


     The April meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Board was held at the home of Rhoda Wolff, and called to order at 7:40 P.M.  Members present were Erica Windler, Wayne Claycombe, Rhoda Wolff, Dawn Parker, Alan Munn, Dave Betts, and Judy Cunningham.

  1.  SECRETARY’S REPORT  – Copies of the January board meeting were distributed by the secretary, Judy Cunningham, and the minutes were accepted as written.
  2.  TREASURER’S REPORT –  Alan Munn, the treasurer, reported that there were no changes at all since last month’s meeting.  See the January minutes for a full report.
    1. There was discussion about whether or not to have a membership drive at this time of the year but we decided that since it’s getting close to the picnic date it would be best to wait until after the annual meeting. Alan Munn agreed to put together a complete list of members on a Google Doc for board members to have.  Alan and Nancy have the most up to date information.
    2.  Last month we talked about writing a letter to MDOT voicing our neighborhood concerns regarding extra traffic issues on our streets or other problems that may arise with the road and sidewalk work being done on Grand River.  That letter has not been written, but will be if traffic becomes a problem.
    3.  Dawn mentioned Charettes that are being held to discuss long range plans for development of Michigan Ave. and Grand River area, and the City Center II project.
    1.  The annual picnic and meeting has been set for September 8 with a rain date of September 15.
    2.   We discussed having a neighborhood wide garage sale in late August.  Rhoda will send an announcement out to see if there is enough interest to do this.
    3.   Our neighborhood web site was the next topic of discussion and it’s use and purpose.  We talked about the possibility of having a Facebook link to our web site, and also having it more usable by people in the neighborhood to put their own notifications on for the other neighbors to see.  Alan suggested that we set up a computer at the annual meeting with the web site available for everybody to look at and see what’s on it.

We adjourned at 8:40 P.M.  The next meeting will be June 25 at 7:30.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Cunningham,  Secretary