1. Roll Call
The meeting was held at Beth Blythe’s home and was attended by Board members John Boughman, Beth Blythe, Dawn Parker, Wayne Claycomb, and Dave Betts. Heather Robertson also attended the meeting to provide an update to the board about Halloween event planning.
Allan, Rhoda, Erica, and Nancy were unable to attend due to other commitments.
2. Halloween Event Planning
Heather Robertson of 240 Hagadorn represented a group of residents intending to organize a Halloween event for kids. The other organizers include Erin Compton, Teagen Drayton, Michelle Fulton, and Julie Polleys. They are planning to have a kids’ costume parade at 2 pm on Sunday, October 27. They also are looking into such activities as face painting, pumpkin painting, and having cider and donuts donated. The process for requesting a neighborhood road closure for the festivities was discussed. The request needs to go through the city clerk’s office. There is a $50 deposit for the barricades which is refunded once the barricades are returned. Methods for getting the word out to the neighborhood were also discussed. Dawn Parker offered to write some messages about the event on the neighborhood Facebook page. The board affirmed that it could provide some support for this event with Association funds subject to a more detailed request from the organizers.
3. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the September meeting of the Association were approved with corrections.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Dave Betts gave a report of the recent dues and expenses forwarded by Nancy Knupfler. A more complete treasurer’s report will be distributed to the Board before the next meeting.
5. Old Business
Picnic Procedures Follow up – The procedures for holding the September association picnic were discussed briefly and minor changes were suggested. Dave will revise document and send it to the secretary for her records. The signs for the event are stored at 205 Oakland. Dawn has three tables for the event. The possibility of purchasing or renting a wireless microphone for the event was also discussed.
Neighborhood Directory – The discussion of the Neighborhood Directory and the Mayor’s Meeting was deferred. Dave will meet with Nancy and work up a plan for completing and distributing the directory. The board agreed to work on a mailing the directory to non-members explaining the benefits of being a member of the neighborhood association. Dawn will look for a copy of a letter used within the last three years for this purpose. Judy has an Excel spreadsheet with directory data.
Mayor’s Meeting – Rhoda will provide an update on the Mayor’s Meeting at a future date. Dawn provided an update on a number of town meetings and provided a reminder about the upcoming election on November 5.
6. New Business
Under new business, Dave will be meeting with Carl and Stewart to discuss the future of the website and other means of improving communication with the neighborhood.
There was general agreement that the Board’s work program for 2014 will consist of a review of the tree planting program, improving internet use, more outreach efforts such as a welcome wagon for new residents, a neighborhood garage sale, a garden tour, and staging more holiday events. These are items for further discussion and neighborhood feedback.
The board agreed to continue to meet each quarter. Dave will use the Google scheduling application to get a consensus on future meeting dates as was started last year.
7. Adjournment