MINUTES, JUNE 26, 2013
The June (summer) board meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood was held at the home of Judy Cunningham at 1511 Roseland Ave. Members present were Beth Blythe, Judy Cunningham, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, and Rhoda Wolff. The meeting was called to order at 7:50 by president Rhoda Wolff.
The first item of business was to create an agenda which we formed immediately to be the format for our meeting.
- SECRETARY’S REPORT – The Secretary’s report was distributed by Judy Cunningham for review from the on-line copy. There was one correction made to the date of this meeting. Minutes were then moved, seconded, and accepted as corrected.
- TREASURER’S REPORT Alan Munn, Treasurer, reported that as of June 26, 2013, our treasury has a balance of $1674.69 in the checking account, and $1860.47 in savings, for a total of $3,535.16. There were no expenses or receipts since the last meeting.
- After talking about having a complete list of neighborhood names and addresses for the board, Alan put together a Google Doc which has that information. He then emailed it to all members of the board for our use when necessary.
- Possible garage sale – This topic was brought up again and we discussed the possibility of having a neighborhood wide garage sale over the weekend that MSU students come back for fall semester, August 24 – 25. After discussing it, Rhoda volunteered to send out an announcement to find out if there is enough interest to have one, or not. She will let us know what the results are.
- Historical Brookfield Files – Nancy Knupfer brought two posters and one box of historical information about the neighborhood to the meeting, to be kept with the secretary from now on. We thanked her and Peter for the safe keeping of these important documents in the past.
- Little Free Library – Judy Cunningham brought up a question to the board asking their opinion about a Little Free Library somewhere in our neighborhood. It was felt that that was something better to be brought up at the annual meeting.
- City Council news – Dawn Parker brought us up to date with news about the Park District and the final two choices by the city, DTN and Lurvey White.
Following the annual meeting guidelines from Sally Lloyd, which were distributed, and helped greatly, our plans thus far are as follows:
In the past few years, the picnic has been a pot luck and board members provided the main dishes, while others attending brought any other kind of dish to pass of their choice. All table service and beverages were provided by the association.
From 4:00 until 5:00 people arrived and mingled, got to meet candidates for school board and city council, and started eating.
At 5:00 activities for kids started, and other speakers who were invited until 5:30.
The formal business meeting was called to order at 5:30, beginning with a roll call.
- Dawn volunteered to pick up the petition from the city for signatures of residents on Oakland to sign in time for the August City Council meeting, along with a $50. check, by August 20. Other board members will help with getting signatures.
- Line up speakers ASAP, if not already done, the balloon man, someone to watch kids.
- Announcements to the neighborhood need to go out by August 25, whether by email or by flyer. We can divide up by streets to distribute as prior years.
- Visit Asana online that Alan set up for us to see tasks and to find your own tasks. Thank you Alan!
- We are meeting again on August 28, 7:30 at 144 Oakland with final plans and preparations. Thank you Beth Blythe.
- Be thinking of someone to fill a slot on the board. We need nine members, three have to be replaced either by continuing or getting new members.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
Judy Cunningham