Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Meeting Notes from July 24, 2014
Roll Call
The meeting was attended by Board members Dave Betts, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Wayne Claycomb, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, Dawn Parker, and Rhoda Wolff. In addition, community members Aaron Preuss and Jen Sommerville (224 Oakland), Philip Eisenlohr (236 Oakland), and Gail and Carl Lira (131 Oakland) were in attendance.
Announcement of Resignation
BHNA Board President Dave Betts handed out a number of printed materials for the meeting and then announced his resignation citing the sale of his home. He left the meeting following his announcement. In his absence, Alan Munn (Treasurer) took over the meeting. John Boughman agreed to take notes as the Secretary position is currently vacant.
Approval of Minutes
The Board was not aware that the minutes of the previous meeting were available on the neighborhood website. As such, a vote of approval will occur at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan Munn provided the Treasurer’s report. As of July 24, 2014 there is a total of $1118.80 in the BHNA checking account and $1862.48 in the savings account. There was a question about what was listed as “newsletter” expenses. These were in fact expenses associated with the neighborhood directory. The Treasurer’s report was approved with this correction.
BHNA Board Vice President Nancy Knupfer arrived at this point and it was decided that Alan would continue to chair the meeting.
Old Business
Nominees for board vacancies – There are going to be four openings on the BHNA Board at the annual business meeting and neighborhood gathering. Dave Betts and Nancy Knupfer provided lists of potential candidates.The board approved the following candidates:
- Dr. Jefferey Johnson, 144 Maplewood
- Ed Swanson, 245 Maplewood
- Judy Benedict, 147 Oakland
- Kay Ruekberg, 227 Oakland
The BHNA Board will vote on new officers at the business meeting. As part of the discussion about board nominees, it was agreed that the board needs to do a better job of notifying the neighborhood when board meetings take place by using the announcements list at the neighborhood website.
New Business
Rental License at 224 Oakland – The board was satisfied with the city’s decision granting the rental license.
Donation for Patriarche Park – The BHNA was asked to contribute to the renovation of the playground at Patriarche Park by buying a commemorative brick. The board voted to approve the expenditure of $150. Treasurer Alan Munn will send a check.
Annual Business Meeting and Neighborhood Gathering – The BHNA Board agreed to a date of September 21, 2014 to hold the meeting, with a rain date of September 28. The meeting will be held on Maplewood Drive this year. Board members volunteered to accomplish necessary tasks for the meeting as follows:
- Alan Munn will assume the BHNA President’s planning and organizing role for meeting. Beth Blythe will assist.
- John Boughman will circulate a road closing petition.
- Dawn Parker will send out invitations to invited guests.
- Dawn Parker will coordinate production and ensure that the newsletter is mailed 14 days prior to the meeting.
- Rhoda Wolff will contact Pat Robinson so that she can provide an update on the neighborhood tree initiative.
- A status meeting will be held at Alan Munn’s house at 7:30pm on August 27, 2014.
Neighborhood Yard Sale – David Finet asked Rhoda to bring up the idea of a neighborhood yard sale. After some discussion, the board decided to bring the subject up at the annual business meeting.