendment of the Deed Restrictions by <100% (amount TBA). (Motion passed unanimously.)
6. For future board consideration and discussion: funding notary fees, funding potential legal/process
server fees (<$10,000), and recording fees ($38 filing fee x 98 properties = $3724).
7. John Hays will continue to monitor a legislative proposal that would give neighborhood boards the
power to amend real estate restrictions.

B. Welcoming committee – nothing to report
C. Tree Solicitation Fund – nothing to report
D. Next meeting is July 29. We will discuss annual meeting and picnic at that time.

Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm. Minutes drafted by Jennifer Castner, Communications.


BHNA Board Minutes

July 29, 2019


Present: Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Bill Martin, Jennifer Castner,  Heather Robertson, Alan Munn, Hassan Alizadeh

Absent: Kevin Poli, Jeff Johnson         Guests: Nicole Bartell (Asst to City Manager, EL)

1. Call to order

Philip called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Grand Traverse Pie Company. We approved the minutes from the May 13, 2019 meeting.

2. Treasurer’s report  - No unusual expenses, balance ~$2807.

3. Discussions:

    A. Illegal deed restrictions covenants –

1. The group reviewed the committee’s work, including renewal/amendment and legislative approaches.

2. The Deed Restrictions Committee proposes to do three things: 1) renewing the deed restrictions, 2) amend the deed restrictions to allow for 2/3s vote for changing them, and 3) removing the racist language.

3. Proposed timeline: Introductory letter mid-summer with sample pre-filled letters, first signatures gathered at annual picnic in September, then “signing parties”, then individual outreach, then by process server.

4. Notaries must not derive benefit from the transaction; past BHNA renewals have used neighborhood-based notaries. Nicole Bartell reports that city notaries may be willing/available to serve in this role at the annual meeting; she will verify cost/availability.

5. Jennifer Castner will draft the introductory letter, including information about notarization (ID requirements, etc.); John Hays has drafted language for each of the 3 proposals and their affidavits (deletion, addition, renewal). We will propagate property owner information into the letters. Most banks provide no-cost notary services to customers, City of East Lansing will provide notary services for residents as well. We believe that the recorder’s office filing cost will be a maximum of $60.

6. For future board consideration and discussion: funding notary fees, funding potential legal/process server fees (<$10,000), and recording fees ($30-60 recording fee x 98 properties = $5880).

7. John Hays reported that the State of Michigan bill that would give neighborhood boards the power to amend real estate restrictions is stuck in committee, possibly due to the anti-LBGTQ provision within it. We discussed possibilities for getting it moving again.

B. Board member rotation and recruitment – Hassan, Bill, and Heather have terms ending and do not wish to re-up. We discussed potential new candidates.

C. Newsletter content –  In addition to the deed restriction renewal letter packet, we will prepare a separate mailing of the annual newsletter. Material for the newsletter: picnic/annual meeting info (HR), street repair timeline (PE), general welcome to new neighbors (website, FG group) (HR), plans on deed restrictions issue (JH), dues and need to pay for deed restrictions expenses (JC),

D. Picnic/annual meeting planning – 205 Oakland location & power, invitation mailing (BM), request closure and collect signature (PE & HR), banner (AM or JJ?), tables (HR & JC)/grill (JC)/paper goods (JJ & HR), drinks/food (HR), Balloon Guy (AM). Invite notaries – Nicole.

E. Next meeting will be September 9.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. Minutes drafted by Jennifer Castner, Communications.

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Board

October 7, 2019


Present: Alan Munn, Jeff Johnson, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays, Nella Davis-Ray, Ben Flietstra, Jennifer Somerville, Jennifer Castner

Absent: Diane Kearns

 We approved the minutes from the 7/29/2020. Jennifer Castner will recirculate the minutes from the meeting to new board members.

  1. Election of board officers –
    1. President – Ben Flietstra
    2. Vice President – Jeff Johnson
    3. Secretary – Jennifer Somerville
    4. Communications – Nella Davis-Ray
    5. Treasurer – Alan Munn
    6. At-Large Members – Jennifer Castner, John Hays, Diane Kearns, Philip Eisenlohr

This motion passed unanimously. We are awaiting updates to the website and board listserve pending the webmaster’s return from international travel.

  1. The group set the annual meeting calendar, with meetings to be held at 7:30pm at the Grand Traverse Pie Company –
    1. October 7, 2019
      January 27, 2020
      May 11, 2020
      July 20, 2020
      September 13, 2020 – Annual Meeting and Potluck, 4-6pm (rain date Sep 20, 2020) on Maplewood
    2. Treasurers Report - $720 in dues were received during the annual meeting and an additional $180 to support the cost of the deed restrictions renewal process. Providing return envelopes in the newsletter mailing has a noticeable positive impact on dues income. $3700 is our current rough balance.
    3. The board discussed the tree report made at the annual meeting. Late fall annual tree replacement costs are still unknown; we are hopeful that the City will be able to cost-share again this year.
    4. The board discussed the Deed Restrictions amendment and renewal process. We agreed to identify the most challenging properties and work on them first while also hosting signing parties and seeking other signers. The group reviewed all the properties to assess which properties might require extra effort. Jennifer Castner will host a signing party on Saturday, Nov 9, time TBA with two notaries depending on anticipated demand.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:06.

