The April 11 board meeting was held at the home of Rhoda Wolff and was called to order by the president, Rhoda at 6:30 P.M. Members present were Carl Lira, Jan Bernsten, Sally Lloyd, Susie Engelhart, Rhoda Wolff, and Judy Cunningham.
1. The minutes of the January 31 board meeting were read by secretary Judy Cunningham, approved, and stood as read.
2. Jan Bernsten presented the Treasurers report. We currently have $397.07 in our checking account, $1833.06 in our savings account, for a total balance of $2,230.13.
a. The neighborhood e-mail ‘Listserv’ was discussed, and after discussion we moved, seconded, and voted to use the ‘Listserv’ only for neighborhood issues, not for fundraising. We felt that the website could be a place to advertise fundraising events.
a. We have a new neighbor at 1521 Grand River and Kristin Rosenbrook will be asked to welcome them.
b. There is a house being rented without a license at 147 Maplewood. This has been reported to the city and the appropriate steps are being taken to follow up on the issue
c. Verna Hodge, a long time East Lansing and Brookkfield Heritage Neighborhood resident passed away this winter. Since Verna did much to beautify the city over the years, the board decided to plant flowers in late May at the Roseland/Hagadorn entrance to the neighborhood in memory of Verna. Judy and Susie volunteered to do the planting and will ask Dawn Parker about putting a little notice in the Towne Courier.
d. The traffic light at the corner of Hagadorn and Grand River has reverted back to being a short cycle again. Susie will ask Peter Knupfer if he can follow up about this again.
e. The vacancy on the board created by Tom Wibert’s move is being filled by Judy Putnam.
f. Picnic dates were discussed, and because of several conflicts with the Sunday following Labor Day, it was decided to choose September 18, 2011, with a rain date of September 25.
The next board meeting is scheduled for JULY 14, 6:30 P.M., at Jan Bernsten’s, 184 Maplewood. The meeting adjourned at 7:40P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Judy Cunningham, Secretary