Sept 2013 Minutes

2013, September 8





     The 2013 Brookfield Annual Meeting began at 4:00 P.M. on Sunday afternoon, midway on Oakland Avenue.  The street was blocked off at both ends around 3:00 so that tables for serving for could be set up.  A pot luck picnic was held and neighbors had been asked to bring a dish to pass.  Board member Dave Betts grilled hot dogs for everyone, with buns, condiments, bottled water, and table service provided by the board.

From 4:00 until 5:00 neighbors socialized, ate dinner, and had a chance to meet several city council members and other city officials who had been invited to attend.  Rhoda Wolff’s son, Gus, helped look after little children. Dues of $20.00 per household were collected during this time and people had a chance to update their contact information, names, address, email, and phone numbers as they wished.

At 5:00 the Balloon Man began entertainment for children until 6:00, so that the meeting could progress.

Our first invited speaker this year was Kathy DeShambo from the Environmental Services Department for the City of East Lansing.  Kathy talked about her role with the city’s trees, doing inventory throughout the parks, and also with sanitation as it has to do with the environment.  She mentioned that MDOT will be planting thirty trees along the new Grand River roadway, and the importance of diversifying tree types.  She will be walking through our neighborhood on September 9 with Pat Robinson to inspect our trees.

The next speaker was board member Erica Windler who gave a very interesting presentation about the history of Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood.  She displayed two posters that show every house, it’s location, and the year it was built, and one with photos from the past.. Erica read a letter from the original settler in 1851 that described her life here then, her farm, the crops, and native plants and trees.  Some copies of her original letter were passed around.

Pat Robinson, our neighborhood “tree lady” reported that two trees were planted last fall from Gee Farms.  Fifty trees have been planted since Pat has been the “tree lady”.

We had the opportunity to view a power point demonstration of our Brookfield Neighborhood Web Site that Dave Betts set up for everyone to try during the whole time.  We were invited to fill out a questionnaire if we felt change would improve the site.

  1.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by board president Rhoda Wolff at 5:28 P.M.

  1.  Roll Call

Everyone present introduced themselves and told where they live,  Our guests from the city also participated in this, telling us their names and what they represent for the city.

  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Vice President, Nancy Knupfer filled in for Treasurer Alan Munn who is on sabbatical to present the treasurer’s report.  As of August 28, 2013, the checking account has $415.69, the savings account $1860.78,  for a total of $2276.47.

  1.  Secretary’s Report

Secretary Judy Cunningham distributed minutes of last year’s annual meeting. There were no additions or corrections, and the minutes were accepted as read.

  1.  President’s Report

Board president Rhoda Wolff thanked all of our speakers and guests for being a part of this annual meeting.  She also thanked the board for another great year.

  1.  Election of Officers

Our board this year needed to replace three people, and the slate contained two.  We asked for nominations from the floor.  The board members elected for three years from 2013 – 2016 are Dawn Parker, 253 Oakland,  Mary Beth Blythe, 144  Oakland, and John Boughman, 216 Maplewood.

  1.  Old Business

Questions were raised about who pays for new trees that are planted.  It was explained that the board’s treasury pays, but that homeowners are welcomed to contribute as they can.

  1.  New Business
  1.  The Residence Inn –  Across the street on Grand River.  Dave Betts reported that the changes to allow it to become apartments had been approved by the city but he felt that we would not be impacted by it.  Their extra cars will be required to park in a student lot down Hagadorn.
  2.   Become more child-friendly – Heather Robertson, 240 Hagadorn, brought up the feeling that we could be more child friendly as our neighborhood is “changing”.  She suggested doing fun things for Halloween, more decorations, and for the picnic next year having a bounce house, more lights over the holidays as suggestions.
  3.   Judy Cunningham, 1511 Roseland mentioned how dark the streets are and wondered if an occasional streetlight might be a possibility, or at least looked into.
  4.   Carl Lira, 131 Oakland volunteered to set up a listserv if there was an interest for parents to communicate.
  1.  Adjourn

Meeting adjourned by president Rhoda Wolff at 6:11 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted

Judy Cunningham,  Secretary