
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: July 28th, 2022

Executive Committee Members:  Nella Davis-Ray (President), Jeff Johnson (Vice President), Jennifer Somerville (Secretary), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Gail Lytle Lira (Communications), Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays, Steve Whelan

Call to order: Nella Davis-Ray called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 7:10pm ET on July 28th, 2022 at 155 Oakland Dr.

Roll Call:

  • Present: Steve Beckman, Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Jeff Johnson, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr
  • Absent: Jennifer Somerville, Philip Eisenlohr, Steve Whelan
  • Quorum present: Yes

Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on 2022-04-14 as presented. The motion carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates:

  1. Alice reported that the BHNA bank account balance is currently $3,700

Old Business:

  1. Neighborhood Covenants
    1. 2021 State House Bill 4416, which would allow homeowners, property owners, and condo associations to submit a form to remove discriminatory language from covenants was passed by the House on June 15th, 2022 and referred to State Senate Committee on Local Government. The association would be able to file the form with a simple majority vote of the Board and would not require vote or approval from property owners.
      1. BHNA would not be eligible to use this form due to the definition of our association as a neighborhood association. Only individual property owners have the power to enforce or amend the covenants.
        1. Covenant Committee efforts to send documents to neighborhood property owners that have not previously signed consent forms should continue

New Business:

  1. Annual meeting planning
    1. Meeting will be held on September 11th, 2022 at 5pm on Maplewood
      1. Nella will gather the required signatures from Maplewood residents in order to block off the street during the meeting
    2. Prepare an August newsletter announcing the meeting and include neighborhood items discussed during the April 14th, 2022 Board meeting
      1. Nella will type up notes and send to Gail for inclusion in the newsletter
      2. Alice will type up an item about paying dues and asking for optional payment of past dues that may have been missed
    3. Purchase hot dogs, buns, and condiments with BHNA funds and ask members to bring food items to share
    4. Propose using BHNA funds to purchase luminaries for a winter neighborhood street lighting event
  2. New Board members
    1. Board terms for Nella, Jennifer, and Philip are ending this year and will need to be filled with new members
      1. Current Board members will attempt to identify potential new members and determine if they would be interested in running
  3. Street sign at the intersection of Maplewood and Roseland
    1. Sign has been missing for several months
      1. Steve Whelan will contact the Department of Public Works
  4. Neighborhood residence updates
    1. Nella will approach new homeowners that have recently moved in to inform them about BHNA

Open Discussion:

  • “Welcome to East Lansing” sign in Musselman / Ledebuhr Park at the corner of Grand River and Hagadorn is in poor condition
    • Steve Whelan will contact the Department of Public Works


  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:26pm ET. The motion carried without objection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Annual neighborhood meeting on Sunday, September 11th, 2022 at 5:00pm on Maplewood Dr.

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2023-01-15.