
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The purpose of this meeting was to finalize plans for the annual business meeting & neighborhood gathering.
Present: Alan Munn, Dave, Nella, Tim, Joe, Jan, Judy
Absent: Peter, Kristin & Dawn Parker
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009 (Rain date, the following Sunday)
Time: 2 hours, 4- 6 pm, setup – ½ hour before, tear down – ½ hour after.
Provisions: Board decided to make this year’s gathering an ice cream social.
Board approved having Scoops provide vanilla & chocolate ice cream with toppings bar
at $210/hr from 4 – 5 p.m.
Action Item:
Judy Benedict to contact Scoops and make reservations.
Entertainment – Board liked the suggestion to have music from 4 – 5 pm. Discussed past practices. Board approved paying ~ $100 for one hour of music.
Action Items:
1. Judy will talk to Bianca for more music ideas this week.
2. Judy to email Board members about music choice.
For the kids – Board liked the suggestion to have activities for kids from 5 -6 pm. bike parade, older neighborhood kids to play games with the younger kids(duck, duck goose, sack races, musical chairs, water balloons, prizes for all), face painting, balloons, construction paper/art activities (markers, chalk) – the 2nd hour of the gathering, 5 – 6.
Action Items:
1. Judy to contact the balloon man.
2. Judy to talk with Knupfer girls about being at the meeting from 5-6 to do face painting and “supervise” kids.
Dues – Treasurer should be collecting and providing receipts.
NOTE: The dues we collect in September are for 2010. 2010 dues are due by January 2010.  Joe reminded the Board that earlier this year we had agreed to do a mail campaign for outstanding 2009 dues. We did not do the campaign so there was no followup after the September 2008 meeting. This year we will do mail campaign for outstanding 2010 dues in November/ December.
Notice – Board review and edited draft notice.
Action Item: Nella to provide revised draft via email to Board for final review and approval. Second page of the notice will be devoted to the Association constitution.
Agenda – Board review and edited agenda.
Action Items:
1. Nella will ask Pat Robinson to give a tree report.
2. Nella will ask police chief to give presentation on neighborhood safety tips and give report on EL crimes/break-ins.
3. Jan to talk with Susan MacKenzie about being on the Board.
Petition– due to city ASAP because the City Council needs to approve at August Council meeting.
Action Items:
1. Dave and Jan to collect Oakland Ave. signatures this week.
2. Dave & Jan to give signatures to Judy by this weekend.
3. Judy to deliver signatures and cover letter to City next Monday or Tuesday.
Distributions of the notice – we no longer mail the notice; will distribute the notice to each house by Sunday, August 31st.
Action Items:
1. Nella will provide 100 copies of final notice to Dave by Wednesday.
2. Dave to distribute notices to each Brookfield household.
Updating Neighborhood Directory – Hard copies of updated neighborhood directory will be provided at the meeting.
Action Items:
1. Allan to use East Lansing website information to update his Excel file.
2. Allan to provide updated file and email updates provided at last year’s meeting to Nella.
3. Nella to provide copies of updated directory at meeting.
Miscellaneous Stuff
·         PA system for speakers
Action Items:
1. Nella to provide PA system and extension cord.
2. Nella will ask Sally Lloyd for use of her power.
·         Tables & chairs – need some tables (Stephanie, Sallie, Knupfer, Whalen) , neighbors provide their own chairs (will need volunteer to contact)
·         Purchase of disposal table covering, spoons, cups & napkins.
Action Items:
1. Tim to purchase items.
2. Allan to reimburse Tim for purchase of items.
·         One or two trash bags
·         Setting up barriers – barriers to be delivered to Judy’s house.
Action Item: Judy & Mike to set up barriers by 3:30 on Sunday and take down barriers by 7:00 on Sunday.
·         Banners and flag line – set them up after barriers go up.
Action Item: Nella to set up banner and flag lines by 3:45 on Sunday and take down banner and flag lines by 6:45 on Sunday.
·         Email reminder – send out one week before meeting.
Action Item: Nella to send out reminder by Sunday, September 6th.