The neighborhood provides an email discussion list.
Joining the list
Membership is managed by the neighborhood executive board and web support team.
Submit a request to join the discussion list.
Sending to the list
To send to the discussion list, the address is neighbors at brookfieldneighborhood dot net, using the standard email format, disguised here in plain text to minimize robot spam.
List information page for subscribers
The list information page enables functions including:
- viewing archives of discussions
- recovering your password
- configuring options such as to receive periodic digests rather than every message
What should I expect when I join?
You will receive a welcome message with a password. The password is needed only to access the list web page which is rarely done. You can also retrieve your password from the list information page.
What happens when I respond to a message?
Everyone in the list will see your response. Be very careful to avoid personal messages to the entire discussion list. Each message will include the email address of the sender. For personal responses, ‘forward’ the message and enter that address manually, or start a new message to that individual instead of hastily clicking ‘reply’.
Do I need to include individual email addresses in my messages?
If you send to the list and also include personal email addresses for list members, they will receive two copies of the message. Do not include addresses of people who are already on the list. However, if a message is from someone who is NOT a list member and you want to include them in the reply, you must include their email address because a normal ‘reply’ goes only to the list members.
I am not seeing messages from the list, or I don’t see the welcome message
Be sure to check spam. You can add the list address to your contacts, and depending on the email system, you may be able to set the system to never mark the list sending address as spam. In extreme cases, the internet service providers have blocked email discussion lists, and contacting their support may be required.
Is ‘bounce’ part of the email address?
You may receive an email with ‘bounce’ as part of the sending address. That address is created as part of the mailing system and is not part of the address where you send messages. If your email system learns this as the address of the list, please delete it.
How do I leave the discussion?
Each message has a footer or attachment that includes a link to unsubscribe.
How is spam controlled?
Any email from outside the list is moderated before it is distributed to the list. Email from list members are scanned for spam and moderated if spam is identified.
Want to learn more about settings and how the list works?
The discussion list runs on GNU Mailman. Visit the support page.