Content Classification: 

2020 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

1.27.2020 Minutes

 Present: Jeff Johnson, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays, Nella Davis-Ray, Ben Flietstra, Diane Kearns

Absent:  Jennifer Somerville, Jennifer Castner, Alan Munn

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7.33 PM by Ben Flietstra.
  2. The board reviewed the minutes from the October 7, 2019 meeting. There were no questions. A motion was made and seconded to approve the October 7, 2019 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Ben Flietstra presented the Treasurer’s Report dated January 27, 2020.  Dues & Donations total $1,100 since July 2019. The board reviewed upcoming expenses as well as account balances.
  4. On Going Business
    1. Deed restrictions
      1. The board discussed the signing party held last fall. Overall, the event was quite successful and residents seemed to be able to move through the process quickly.
      2. John Hays will email Rep Brixie to determine status of legislation removing racial language from neighborhoods and HOAs.
      3. The board discussed next steps for obtaining the remaining signatures. The board agreed another signing party in the spring would be a good idea. Ben Flietstra will send out possible dates to the board to have another event.
      4. John discussed providing a letter explaining the situation to those that haven’t signed yet to help bring more awareness to the issue. We could bring the letters door to door or put in mailboxes.
    2. Directory
      1. The board discussed the BHN directory and updates. Currently, there hasn’t been much demand for a new version. The board discussed the directory being online and how it gets updated.
  5. New business
    1. Diane brought up how BHN can welcome new members to the neighborhood. Discussion revolved around procedures for welcoming new members, providing a welcome packet, discussing the covenants, providing a directory, and inviting them to join the Facebook group. The board all agreed this would be a good topic for further discussion.
  6. The next meeting will be held May 11 at 7:30pm at the Grand Traverse Pie Company –
    1. May 11, 2020
    2. July 20, 2020
  7. The meeting was adjourned at 8.37 pm.
Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

5.11.2020 Minutes

Present: Jeff Johnson, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays, Ben Flietstra, Diane Kearns, Alan Munn, Jennifer Castner

Absent:  Jennifer Somerville, Nella Davis-Ray

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7.33 PM by Ben Flietstra.
  2. The board reviewed the minutes from the January 27, 2020 meeting. There were no questions. A motion was made and seconded to approve the January 27, 2020 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Ben Flietstra briefly discussed current financials. A current version of the Treasurer’s report was unavailable. It will be emailed to the board.
  4. On Going Business
    1. Deed restrictions
      1. The board discussed the viability of the signing initiate related to the neighborhood deed restrictions. Many members brought up concerns with congregating people during the pandemic. The board agreed to wait and see how the coming months would play out and follow guidance from the Governor. 
      2. John Hays discussed his continued conversation with Rep Brixie to determine status of legislation removing racial language from neighborhoods and HOAs. John will continue to update the board on his discussion.
      3. The board discussed the viability of the annual meeting in the summer. The neighborhood is required to have at least one annual meeting.
    2. Welcome new members
      1. The board discussed welcoming new members to the neighborhood. It was decided it would be an appropriate thing to do to introduce new neighbors to the board and let them know about the webpage and Facebook group. The board agreed to keep an eye out for new neighbors and welcome them if possible. 
  5. New business
    1. Retiring members
      1. The board discussed current members retirement and possible new members to on board. The board will discuss further at the next meeting.
  6. The next meeting will be held July 20 at 7:30pm over Zoom 
  7. The meeting was adjourned at 8.17 pm. 
Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

7.20.2020 Minutes

Present: Nella Davis-Ray, Philip Eisenlohr, Jen Somerville, Ben Flietstra, Jennifer Castner, Diane Kearns, Jeff Johnson, Alan Munn, John Hays

Absent: None

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Ben Flietstra
  2. The board reviewed the minutes from the May 11, 2020 minutes. A motion was made and seconded to approve the January 27, 2020 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Alan Munn provided a current version of the Treasurer’s report. There were no questions.
  4. On-Going Business
    1. Deed Restrictions
      1. John Hays provided an update on his discussion with Representative Brixie’s office on state legislation that would to prohibit any kind of segregation or discrimination in neighborhood associations. John noted there may be a vote in early September on the bill.
      2. The board discussed reviewing draft language if it is made available. John will lead.
      3. Discussion moved to whether signing parties to review the neighborhood covenants is still viable. The board all agreed that congregating people during the pandemic is still too risky and would send the wrong message. The board unanimously agreed to wait on the progress of the new legislation.
    2. Annual Meeting September 2020
      1. The board discussed the annual meeting. BFHN is required to hold one annual meeting. The board unanimously agreed for various reasons to hold the meeting virtually. Alan Munn volunteered to begin the meeting setup. The meeting will be held virtually on September 13, 2020 at 4:00 pm.
      2. The board discussed collecting dues. The annual meeting is where most people submit their dues. Alan is investigating the possibility of setting up a Paypal account.
      3. There was discussion on how the announcement would be made to the neighborhood as well as how people can sign up. Notice of the meeting will posted on the Facebook page, the neighborhood website, the newsletter and if possible by face-to-face communication.
    3. Communication
      1. The board discussed communication challenges from the board to the neighborhood. Several items were discussed and agreed upon with the commitment of more open and proactive discussion to the neighborhood from the board.
      2. The newsletter will be drafted by Nella Davis-Ray and reviewed by the board prior to distribution.
    4. New Board Members
      1. The board discussed openings due to retirements of current board members.
      2. Jennifer Caster will be resigning her post following the annual meeting. The board thanked her for all her efforts during her term.
      3. Jeff Johnson & John Hays both agreed to extend their terms if needed. 
      4. The board discussed potential new members and agreed to reach out to them.
    5. Welcoming New Neighbors:
      1. The board discussed two new neighbors on Oakland drive. Members will make their best effort to greet them and welcome them to the neighborhood.
  5. The next meeting will be the annual meeting to be held at 4 pm on September 13, 2020 virtually.
  6. The meeting was adjourned 8:29 pm.
Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Board

10.12.2020 Minutes

Present: Ben Flietstra, John Hays, Steve Whalen, Philip Eisenlohr, Diane Kearns, Nella Davis-Ray, Jeff Johnson, Jennifer Somerville

Absent: Alan Munn

1.    The meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm by Ben Flietstra

2.    Board reviewed the meeting minutes from the July 20, 2020 BHNA Board meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the July 20, 2020 minutes as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.  

