Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
Monday, December 1st, 2008
7:30 p.m. 164 Oakland Drive
Peter Knupfer
Note taker:
Nella Davis-Ray
Joe Skwara, Alan Munn, Nella Davis-Ray, Peter Knupfer, Dawn Parker & Tim Dawson
Agenda Item
Call to Order
Approval of Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:42 p.m.
Motion passed to approve minutes from 09/21/08 annual meeting as distributed with the correction of Joe’s last name.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan Munn provided an oral report. He also provided written report for the record to the president. Currently we have $ 2,196.79 total in our MSUFCU checking account. No outstanding bills. No tree purchases this fall.
Membership Drive
Neighborhood Blog
When are we going to do it? We have not held a membership drive this year as planned. Plans made at last meeting not followed thru on. Alan informed the board that we are at a low point for membership, around 20%. Peter stressed the importance of having strong membership representation.
· Newsletter plea for membership dues.
· Email plea for membership dues.
· Send a self-addressed and stamped letter to each unpaid 2008 property owner. Board agreed to chose this option.
· Actions due by December 17th:
1. Alan will create mailing labels, purchase envelopes and copies of short notice about dues.
2. Peter will have his crew stuff envelopes.
Membership drive discussion led into discussion about communication to the neighborhood. Peter volunteered to set up a blog for the neighborhood. It would be a place to put the newsletters, ads, etc. Dawn offered to have her spouse do a website for us. The key is to have a site that does not require much maintenance. Peter will have a discussion with his contact about Word Press blog software. We would need to pay for a domain name.
Tree Replacement
City Affairs
1. East Village –
2. Brookfield Plaza –
3. Rental property in Brookfield –
Agenda item tabled again, Dave Drolshagen not in attendance again. Bylaws address a standing environment committee. Dave needs to make a decision about his commitment to chairing this committee. Nella volunteered to speak with Dave about his commitment to chairing this committee. If he will not chair, Nella will.
The following information was provided by Peter:
No movement on Resident Inn at Grand River.
It’s been almost a year since Country Market was vacated. No signs of a replacement tenant yet. Try to keep the issue on the City’s radar.
Should we file a complaint about rental violations? Peter suggested that we should be concerned about rental violations when there are safety concerns (fire/over occupancy). We discussed the pros and cons of filing a complaint. No motion from the Board on this issue. Peter and Tim will have discussion with the current Oakland residents.
Officer Election
· All officer positions are open.
· Allan Munn agreed to stay on as the treasurer/membership secretary.
· Nella Davis-Ray agreed to stay on as the recording secretary.
· Dawn Parker agreed to stay on as the communications officer.
· Tim Dawson agreed to serve as the President
· Vice President – we may need to declare open seat and nominate a new vice president. Dave Drolshagen was appointed but he has not attended meetings. Nella agreed to talk with Dave about serving out his term which ends in 2009.
It was decided earlier this year that quarterly issues will follow the board meetings. Dawn to work with Peter and Tim on a Winter newsletter.
BHNA Garage Sale
Stephanie, 2008 garage sale coordinator, is not interested in coordinating 2009 garage sale. Due to time, discussion about 2009 garage sale tabled to next Board meeting. Advertisements, collecting donations, organizing the sale, setting up refreshments, etc. will be discussed.
Old Business
New Business
Board Meeting Schedule
Discussion with University Church about supporting the Neighborhood Association.
Tentative 2009 Meeting dates: Thursday February 12th, Thursday May 7th, and Thursday, July 9th. Dates will be confirmed four to three weeks before tentative date.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Submitted by Nella Davis-Ray, Recording Secretary