Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
Thursday, March 20, 2008
7:30 p.m. 164 Oakland Drive
Peter Knupfer
Note taker:
Nella Davis-Ray
John Hays, Alan Munn, Judy Benedict, Nella Davis-Ray, Peter Knupfer
Tim Dawson & Ryan Fink.
Agenda Item
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Motion passed to approve minutes from 11/15/07 board meeting as distributed with the addition of Ryan’s last name.
Treasurer’s Report
No report at this time. Report to be submitted to board via email.
Membership Drive
When are we going to do it? Plans made at last meeting not followed thru on. Agreed on April 19th. Before then, Peter will provide updated Spring newsletter for our door to door distribution. Again, newsletter will include explanation of what neighborhood association does and what is paid for with the annual dues. Newsletter will also include information about the garage sale and date for the 2008 annual meeting. Peter asked board members to send him any additional info that should be included in the newsletter. When we go door to door we will use list provided by Allan to determine who has not paid 2007 dues to collect dues. Alan will issue receipts to those that want them. Again, Board members going door to door should encourage home owners to provide their email addresses.
· Judy Benedict will do Oakland
· John Hays will do Roseland
· Nella Davis-Ray will do the even side of Maplewood
· Alan Munn will do the odd side of Maplewood
Tree Replacement
City Affairs
1. East Village –
2. Hagadorn/GR signs and signals –
3. Flood Plain –
4. Board Vacancies –
Agenda item tabled, Dave Drolshagen not in attendance
The following information was provided by Peter:
Project is moving along.
Signs controlled by the State. Peter will send letter to City about placement of no turn on red sign. The MDOT, Signal shop is responsible for timing of left turn signal. Peter has called them, they said they would time the signal. Peter to follow-up with signal shop.
As part of the East Village project, Red Cedar flood plain remapping accorded. Flood plain is not extending closer to Brookfield.
There a number of vacant positions on the various boards. Residents are encouraged to apply. This will be shared in the Spring newsletter.
Discussed timing of newsletter issues at last meeting. Decided that quarterly issues will follow the board meetings. Peter will provide Spring newsletter.
BHNA Garage Sale
Stephanie, garage sale coordinator, was invited to the board meeting for update. Advertisements – 1. With Judy’s assistance, Stephanie will circulate second announcement throughout neighborhood. 2. She will send announcement via email to Peter for use in newsletter. 3. Signs will be put out the morning of the sale at corners of Roseland, Maplewood and Oakland. Stephanie will provide signs. 4. Nella will submit ad to Lansing State Journal and Towne Courier.
Collecting Donations – During the sale, Stephanie (Roseland), Kevin (Oakland), Tim (Grand River & Hagadorn) and Nella (Maplewood) will canvas the neighborhood to see who’s having sales. At the end of the sale they will return to sellers to collect donations. No set amount or percent for donations, it’s what the sellers chose to give. Will need to record who we collected from (name and address) and how much. Alan will provide receipts to donators. Recognition should be given to donators in Summer newsletter.
Organization of sale – We talked about providing list of homes that are participating in the sale for shoppers. No decision made about who will generate list or where list will be provided.
Refreshments -We talked about selling bake goods/drinks at association table, weather permitting. Where would we set up table? Some central location, Ryan offered his yard. He will confirm availability. What will we sell? Donated items from McDonald’s, Quality Dairy and/or TC Pies. No decisions made about who will man the table (Knupfer crew?) or who would contact local businesses about donations.
Old Business
· Selling on the corner lot of Maplewood & Grand River. Peter informed Board that PACE’s response was that sale was “legal business”. Peter to follow-up with City about safety concerns.
New Business
Board Meeting Schedule
· Empty Country Market location – No info on plans for building. Trader Joe’s rumor. Peter volunteered to send letter to Phipps about the neighborhood’s interest in having another grocer at the location.
· Passing of neighbor – Sudden death of Oakland neighbor discussed. Judy will do write up for Spring newsletter for her with input from Manny and LSJ obiturary which was printed on 3/2 and should be available on line.
· Neighborhood Presidents meetings – Peter reported that the E L Neighborhood Presidents Association is not active but regular meetings with Mayor are still held. In the event Peter is not able to attend, vice president or other board member should attend. Peter will send meeting schedule to board members.
· Spring get together – idea suggested by Peter, some discussion about when and where but no decisions made.
· Planting at corners – some discussion about how there used to be annuals planted at the corners of Brookfield and why we stopped doing them. No plans to purchase/plant annuals.
· Next meeting – Thursday, April 24th , at Alan Munn’s house again. Will address to-do items for the May 10th garage sale.
· Thursday, August 7th (agenda will focus on September 14th annual meeting). Meeting location to be determined. Meeting will start at 7:00 p.m.
· Thursday, September 25th (selection of officers and scheduling of 2008/2009 meetings)
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Submitted by Nella Davis-Ray, Recording Secretary