3.    The Board reviewed minutes from the neighborhood annual meeting on September 9, 2020.

4.    Board member roles for next year:

  • Alan Munn stay on as Treasurer
  • Nella Davis Ray to stay on as Communications person
  • Ben Flietstra to stay on as President
  • Jen Somerville to stay on as Secretary
  • Jeff Johnson stay on as Vice President
  • Philip, Steve, John, and Diane will remain at large

5.    Annual meeting calendar (all @ 7:30 pm):

  • January 25, 2021
  • April 26, 2021
  • July 26, 2021
  • Reserve August 30, 2021 for annual meeting prep
  • September 12, 2021 annual association meeting
  • Reserve Sept 19, 2021 as the rain day for annual association meeting

6.    Treasurer’s report will be sent by email after the meeting.

7.    There was a brief discussion around reminding members to submit their membership dues.

8.    John gave an update on the deed restriction progress. There have been no major updates since John’s last communication with Rep. Brixie’s office. The board agreed to setup a subcommittee to work with members of the neighborhood to discuss our options. Ben will reach out to Peter and Nancy to meet (John too) to understand what the history is and have other ideas about how to change the covenants.

9.    Nella is working on updating the directory very shortly.

10.    There was discussion around bringing back the neighborhood garden walk. Nella will coordinate with Steve and Linda Kron Brundage.

11.    Don Hall passed away about a month ago (they moved-in in the 80’s). Steve offered to pass on their condolences from the board.  

12.    There was a brief discussion regarding Halloween. The city has yet to provide formal guidance due to COVID.

13.    The board discussed the neighborhood Facebook page. Discussion revolved around what the page is intended for and what is appropriate. High level guidelines for appropriate discussion topics will be posted on the page in the following weeks.

14.    As there was no other business to discuss, Ben called meeting to close 8:48 pm.

Content Classification: 

2021 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

10.14.21 Minutes

Present: Jeff Johnson, Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Jennifer Somerville

Absent: Philip Eisenlohr

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Jeff Johnson
  2. Positions were selected:
    1. President – Nella Davis-Ray
    2. Vice President – Jeff Johnson
    3. Secretary – Jen Somerville
    4. Treasurer – Alice Schehr
    5. Communication – Gail Lytle Lira
    6. FB Admin – Steve Whelan
    7. At Large: Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays
  3. Set Quarterly meeting dates:
    1. 2nd Qtr – 1.13.2022 at Gail’s house
    2. 3rd Qtr – 4.14.2022 at Jeff’s house
    3. 4th Qtr – 7.14.2022 at Jen’s house
    4. Annual Meeting and Picnic – 9.11.2022 on Maplewood Drive
  4. Nella to give FB Admin access to Gail and Steve
  5. Announce meetings on FB
  6. Make sure bylaws are posted on FB – need to verify that they are on the site
  7. Addressing racist language in covenant
    1. Alice will retrieve the treasurer’s account information from Alan.
    2. John to create a consent form for homeowners to sign (need to be witnessed – not notarized)
    3. Steve Whalen, Steve Beckman, and John Hays work together to identify non-signers, send forms to landowners, state our stance on FB page along with a map identifying plots that haven’t signed yet
  8. Working on a social event later this winter or early 2022

Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.

Content Classification: 

2022 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

1.13.22 Minutes

Present: Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, Jennifer Somerville

Absent: Jeff Johnson

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm by Nella Davis-Ray

  1. Reviewed and approved meeting minutes from 10/14/21
    1. Nella moved to pass the minutes. John seconded
  2. Gail asked if there were any other newsletters besides the one that comes out once a year preceding the picnic.
    1. Have not historically done e than 1 newsletter per year before the picnic
  3. What is the best way to update the directory?  Last update was in January 2021
    1. Ask city for the most updated copy of the neighborhood list
    2. Gail would like to offer hard copies to people who would like it in a more readable format. No issues with doing this; add language stating this is not for distribution
  4. Neighborhood Covenant
    1. John received paperwork from Alan – 31 people had already signed to remove the language from the covenant
    2. John proposed putting a letter together laying out the covenant language, and having them sign for consent (witnessed – not notarized)
    3. John will send a draft of the letter to the board for review
    4. Note: Covenant expires in 2025
    5. Once we receive an updated property owner list, John will identify who has not signed yet
    6. Nella to get the addresses of non-deliverables to John
    7. Steve, Steve, and Philip will help John get mailings out and go door-to-door in the spring
  5. Alice – Treasurer’s Report
    1. Current balance is $3,200
    2. Only 50% of the neighborhood residents paid dues (impacted by covid and not hosting the picnic in person)
  6. Luminaries
    1. $500 for all 3 streets
    2. Want to do it again on the evening of Dec. 25, 2022
    3. Gail noted that no minutes from 2020 on are on the website
      1. Jen will handle or work with Carl Lira to get them all posted
      2. Jen will post future minutes on the website
      3. The agenda should be on the website at least 3 days prior
  7. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.
Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

