The January, 2012 board meeting was held at the home of Sally Lloyd, and called to order by president, Rhoda Wolff at 6:35 P.M. We began the meeting by introductions of all members present, with two new board members in attendance. Board members present were Dawn Parker, Rhoda Wolff, Sally Lloyd, Susie Engelhart, Dave Betts, Wayne Claycombe, and Judy Cunningham.
I. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Judy Cunningham distributed copies of the October board meeting secretary’s report. The minutes were approved and seconded as written.
II. TREASURER’S REPORT: Sally Lloyd presented the treasurer’s report in detail, reminding us that the fiscal year goes from July 1 until June 30 each year. Dues from the picnic totaled $520.00, and checks received since then for dues have been for $80.00. As of December 30, 2011, balances in our savings account are $1856.09 and in checking $754.58 for a total balance of $2610.67. Sally also provided us with a list of neighbors who have paid dues for the 2011/12 year from the list of all households.
A plant was sent from the Brookfield neighborhood to the family of Don Martin, who passed away last week, and had been a 35 year resident on Maplewood, and the board voted to reimburse Judy Cunningham for the cost of the plant.
After discussing the new directory and when to distribute it, the board decided to attempt to reach neighbors one more time with a dues request, in the hopes of reaching the necessary number of members to keep our neighborhood status with the city, which is understood to be 50% +1 households. Dawn Parker agreed to draft a new letter to this effect, and Dave Betts volunteered to make copies and mail them out by February 14. The date to return them was set to be February 29. Judy Cunningham will get the names of people not yet paid to Dave. The new directory is still on hold.
At our April meeting we will be going over the by-laws of the association. Many of us have never seen the by-laws which can be found on our Brookfield web site, and could read then prior to the meeting.
We would also like to have a report on plans for trees this year from Pat Robinson, and Dawn volunteered to call Pat and invite her to our next meeting.
There was concern about our $50.00 check from the annual picnic, which was a deposit given to the city and has not been returned to our neighborhood. Dawn will call the city clerk’s office and clear this up.
Next meeting, APRIL 18, 6:30 P.M., Susie Engelhart’s, 244 Maplewood.
8:10 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judy Cunningham, Secretary