
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Executive Committee Minutes
October 16, 2017

  1. Call to order

President Castner called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Grand Traverse Pie Company meeting room.

  1. Roll call

Present: Hassan Alizadeh, Jennifer Castner, Phil Eisenlohr, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Bill Martin, Kathy Prince and Mike Benedict.

Absent: Alan Munn.

  1. Comments from the floor


  1. New business
    1. Bill asked if the Board will take a position on the millage and income tax ballot proposals. It was decided the Board should not take a position on this matter.
    2. Proposed Board officer nominations for the next year were considered. Moved by Kathy, seconded by John to elect the following candidates as Board officers:
  • Philip Eisenlohr – President
  • John Hays – Vice President
  • lan Munn – Treasurer
  • Jennifer Castner – Communications Officer
  • Mike Benedict – Secretary

All yeas. Motion carried.

  1. Philip Eisenlohr assumed duties of President. His first order of business was to schedule future meetings:

Date:                                   Time:                                   Location:

January 22, 2018*            7:30 p.m.                            GT Pie Co. meeting room

May 14, 2018*                  7:30 p.m.                            GT Pie Co. meeting room

July 30, 2018*                    7:30 p.m.                            GT Pie Co. meeting room

September 9, 2018**       4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Maplewood Drive

*Regular Board meeting;          **Annual neighborhood meeting and picnic

  1. The Treasurer provided a written report on the financial situation of the BHNA. No substantial changes relative to former times were noted and the report was unanimously accepted.
  1. Follow up on old and current business and the appointment of committees to address these issues
    1. Philip made the following appointments to neighborhood association committees:
      • Illegal neighborhood covenants: Kathy and John
      • Traffic issues on Roseland: Jennifer and Bill
      • Changes to the Constitution and By-laws of the Association: Jeff and Mike
  1. Other business
    1. John indicated he attended a meeting to discuss the redevelopment of Grand River Avenue from the Capital to the Meridian Mall. John suggested we should carefully watch this initiative.
    2. Kathy indicated in follow up to the annual picnic and neighborhood meeting that the popcorn was successful, the hot dogs were exceptional, and all in all things went well. She suggested that more tables should be made available.
  2. Adjournment

There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 8:45 p.m.