4/14/2022 Minutes

Present: Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Jeff Johnson

Absent: Jennifer Somerville, Philip Eisenlohr

Quorum present: Yes

  1. Nella Davis-Ray called to order this meeting at 7:05pm
  2. Reviewed and approved meeting minutes from 1/13/2022
    1. John noted that the neighborhood covenant expires in 2024, not 2025. The minutes were updated.
    2. Alice confirmed the bank account balance of $3,200 that was listed
    3. John motioned to pass the updated minutes, Gail seconded. The motion passed unanimously
  3. Neighborhood Covenant
    1. John, Steve Beckman, and Steve Whelan will work as a Covenant Committee to draft documents to send to residents that have not yet signed consent to remove the race-related language from the neighborhood covenant.
    2. The documents will be sent to the board for approval
    3. John has a list of properties that have submitted a signed consent form. Alice has a spreadsheet of current property addresses. Steve Beckman will combine the lists into a spreadsheet of properties that have not submitted a consent form and print mailing labels. Steve Whelan will purchase envelopes.
    4. A stamped return envelope will be included for the signed document.
    5. Signatures only need to be witnessed, not notarized
  4. Email from Mike Benedict. Mike Benedict sent an email to the board with a number of concerns related to the neighborhood.
    1. Excessive noise from local traffic on Hagadorn and Grand River Ave.
      1. Steve Whelan noted that the East Lansing Police Department is unlikely to intervene in the event of excessive vehicle noise at this time
    2. Excessive pet noise
      1. Add a reminder about pet noise to neighborhood newsletters
    3. Trash and recycling receptacles located in visible locations on non-pickup days.
      1. Local ordinance states that they should not be visible from the road. Steve Beckman will draft a newsletter item noting the local ordinance and a suggestion to hide the receptacles with small portable fencing or other affordable covering options
    4. Musselman Neighborhood Park maintenance
      1. Ask for neighborhood volunteers to weed and pick up the area
    5. Neighborhood trees near roadways needing maintenance
      1. Nella will notify the city of specific trees that need to be addressed
    6. Repaved street quality
      1. Nella will contact the city regarding locations that need to be addressed after the streets were repaved last fall
  5. Street sign at the intersection of Maplewood and Roseland has been missing for several weeks
    1. Steve Whelan will contact the Department of Public Works
  6. Treasurer’s report
    1. Current account balance is $3,603
    2. Only 50% of the neighborhood residents paid dues for 2022. Unlikely to change until the annual neighborhood meeting in September.
  7. Neighborhood residence updates
    1. A Maplewood resident recently died, and property ownership is in transition. The property owner had not signed a covenant amendment so an out-of-state family member will likely need to be contacted if the property is not sold prior to 2024.
  8. Interview request from The Spartan Newsroom
    1. A student reporter emailed the neighborhood association asking if any board members would be available for an interview regarding the relationship between neighborhood residents and the members of fraternities and sororities
      1. Steve Whelan will respond that our neighborhood is not in close enough proximity to local fraternity or sorority houses to have an opinion
  9. Open Discussion
    1. Neighborhood garden walk. Popular with participants in 2021, but will not be held in 2022
    2. Neighborhood newsletter
      1. Gail requested that any additions to the newsletter be submitted to her by 4/21
  10. Adjournment
    1. Gail motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm. John seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: July 28th, 2022

Executive Committee Members:  Nella Davis-Ray (President), Jeff Johnson (Vice President), Jennifer Somerville (Secretary), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Gail Lytle Lira (Communications), Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays, Steve Whelan

Call to order: Nella Davis-Ray called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 7:10pm ET on July 28th, 2022 at 155 Oakland Dr.

Roll Call:

  • Present: Steve Beckman, Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr

  • Absent: Jennifer Somerville, Philip Eisenlohr, Steve Whelan

  • Quorum present: Yes

Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on 2022-04-14 as presented. The motion carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates: 

  1. Alice reported that the BHNA bank account balance is currently $3,700

Old Business:

  1. Neighborhood Covenants

    1. 2021 State House Bill 4416, which would allow homeowners, property owners, and condo associations to submit a form to remove discriminatory language from covenants was passed by the House on June 15th, 2022 and referred to State Senate Committee on Local Government. The association would be able to file the form with a simple majority vote of the Board and would not require vote or approval from property owners.

      1. BHNA would not be eligible to use this form due to the definition of our association as a neighborhood association. Only individual property owners have the power to enforce or amend the covenants.

        1. Covenant Committee efforts to send documents to neighborhood property owners that have not previously signed consent forms should continue

New Business:

  1. Annual meeting planning

    1. Meeting will be held on September 11th, 2022 at 5pm on Maplewood

      1. Nella will gather the required signatures from Maplewood residents in order to block off the street during the meeting

    2. Prepare an August newsletter announcing the meeting and include neighborhood items discussed during the April 14th, 2022 Board meeting

      1. Nella will type up notes and send to Gail for inclusion in the newsletter

      2. Alice will type up an item about paying dues and asking for optional payment of past dues that may have been missed

    3. Purchase hot dogs, buns, and condiments with BHNA funds and ask members to bring food items to share

    4. Propose using BHNA funds to purchase luminaries for a winter neighborhood street lighting event

  2. New Board members

    1. Board terms for Nella, Jennifer, and Philip are ending this year and will need to be filled with new members

      1. Current Board members will attempt to identify potential new members and determine if they would be interested in running

  3. Street sign at the intersection of Maplewood and Roseland

    1. Sign has been missing for several months

      1. Steve Whelan will contact the Department of Public Works

  4. Neighborhood residence updates

    1. Nella will approach new homeowners that have recently moved in to inform them about BHNA

Open Discussion:

  • “Welcome to East Lansing” sign in Musselman / Ledebuhr Park at the corner of Grand River and Hagadorn is in poor condition

    • Steve Whelan will contact the Department of Public Works


  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:26pm ET. The motion carried without objection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Annual neighborhood meeting on Sunday, September 11th, 2022 at 5:00pm on Maplewood Dr.

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2023-01-15.

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

 Date: October 2nd, 2022

Board Members:  Steve Beckman, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Matthew Kazmierski, Gail Lytle Lira, Pat Poli, Alice Schehr, Mark Warner, Steve Whelan

Call to order: Jeff Johnson called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 4:03pm ET on October 2nd, 2022 at 131 Oakland Dr.

Roll Call:

  • Present: Steve Beckman, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Matthew Kazmierski, Gail Lytle Lira, Mark Warner

  • Absent: Pat Poli, Alice Schehr, Steve Whelan

  • Quorum present: Yes

Approval of Past Minutes: The 2022-07-28 meeting minutes were reviewed, but a motion was not made to approve them.

Treasurer Updates: 

  1. None, due to the absence of Alice Schehr

Old Business:

  1. Neighborhood covenant modification

    1. Steve Beckman has printed consent forms for owners that still have not signed one and placed them in envelopes. Needs to include return envelopes with prepaid stamps.

