
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:30 pm
Present: Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Peter Knupfer, Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Joe Skwara and Tom Wibert
Absent: Jan Bernsten and Kristin Rosenbrook.
Approval of minutes
The April 12, 2010 board meeting minutes were approved with no amendments.
Action Items Update
The following updates were provided on action items from the April 12, 2010 meeting:
– Postings to website – the association constitution & bylaws will be provided to Carl by Peter as scanned documents for the website. NOTE: Covenant needs editorial for posting.
Treasurer’s Report
Joe Skwara provided a written report of the Associations’ accounts. Any dues paid after the beginning of the fiscal year (7/1/2010) were credited as 2011 dues. Three households have already paid their 2011 dues.
Joe announced that he has sold his house and will be moving at the end of the month! He was prepared to transfer the records he has collected since the beginning of his term as treasurer. The Board asked Joe to keep the records until we can have a Board member willing to finish the reminder of his term. The temporary treasurer will serve until a new treasurer is elected in September. The Board would like to have Jan Bernsten serve as treasurer. Jan Bernsten agreed to serve as treasurer for the remainder of Joe’s term. Joe has agreed to provide a tutorial to the new treasurer.
Action Item: Joe and Jan to meet to review treasurer duties. Joe to transfer records to Jan.
Old Business
1.      Brookfield Website – Carl provided “lunch & learn” to neighbors about using the Brookfield site.
2.      Welcome package – Kristin Rosenbrook volunteered to be the “Welcome Lady”. No update from Kristin on action item. NOTE: Two additional homes on Maplewood have sold since the April meeting and also need welcome package.
Action Items: Kristin to visit the new homeowners at 147 Maplewood to provide packet, inform homeowners about association and website, collect email address (es) to add to “announcements at brookfieldneighborhood.net” and to gather information about new neighbors for newsletter/website piece.
3.      Brookfield Brochure – No activity on draft brochure since last Board meeting.
Action Items:
  1. Nella to ask Dawn Parker to review and edit brochure.
  2. Nella to check on printing & folding costs for 100 – 500 brochures.
  3. Peter to check with GLAR about distribution of brochure to realtors.
4.   Newsletter – Peter completed Spring/Summer newsletter.
New Business
·         Annual Business Meeting & Neighborhood Gathering. See detailed action list.   Nella to send out regular updates on action list to Board members.
·         Neighborhood Presidents meeting – Tim has been attending the Neighborhood Presidents meetings held with the mayor. Last meeting focused on the proposed development at the old Blue Cross Network site on Lake Lansing. A report about the impact of the Overlay Ordinance was shared with neighborhood presidents. In summary, the district overlays seem to be working as planned. They do not have a negative effect on home sales. Because the report makes specific reference to Brookfield the Board asked that the report be linked at our website.
Action Item: Tim to provide City of East Lansing URL for report to Carl.
Other Concerns
1.      Foreclosures – Lack of maintenance on foreclosed property is a matter of public concern. Empty, neglected properties attract vagrants and additional damage. Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye on these properties. The Board is aware of at least one in the neighborhood.
Action Items:
– Peter to access assessor’s database to identify Brookfield homes under foreclosure and the bank holding the property.
– If the property is in bad shape, Tim and Peter to draft letter to bank asking for information on the property and to inform bank of Association’s concern about poor condition of property.
– If needed, Association to ask city to inspect property.
2.      Corner house at Oakland and GR – Abe Cuddeback is the new owner. Many outstanding issues are going to be resolved.  The dead tree in front of the house has been removed and the owner has invested in code-compliant repairs. Abe seems
committed to keeping a viable rental property in alignment with the neighborhood’s character and wishes.The purchase agreement permits rental of the pole barn that’s on the property.  This is a violation of city rental ordinance and of our deed restrictions.  This violation splits the lot into two rental properties.

 Action Items:
– Peter & Tim to draft letter from the association to Abe about this issue.
– Draft letter to Board for review and approval.
3.      Northbound Hagadorn turn at Grand River – no resolution on the short time allowed for turns. With school starting soon, at 5 pm traffic will be backed up to Bogue and car will be cutting thru neighborhoods to get to Hagadorn.
Action Items:
– Peter to identify right private/public party that has the power to resolve problem.
– Peter to consider contacting John Snyder about the problem.
4.      Michigan-Grand River Corridor Study – CATA is sponsoring a study of options for public transportation along the Michigan-Grand River corridor. This may have implications for our neighborhood. More information is in the Forum for Neighborhood issues. Some discussion about lack of info/detail about project, traffic congestion, need for options, etc.
Action Items:
– Carl Lira to draft letter of concern from Association to CATA/Lansing & East Lansing with cc to Mark Meadows.
Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
REMINDER: This was the last scheduled meeting. Additional meetings to be scheduled after 2010 Business Meeting & Neighborhood Gathering. Location to be determined.