2018, September 9
- Roll Call established a quorum.
- Minutes of last meeting were approved.
- Neighbors introduced themselves.
- Treasurer Alan Munn (164 Oakland) summarized the financial situation of BHNA as listed in the distributed report. No substantial changes relative to former times.
- Motion to accept the updated constitution passed
- The Board outlined the planned future steps to ultimately remove the (legally unenforceable) racial restrictions presently stated in the Brookfield subdivision covenants.
- City Council member Erik Altmann gave a brief update on the state of affairs of the City of East Lansing.
- Erin Compton (245 Oakland) updates the neighborhood on the fate of the Book Club.
- Members elected to the board were Kevin Poli, 217 Oakland (three-year term), Alan Munn, 164 Oakland (three-year term), Philip Eisenlohr, 236 Oakland (three-year term), and Heather Robinson, 240 N Hagadorn, to serve out the remainder of Kathy Prince’s term (2016–2019)
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes recorded by Philip Eisenlohr.