    2. Steve Beckman will check to see if any property owners that had previously submitted signed forms have changed and therefore new signatures are needed

    3. Steve Beckman will print the actual covenant language on an additional sheet of paper and include it in the envelopes delivered to each address

      1. Gail recommended placing the envelopes in or near front doors since they should not be placed in mailboxes

  2. Park upkeep on corner of Hagadorn and Grand River

    1. The landscaping of the park has recently improved, but the lower part of the “Welcome to East Lansing” sign should probably be repaired or replaced

New Business:

  1. The following quarterly meeting dates were agreed upon:

    1. Sunday, January 15th, 2023, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

    2. Sunday, April 16th, 2023, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

    3. Sunday, August 20th, 2023, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

    4. September meeting to plan for annual meeting, date and location to be determined

      1. Annual meeting scheduled for Sunday, September 10th, 2023, at 4:00pm on Oakland Dr.

  2. Appointment of board officers

    1. The following appointments were nominated and approved unanimously:

      1. President – Jeff Johnson

      2. Vice President – Matthew Kazmierski

      3. Secretary – Steve Beckman

      4. Treasurer – Alice Schehr

      5. Communications – Gail Lytle Lira

    2. Members at large – Matthew Kazmierski, Pat Poli, Steve Whelan, Mark Warner

Open Discussion:

  • Gail noted that the yard signs for announcing the annual meeting are being stored at her house

  • Gail asked where the microphone and speaker used at the annual meeting is being stored. Steve Beckman commented that Philip Eisenlohr purchased it in recent years and it was brought to this year’s meeting by Philip, who is no longer serving on the Board.

  • John noted that there should be an official location for the storage of BHNA documents. Steve suggested that Jeff mention it during the next meeting of city neighborhood associations.

Action Items: 




Steve Beckman

Verify previous covenant modification form signatures, print full covenant language to include with new forms, add stamped return envelopes to form envelopes, and deliver the form envelopes to properties that have not yet submitted signed forms


Gail Lytle Lira

Contact Philip Eisenlohr regarding the microphone and speaker used at the annual meeting


Jeff Johnson

Ask about a location for storing official neighborhood association documents during next meeting of city neighborhood associations



  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:33pm ET. The motion carried without objection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, January 15th, 2023, at 4:00pm ET, location to be determined

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2023-01-15.

Content Classification: 

2023 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

 Date: January 15th, 2023

Board Members:  Steve Beckman (Secretary), John Hays, Jeff Johnson (President), Matthew Kazmierski (Vice President), Gail Lytle Lira (Communications), Pat Poli, Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner, Steve Whelan

Call to order: Jeff Johnson called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 4:04pm ET on January 15th, 2023 at 217 Oakland Dr.

Roll Call:

  • Present: Steve Beckman (Secretary), John Hays, Jeff Johnson (President), Matthew Kazmierski (Vice President), Gail Lytle Lira (Communications), Pat Poli, Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner, Steve Whelan

  • Absent: None

  • Quorum present: Yes

Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on 2022-10-02 as presented. The motion carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates: 

  1. Alice provided a financial summary for 2022. The current BHNA account balance is $3,567. Deposits from donations and annual dues totaled $1,595, and expenses, which included two tree replacements, totaled $1,675. 

    1. Raising annual dues from $20 to $25 to help cover increased expenses for tree replacements and luminaries will be discussed in future meetings

  2. Garden Tour

    1. Would like to repeat the event this year to help raise funds. Need to identify an appropriate date to maximize neighborhood plant growth.

Old Business:

  1. Publishing of draft meeting minutes

    1. A motion was made and seconded to publish meeting minutes from annual meetings and Board meetings to the BHNA website before they have been formally approved at an annual meeting or Board meeting. The motion carried without objection.

      1. Such minutes will be labeled with the word "DRAFT" on the website until after they have been formally approved in a meeting.

  2. Approval of annual meeting minutes from 2022-09-18

    1. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the annual meeting held on 2022-09-18 as presented. The motion carried without objection.

  3. Approval of board meeting minutes from 2022-07-28

    1. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the board meeting held on 2022-07-28 as presented. The motion carried without objection.

  4. Neighborhood covenant modification

    1. Jeff commented that someone recently mentioned to him that the approval of Michigan Public Act 234 of 2022 could assist with the removal of the unenforceable language in our neighborhood covenants

      1. The language of Act 234 states that individual property owners may file to remove the language from their individual property deeds. It also states that a simple majority of a homeowners or property owners association board, or a simple majority of an association of co-owners of a condominium, may file to remove the language from covenants that apply to an entire association.

        1. Neighborhood associations such as BHNA are not specifically identified and it is assumed that a simple majority of the BHNA board could not file to remove the language from the covenants that apply to the entire neighborhood. Therefore, efforts will continue to obtain signatures from 100% of neighborhood property owners to remove the language from our neighborhood covenants.

    2. Signed affidavits from over 50 property owners are still needed. Steve Beckman mailed them updated letters on 2023-01-13 that included a printed copy of the current covenant language. A prepaid stamped envelope addressed to Steve’s house was included for the owners to return the signed form. 

  5. BHNA document storage

    1. Jeff will ask in the next meeting of East Lansing neighborhood associations if there is a central or shared location where other associations store their official documents.

  6. Winter street luminaries

    1. People that were outdoors in the neighborhood during the event had a universally positive response. It is believed that the expense was justified and the event would be approved again next winter.

New Business:

  1. Accessory dwelling units proposal

    1. The East Lansing City Council is considering an Accessory Dwelling Units policy that would allow property owners to add additional dwellings on their property for residents or rentals in the form of additions on a house and detached buildings

      1. Such dwellings would violate the current neighborhood covenants

        1. Jeff will remind the City Council member that attends the next monthly meeting of neighborhood associations that our neighborhood covenants would prevent them

Open Discussion:

  • Steve Whelan mentioned that the East Lansing Police Department responded to a recent incident in the neighborhood that had non-specific information about it publicly available on That information was shared on our neighborhood Facebook group page. It was determined that the incident was isolated and did not represent a danger to the neighborhood, so the moderators of the Facebook group removed the post. Facebook group moderators should evaluate future posts of that nature to determine if they should remain or be removed based on their impact on neighborhood residents. Steve shared that Officer Wright is the ELPD District 15 liaison, which includes our neighborhood, and they can be contacted at any time if there are questions or concerns.

