
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting
Monday, January 25, 2010 6:30 pm
Present: Jan Bernsten, Nella Davis-Ray, Tim Dawson, Dave Drolshagen, Peter Knupfer Carl Lira, Sally Lloyd, Kristin Rosenbrook and Tom Wibert
Absent: Joe Skwara.
Approval of minutes
The October 20, 2009 board meeting minutes were approved with no amendments.
Action Items Update
The following updates were provided on action items from theOctober 20, 2009 meeting:
1.      Collecting remaining 2010 membership dues
Dave & Tim volunteered to canvas neighborhood to collect remaining 2010 membership dues. They had little interaction with homeowners. When the home owner was not available when they went door to door, they left a note asking for 2010 dues. Based on the 1/24/10 treasurer’s report it didn’t look like additional dues had been submitted to Joe in response to their canvassing. Both agreed to continue canvassing.
2. Archiving Brookfield Information
Tom reported that the EL Historical Society has a small room in the Hannah Center for permanent storage of EL historical information. Room is accessible to the public. Discussion about why we are looking for archive location and what we have to archive. Motion: Create a subcommittee to review collected Brookfield information to determine what information should be archived at the Hannah Center. Motion seconded and approved by the Board. Tom Wibert & Peter Knupfer volunteered to be the subcommittee.
Treasurer’s Report
Joe Skwara was unable to attend meeting but did provide a written report. Report was reviewed and approved with no amendments.
Action Item: Joe and Peter to complete transfer of president and treasurer names on the account.
New Business
Brookfield Website – Carl Lira summarized his work on the test site from October – December. Board members were encouraged to log in and use the site to show some support and content before the site is launched. Carl would like to see multiple editors (ex. himself, communications officer & secretary). Editors can create content. Carl is willing to show/teach other Board members. Peter encouraged Board members to ship web content to him to add if they do not want to an editor.  There was additional discussion about how the site will be used, blog space, forums, moderator/administrator to ensure family friendly content.
a.       Domain Name- The site will need a domain name. We can purchase name from domain registrar for $10/yr. Brookfieldheritage.net was suggested.
Motion: Association to purchase domain name for annual fee. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Action Item: Peter to contact domain registrar. If Brookfieldheritage.net not available Peter will suggest 2 -3 other domain name for Board approval.
b.      Hosting site – Currently the test site is being hosted by Gail Lira’s site. Carl volunteered to allow us to continue using current hosting arrangement. There was discussion about pros and cons of leaving site where it is.
Motion: Association to pay up to $100/yr for hosting site. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Action Items:
Carl & Peter to identify and recommend hosting site.
Carl & Peter to draft some basic rules for use of the site.
Old Business
1.      Welcome package – Tom showed the Board a collection of City information (calendar, Guide to downtown, MSU info, bus schedule, etc.) that he has collected from various sources for the welcome package. The Board like what they saw and made suggestions for additional content, Brookfield brochure and coupons for neighborhood businesses. David volunteered to contact neighborhood businesses for coupons. Tom volunteered to make up 5 – 10 additional welcome packets that the Board will use this year for any new Brookfield neighbors. The packet will need to be updated annually.
Action Items:
– Tom to compile 5 – 10 additional welcome packets before April meeting.
– David to collect coupons and provide to Tom for packets before April meeting.
2.      Brookfield Brochure – Carl scanned the existing brochures and created a skeleton Word doc of the brochure. Carl asked for feedback on the brochure. Do we want to update it? If we update, do we want hard copies of the brochure or just use updated info as web content? There was some discussion about how a printed brochure could be used; provide copies to realtors for prospective home owners, include in Welcome packet.
Motion: Revise, finalize, and print copies of brochure before the April Board meeting. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Board agreed to give final approval via email to print brochure instead of waiting ‘til the April meeting.
Action Items:
–         Nella to ask Dawn Parker to review and edit brochure.
–         David to check on printing & folding costs for 100 – 500 brochures.
–         Peter to check with GLAR about distribution of brochure to realtors.
3.      Newsletter – Discussion about distributing via email or hard copy. Discussion about using the website for updates and periodic columns/articles (landscaping, living conditions, EL info) instead printing a newsletter.
Motion: Continue to print and distribute information about the annual gathering. Motion seconded and approved by the Board.
Updates –Neighborhood Presidents meeting – Tim had to leave this meeting to attend the Neighborhood Presidents meeting held with the mayor. Tim will provide Presidents meeting update for the April board meeting.
Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:13 p.m.
REMINDER: Next Board meeting is April 12th at Tim Dawson’s house, 103 Oakland.