2019, September 29
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting
Sept 29, 2019
1. Roll Call established a quorum (43 member-neighbors).
2. Minutes of last meeting were approved.
3. Neighbors introduced themselves.
4. Treasurer Alan Munn summarized the financial situation of BHNA as listed in the distributed report. No substantial changes relative to former times.
5. Pat Robinson gave a report on our neighborhood trees. In 2019, the City of East Lansing helped us with planting, resulting in significant savings on replacement tree costs.
6. The Board outlined a process to remove the (legally unenforceable) racial restrictions and to amend the deed restrictions to allow for a 2/3ds vote of members for future changes.
7. Communications Officer Jennifer Castner reminded attendees that our association has a Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/brookfieldneighborhood/) and a website with email forum (http://brookfieldneighborhood.net/). There will also be an updated version of the neighborhood directory produced in the near future.
8. Members elected to the board were Nella Davis-Ray @ 164 Maplewood, Diane Kearns @ 277 Oakland, Jen Somerville @ 224 Oakland, and Ben Flietstra @ 219 Oakland.
9. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Subsequent to the business meeting, neighbors had the opportunity to complete affidavits for the deed restrictions renewal and amendment process. The Association provided a notary public for this purpose.
The Association plans to hold further open meetings in the future were neighbors can sign and notarize their affidavits. Information regarding these opportunities will be communicated through above-mentioned channels.
Minutes recorded by Jennifer Castner, Communications Officer.