Action Items: 





Discuss raising annual BHNA dues from $20 to $25



Comment in the next meeting of neighborhood associations that accessory dwellings would be in violation of our neighborhood covenants



Ask in the next meeting of neighborhood associations if there is a central, shared, or public location where other associations store their official documents



Identify date for the next neighborhood Garden Tour



  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:50pm ET. The motion carried without objection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, April 16th, 2023, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2023-04-16

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: April 16th, 2023

Board Members:  Steve Beckman (Secretary), John Hays, Jeff Johnson (President), Matthew Kazmierski (Vice President), Gail Lytle Lira (Communications), Pat Poli, Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner, Steve Whelan

Call to order: Jeff Johnson called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 4:07pm ET on April 16th, 2023 at 144 Maplewood Dr.

Roll Call:

  • Present: Steve Beckman (Secretary), Jeff Johnson (President), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Pat Poli, Matthew Kazmierski (Vice President), John Hays, Mark Warner, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira (Communications)

  • Absent: None

  • Quorum present: Yes

Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on January 15th, 2023 as presented. The motion was carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates: 

  1. Alice stated the association’s current account balance is $3,431

  2. Alice informed Pat Robinson that there are sufficient funds for additional tree replacements if needed

Old Business:

  1. Raising annual neighborhood association dues

    1. Make it a point of action at this year’s annual meeting in September to propose a vote to increase the annual dues from $20 to $25 to compensate for increased costs and inflation

  2. 2023 Neighborhood Garden Tour

    1. Alice will help organize the event and is targeting Sunday, July 16th from 1-4pm

    2. Alice will contact neighborhood residents asking for participants

    3. Would like printed brochures that list the participating addresses and describe their gardens

      1. Alice will contact Nella Davis-Ray and Judy Putnam, who helped create the previous brochures

      2. Alice will identify an item that can be placed in the front yard of participating houses

      3. A motion was made and seconded to approve of Alice spending of up to $150 from the association’s account on materials for the 2023 Neighborhood Garden Tour. The motion was carried without objection.

        1. Donations made to the association during the previous Neighborhood Garden Tour exceeded the amount that was spent on materials and was deposited in the association’s account. That is expected to occur again this year.

  3. Neighborhood covenants modification

    1. Steve Beckman printed and mailed letters, consent forms, and stamped return envelopes to 64 addresses that needed signed documents

      1. 21 of the 64 forms were returned (33%)

      2. Addresses still needing signed forms:

        1. (4) on East Grand River (43% complete)

        2. (14) on Maplewood (55% complete)

        3. (8) on North Hagadorn (20% complete)

        4. (7) on Oakland (75% complete)

        5. (5) on Roseland (72% complete)

      3. 56 of 94 total addresses have submitted signed forms (60%) with 38 still needed (40%)

      4. Steve Beckman spent $29.42 to print blank consent forms and letters to residents in 2022, $14.89 on updated letters with 2023 board member names, $21.50 on printouts of the existing neighborhood covenants text, and $84 on stamps. He will submit the receipts to Alice in order to be reimbursed $149.81 from the association’s account for those expenses.

    2. John, Steve Beckman, and Steve Whelan will work together to create a plan for visiting addresses that have not yet submitted signed forms in an attempt to get signatures and share it with the full board.

      1. Renewal of the covenants is due in 2024. Would be helpful to also have a renewal form available for signatures.

    3. The passage of Michigan House Bill 4416 (2021) makes it possible for individual property owners to pay $30 to file a form with the Ingham County Registrar of Deeds to have the language removed from their individual deed instead of relying on the neighborhood association. Information about the process will be shared with the neighborhood Facebook group.

  4. BHNA document storage

    1. Jeff asked in a recent meeting of East Lansing neighborhood associations if there is a central or shared location where other associations store their official physical documents and there currently is not one

  5. Accessory dwelling units proposal

    1. The East Lansing City Council is considering an Accessory Dwelling Units policy that would allow property owners to add additional dwellings on their property for residents or rentals in the form of additions on a house and detached buildings

      1. Such dwellings would violate the current neighborhood covenants

        1. City Council is aware of existing restrictions and the potential policy is still being debated

New Business:

  1. Potential website transition to

    1. Nella Davis-Ray notified the board that all other East Lansing neighborhood associations appear to use the site for posting their information publicly

      1. Board members will research the details and discuss the pros and cons of transitioning to that site in future meetings

  2. 2023 Annual Meeting

    1. Will be held on the second Sunday in September, which will be the 10th, with the rain date being the 17th

      1. Was held on Maplewood last year so will be held on Oakland this year. Jeff will contact the city to reserve the dates for blocking off the street.

    2. The board will hold an additional meeting on Wednesday 8/30 at a TBD time and place in order to finalize plans for the annual meeting

    3. Board terms for Jeff, John, and Steve Whelan end this year

      1. Need to recruit new potential members

    4. The meeting needs to be announced at least two weeks before the meeting date. Will be announced in the Facebook group and the newsletter.

      1. Send content ideas to Gayle by 8/1

        1. Initial ideas: Ask for new board members, recap the Garden Tour, covenant language removal process, fun facts about the neighborhood

  3. Community Issues

    1. Jeff reported that new 5G small cell wireless facilities could be added to the area. The nearest potential location would be near Cahill Rd. Information from the city can be found here:

    2. The city is waiting for the hiring of a new City Manager before moving forward with several projects

      1. Construction of the new MSUFCU building downtown will not include additional parking structures, which will present a challenge to the existing parking facilities

    3. The sign that was in the park at the corner of E. Grand River and N. Hagadorn was in disrepair and has been removed by the city. No additional information regarding the sign is available at this time.

Open Discussion:

  • None

Action Items: 






Discuss raising annual BHNA dues from $20 to $25



Send newsletter content ideas to Gayle



Identify potential new board members



Begin planning for the Neighborhood Garden Tour


John, Steve, Steve

Create plan for visiting addresses that have not submitted signed forms for amending the neighborhood covenants



Contact the city regarding the closure of Oakland Drive on the dates of the annual meeting


Mark, Matt

Research the pros and cons of transitioning the association’s website information to



  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:05pm ET. The motion carried without objection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, August 20th, 2023, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2023-08-17.


Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: August 17th, 2023


Board Members:  Steve Beckman (Secretary), John Hays, Jeff Johnson (President), Matthew Kazmierski (Vice President), Gail Lytle Lira (Communications), Pat Poli, Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner, Steve Whelan

Call to order: Jeff Johnson called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 7:02pm ET on August 17th, 2023 at 144 Maplewood Dr.

Roll Call:

  • Present: Steve Beckman (Secretary), Jeff Johnson (President), Matthew Kazmierski (Vice President), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Pat Poli, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira (Communications)

  • Absent: Mark Warner

  • Quorum present: Yes

  • Others in attendance: Denise Moore

Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on April 16th, 2023 as presented. The motion was carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates: 

  1. Alice stated the association’s current account balance is $3,664

  2. Alice spoke with Pat Robinson about adding street-level trees due to the account surplus. Pat said to have interested residents contact her directly to request additional trees.

Old Business:

  1. Raising annual neighborhood association dues

    1. Make it a point of action at this year’s annual meeting in September to propose a vote to increase the annual dues from $20 to $25 to compensate for increased costs and inflation

  2. 2023 Neighborhood Garden Tour

    1. $327 of the association’s funds were spent to print reusable yard signs for the event. $580 of donations were made. The event brought a $252 profit.

    2. Attendance was down over the previous garden tour. Inviting the Meridian Township Garden Club will be considered for future garden events.

  3. Neighborhood covenants modification and renewal

    1. Steve Beckman reported that 37 addresses still need to sign consent forms to modify the covenants. Steve will review property owner records for addresses that have already signed to determine if owners have changed, which would necessitate document signatures by the new property owners.

    2. Several board members volunteered to visit addresses that do not currently have a signed agreement. Steve provided printed documents for them to use.

    3. Renewal of the covenants is due July 20, 2024. Signed documents to renew the covenants need to be obtained from 2/3rds of property owners and notarized, but consent documents to modify the covenants only need to include signatures from witnesses.

      1. The previous documents that were signed to renew the covenants use a date with the year 2020. Those signed documents likely need to be replaced in order to be accepted by the Ingham County Register of Deeds. John will update the form and the board will pursue their notarized signing.

      2. Board members will make efforts to have one or more notaries in attendance at the annual meeting on September 10th to facilitate the signing of new renewal documents

  4. BHNA website transition to

    1. Matt has contacted the city liaison and is exploring options for transitioning the content of Matt will email board members with his findings.

  5. 2023 Annual Meeting

    1. Will be held from 4-6pm on September 10th, with the rain date being September 17th

      1. Will be held on Oakland Dr this year. Jeff has contacted the city and reserved the dates for the street to be blocked off.

    2. The board will hold an additional meeting on Wednesday 8/30, at a time and place to be determined, in order to finalize details of the annual meeting

    3. Alice will purchase name tags, hotdogs, buns, condiments, and bottled water using funds from the association’s account

      1. Denise Moore proposed adding ice cream. Board members agreed to discuss all items that will be purchased during the meeting on 8/30.

    4. Board members discussed including yard games and entertainment activities for children

    5. The meeting is tentatively planned to be on the street in front of the houses of 237-252 Oakland. Denise will approach the homeowners for approval.

    6. Board terms for Jeff Johnson, John Hays, and Steve Whelan are ending this year

      1. John stated he will run again. Jeff stated he will not. Steve Whelan stated he is unlikely to rerun. One or more new board members will be needed.

    7. Covenants, trees, and luminaries will be on the meeting agenda

    8. Candidates for city council and East Lansing School Board were discussed as potential invitees. Would only be invited to be informal attendees, not official speakers. Final decisions will be made during the meeting on 8/30.

    9. The microphone and speaker that was used at last year’s meeting was provided by former board member Philip Eisenlohr. It’s believed that former board member Nella Davis-Ray is currently in possession of it. Nella will be contacted. Gayle currently has the yard signs that announce the meeting.


New Business: None

Open Discussion:

  • City of East Lansing updates from Steve Whelan: Crime is down overall, but auto theft rising for cars that have insertable door keys. Another reminder to keep car doors locked when parked at homes. Cut through traffic from Hagadorn and Grand River is down. Speeding in excess of 25 miles-per-hour has not typically been an observed issue.


Action Items: 






Identify potential new board members



Update covenant renewal form



Invite one or more notaries to attend the annual meeting on 9/10



Contact Nella Davis-Ray regarding the microphone and speaker to use during the annual meeting



Identify specific pros and cons for transitioning the website to and email the details to the board



  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:17pm ET. The motion carried without objection.


Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023. Time and location to be determined.

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2023-10-22.

Content Classification: 



Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

 Date: October 22nd, 2023


Board Members:  Steve Beckman (incumbent Secretary), Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Matthew Kazmierski (incumbent Vice President, acting President), Gail Lytle Lira (incumbent Communications), Denise Moore, Pat Poli, Alice Schehr (incumbent Treasurer), Mark Warner


Call to order: Steve Beckman called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 4:12pm ET on October 22nd, 2023 at 252 Oakland Dr.


Roll Call:

  • Steve Beckman (incumbent Secretary), Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Gail Lytle Lira (incumbent Communications), Denise Moore, Pat Poli, Alice Schehr (incumbent Treasurer), Mark Warner

  • Absent: Matthew Kazmierski (incumbent Vice President, acting President)

  • Quorum present: Yes


Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on August 17th, 2023 as presented. The motion was carried without objection.


Treasurer Updates: 

  1. Alice stated the association’s current account balance is $3,968 after $190 of expenses from the annual meeting and $790 in new revenue from association dues

  2. Alice spoke with Pat Robinson about replacing trees damaged during recent weather events. Pat stated that the price for replacement trees has nearly doubled.

  3. Alice has applied to become a notary in order to help facilitate the signing of the renewal of the covenants

    1. A motion was made and seconded to approve the spending of $176.33 on Alice’s notary registration fees. The motion carried without objection.


