2020, September 13
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting
Sept 13, 2020
1. Roll Call established a quorum (35 member-neighbors).
2. Minutes of last meeting were approved.
3. Neighbors introduced themselves.
4. Treasurer Alan Munn summarized the financial situation of BHNA as listed in the distributed report. No substantial changes relative to former times.
5. Pat Robinson gave a report on our neighborhood trees. There were 2 trees planted last year (1 on Roseland and 1 on Maplewood). If you have a place for a tree to be planted, let Pat know. She reminded neighborhood members that the trees are purchased by us (through dues collection), but the city maintains them.
6. Discussion ensued about the progress on removal of the (legally unenforceable) racial restrictions and to amend the deed restrictions to allow for a 2/3ds vote of members for future changes. Johns Hays provided an update on legislative matters that may impact our covenants. He noted there has been no action on HB 4676, which provides that a property owner association has the power to remove discriminatory covenants. The pandemic has halted the efforts to host signing parties and door-to-door to try and collect signatures. It was mentioned that we collected 99% of the affidavits back in 1999. We plan to put a group of neighbors together to look into this further (utilizing Peter and Nancy Knupfer as a resource – knowledge of past efforts).
7. Update from City was given by Nicole Mosteller. Mostly in regards to covid (limiting indoor gatherings to 10 people and outdoor to 25). There is currently a search for new chief of police for East Lansing (last one retired). We requested that she give us a heads-up on future work in the neighborhood in general, but particularly when they projects are potentially destructive to property. She will also update us on how the city plans to execute deer management.
8. A new member was elected to the board: Steve Whelan @ 136 Maplewood. John Hays @ 1645 Roseland and Jeff Johnson @ 144 Maplewood will stay on.
9. The neighborhood directory will be updated soon. We are working through how to confidentially disseminate them for the neighborhood member use only.
10. Carl Lira reminded attendees that in addition to the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/brookfieldneighborhood/) there is a website with email forum (https://brookfieldneighborhood.net/). New neighbors will need to request a website account using links on the site.
11. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes recorded by Jennifer Somerville, Board Secretary.