
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes

July 31, 2017

Present: Jennifer Castner, Alan Munn, Philip Eisenlohr, Jeff Johnson, Mike Benedict, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince

Absent: Kay Ruekberg

  1. Introduction of guest John Hays, resident
  2. Minutes of May 8, approved.
  3. Treasurer’s report.
  4. Deed restrictions
    • As individual contracts between the homeowner and their property in the subdivision, deed restrictions and as a result neither city, county, nor state can aid us directly. The deed restrictions only have provisions for 2/3ds approval of renewing the restrictions, but because it does not make specific provisions for amendments, each property owner would have to affirm amendments.
    • John Hays suggested that we investigate the possibility that because the racially-motivated is illegal and unenforceable, perhaps the covenant can be reissued with the offensive language removed. More investigation is needed to verify whether omitting language has the potential to invalidate the entire contract.
    • Any new deed restrictions would need to be filed with the registrar of deeds for each property. The board will attempt to determine the exact state of the restrictions that are transmitted to new owners (whether or not they include the disavowal).
    • Kathy and Mike will also try to collect as many Association records as are around, especially those pertaining to the 2000 deed restriction renewal process.
  5. Board recruitment
    Terms ending: Jennifer (renewing), Jeff (renewing)
    Board members leaving: Kay, Robert (both moving or have moved)
    Continuing: Mike, Alan, Philip (’18), Bill, Kathy (’18)
    The board will recruit new potential board members, particularly residents from streets other than Oakland Drive, as Oakland is currently heavily represented on the board.
  6. Newsletter planning. Alan will contact Pat Robinson for a report for the newsletter. Jennifer will generate a newsletter for review and printing by mid-August. Bill Martin will help with printing and distribution.
  7. Board response to request to reconsider the rental overlay
    • Motion: The board agrees preserve the existing R-0-3 rental overlay for our subdivision as it stands. Approved.
  8. Neighborhood road repairs. There is nothing currently on the EL schedule for repaving in our neighborbood. They will do patching as needed.
  9. Annual Meeting – Sep 10 – planning. We divided up the responsibilities amongst ourselves.
  10. Discussion of proposed East Lansing city offset tax. The board agreed to invite representatives of the city to attend the annual meeting in order to present and answer questions about the proposed offset tax.

The meeting adjourned at 9 pm.

Minutes submitted by Alan Munn.