Old Business:

  1. 2024 Neighborhood Garden Tour

    1. Will consider inviting the Meridian Township Garden Club and friends of participating neighborhood residents

  2. Neighborhood covenants modification and renewal

    1. Steve Beckman reported that 27 addresses still need to sign consent forms to modify the covenants and at least 25 need to sign the renewal form

      1. John provided two new signed modification forms

    2. After Alice becomes a notary she will go door-to-door with John to visit neighbors that still need to sign forms so that she can notarize their signatures and ask for annual dues if they have not yet been paid

  3. BHNA website transition to

    1. Matt is still exploring options for transitioning the content of Matt will eventually email board members with his findings.


New Business

  1. The following quarterly meeting dates were agreed upon:

    1. Sunday, January 21st, 2024, at 4:00pm, at 217 Oakland Dr

    2. Sunday, April 21st, 2024, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

    3. Sunday, July 21st, 2024, at 4:00pm, location to be determined

    4. September meeting to plan for annual meeting, date and location to be determined

      1. Annual meeting scheduled for Sunday, September 8th, 2024, at 4:00pm on Maplewood Dr. Rain date will be Sunday, September 15th, 2024.

  2. Appointment of board officers

    1. The following appointments were nominated and approved unanimously:

      1. President – Matthew Kazmierski

      2. Vice President – Mark Warner

      3. Secretary – Steve Beckman

      4. Treasurer – Alice Schehr

      5. Communications – Pat Poli and Nella Davis-Ray

    2. Members at large – John Hays, Gail Lytle Lira, Denise Moore

  3. September neighborhood meeting of East Lansing neighborhood associations

    1. Matt attended the meeting and emailed his notes to the board. Nothing specifically related to our neighborhood was discussed during that meeting.

  4. 2024 Luminaries

    1. This year’s event will be held on December 21st with the 22nd being the backup date

    2. Alice will order bags and candles, contact the city to have sand delivered at least two weeks before the event, and recruit street captains

Open Discussion:

  • Steve asked to have a copy of Pat Robinson’s most recent neighborhood tree report sent to all board members


Action Items: 





Identify specific pros and cons for transitioning the website to and email the details to the board


Alice and Denise

Prepare for the luminaries event




  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:03pm ET. The motion carried without objection.


Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, January 21st, 2024 at 4:00pm ET at 217 Oakland Dr.


Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: TBD

2024 Board Minutes

Content Classification: 


Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting Minutes

Date: January 28th, 2024

Board Members: Steve Beckman (Secretary), Nella Davis-Ray (Communications), John Hays, Matthew Kazmierski (President), Gail Lytle Lira, Denise Moore, Pat Poli (Communications), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner

Call to order: Steve Beckman called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 4:32pm ET on January 28th, 2024 in an online meeting via Zoom.

Roll Call: Steve Beckman (Secretary), Nella Davis-Ray (Communications), John Hays, Matthew Kazmierski (President), Gail Lytle Lira, Denise Moore, Pat Poli (Communications), Mark Warner

● Absent: Alice Schehr (Treasurer)

● Quorum present: Yes

Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on October 22nd, 2023 as presented. The motion was carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates:

1. Alice provided a report that stated the association’s current account balance is $2,455.09 after $2,513.97 of expenses from the replacement of three trees ($773 each), materials for luminaries($164), and website hosting ($32.97 for three months). The collection of some association dues after the annual picnic and donations for tree replacements brought in $913.

a. The board recognized Alice’s efforts to become a notary and to visit neighborhood residents that needed to pay their annual dues and sign renewal forms.

Old Business:

1. Luminaries review

a. The board recognized those who helped set up and pick up the bags. Several bags were able to be saved for reuse.

b. The candles did not burn as long as expected. Will attempt to research and purchase candles that last longer next time.

2. 2024 Neighborhood Garden Tour

a. Alice and Nella will form a planning committee and may consider selling tickets as a fundraiser for replacement trees

3. Neighborhood covenants modification and renewal

a. Steve reported that 25 addresses still need to sign consent forms to modify the covenants

b. Alice provided a report that stated 35 renewal forms were notarized by her during her door-to-door efforts and 31 forms were notarized at the annual picnic. John reported that he received 2 additional notarized renewal forms. The 68 notarized renewal forms meet the 2/3rds threshold required for filing for the renewal, but some additional forms should be collected in case some are rejected.

i. John will meet with Alice to determine a timeline for completing the documents needed for recording the renewal of the covenants with the Ingham County Register of Deeds

4. BHNA website transition to

a. Matt is still exploring options for transitioning the content of He sent questions to the hosting company, Civic Plus, requesting answers about how our existing content could be transferred to their platform, among other things.

5. Tree maintenance

a. Tree replacement decisions have typically been made by Pat Robinson, who is not a current board member, and then payment authorized by the Treasurer. The board would like to create a committee to assist with those efforts and provide oversight.

i. The BHNA Bylaws identify several potential committee names and their purposes. An“Environment Committee” would be appropriate for efforts related to tree maintenance and a “Social Committee” would be appropriate for planning and executing events such as the Garden Walk.

ii. Matt will propose the creation of an Environment Committee and approach Pat to be its chairperson and to lead the effort to add members to the committee.

iii. Matt will propose the creation of a Social Committee and post on the BHNA Facebook Group asking for neighbors to volunteer to join it.

New Business

 1. Council of Neighborhood Presidents Meetings

a. Matt attended the January meeting and shared his notes with the board

2. Hagadorn Road Diet Project

a. East Lansing City Council approved the project during their meeting on January 22nd

Open Discussion: None

Action Items:

Name Action Deadline


Identify specific pros and cons for transitioning the website to and email the details to the board.


Contact Pat Robinson regarding the creation of an Environment Committee.


Post on the BHNA Facebook Group asking for volunteers to be members of a new Social Committee.

Alice, John, Steve

Gather signed covenant renewal documents and deliver to the Ingham County Register of Deeds.


 ● A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:25pm ET. The motion carried withoutobjection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, April 21st, 2024 at 4:00pm ET. Location to be determined.

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: TBD

Content Classification: