Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 6:30 pm
Present: Jan Bernsten, Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Dave Drolshagen, Carl Lira, and Tom Weibert
Absent: Kristin Rosenbrook, Peter Knupfer, Sally Lloyd, and Joe Skwara.
Approval of minutes
The September 13, 2009 board meeting minutes were approved with one amendment. Tom Wibert’s name had been omitted. His name was added as a 2010 Neighborhood Association Board member at large.
Action Items –
The following updates were provided on action items from theSeptember 13, 2009 meeting:
- Nella Davis-Ray to contact City to update Brookfield page. The following information was provided to the City’s web contact:
2010 Neighborhood Association Board
President – Tim Dawson, 103 Oakland 333-8654
Vice President – Dave Drolshagen, 155 Maplewood 332-6565, ddrols at
Treasurer – Joe Skwara, 144 Oakland Drive, 507-3205
Secretary – Nella Davis-Ray, 164 Maplewood, 281-3488, nelladr at
Communications – Peter Knupfer, 120 Oakland Drive, 351-6677
Members at Large
– Jan Bernsten
– Carl Lira
– Sally Lloyd
– Kristin Rosenbrook
– Tom Wibert
· Dave & Tim volunteered to canvas neighborhood to collect remaining 2010 membership dues. As of this meeting, they are both still willing to canvas neighborhood when they get information from the treasurer. They agreed to have outstanding 2010 dues collected before January. If the home owner is not available when they go door to door, they will leave note (on 3×5 card) asking for 2010 dues and envelope (with Joe’s name & address).
Action Item: Jan Bernsten volunteered to make cards & envelopes for Dave & Tim’s use.
Update – Past treasurer provided information to current treasurer after this meeting. Two copies of the list of neighbors that paid 2010 dues at the September 13 meeting was provided to David.
Treasurer’s Report –
Joe Skwara was unable to attend meeting due to illness. No report available.
New Business
- Scheduling 2010 meetings – Sally asked that we avoid scheduling meetings on the 3rd Monday and Tuesday of the month and the 4th Thursday of the month. Following are the remaining meetings scheduled for the 2010 Board:
- Monday, January 25, 2010
- Monday, April 12, 2010
- Wednesday, July 21, 2010
All meetings will start at 6:30 p.m. David volunteered to hold next meeting at his house. Board secretary will send email reminder and call for agenda items a week before the meeting.
NOTE: Sunday, September 12, 2010 – Annual Neighborhood Meeting
- Tree Plantings – We believe that the Association’s past treasurer paid for the purchase and planting of two trees this year. There was some concern that there was no formal Board approval of this transaction. Discussion about Pat Robinson role as the Brookfield “tree lady”. Motion to have Pat Robinson added as the official “tree lady” was seconded and approved by the Board. If Pat accepts this role, she will be asked to give regular updates and make recommendations to the Board for annual tree replacement.
Action Item: Nella will contact Pat.
- Archiving Brookfield Information – Viewing the current content(description, boundaries, meetings, purpose, board members) of the Brookfield page on the city’s site led to discussion about what other information we may add to the page. Can we use the City’s site to store minutes? Newsletters? Other information?
Action Items: 1. Nella to contact EL webmaster about adding additional contnent to the Brookfield page. Update – City’s response: “At this point, we do not have the staff time to maintain content for the various neighborhood associations. What we have done for others is to link to their website.” Carl & Peter are having discussions about and using this as our host.
2. Tom to contact ELPL about archiving Brookfield historical documents.
Old Business
- A welcome package for new neighbors was recommended by the past Board but this was an uncompleted project. Tom volunteered to draft a prototype for review at the January meeting.
- Newsletter – Discussion about distributing via email and recruiting volunteers to write articles. David volunteered to write about landscaping. No discussion about next issue of newsletter.
Updates –Tim will give updates to the Board from the regular Neighborhood Presidents meeting held with the mayor. Board agreed to incorporate Presidents meeting updates as a regular board meeting agenda item.
Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:37 p.m.
The October 20, 2009 board meeting minutes were approved as submitted with no amendments at the , January 25, 2010 Board meeting.