
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association

Meeting Notes from April 29, 2015

Roll Call

The meeting was attended by Board members Judy Benedict, Beth Blythe, John Boughman, Jennifer Castner, Jeffrey Johnson, Dawn Parker, Kay Ruekberg, and Ed Swanson. Nancy Knupfer and Alan Munn were unable to attend. In addition, East Lansing City Manager, George Lahanas, Department of Public Works Director Scott House, and candidate for East Lansing City Coucil Erik Altmann attended.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report was tabled until the next meeting pending Alan Munn’s availability.

Communications Report

The prior meeting’s minutes were approved. They are posted on the BHNA website.

President’s Report

Ed Swanson attended city council and neighborhood meetings and reported back on issues relevant to the BHNA.

The following items were discussed:

  • Tighter restrictions on taxis being instituted by the Greater Lansing Taxi Authority to curtail abuses.
  • Upcoming vote on charter amendments, including the sale of city property and easing of anti-marijuana laws in East Lansing.
  • A new CATA bus fast transit lane scheduled to be built on Grand River Ave beginning next spring.
  • New building at MSU to provide family housing.
  • The Bailey community meeting, at which the future of the Bailey Community Center was discussed.

Special Presentation

Following the president’s report, East Lansing City Manager, George Lahanas, provided the board with an interesting presentation about East Lansing’s aging infrastructure and the need to invest in upgrading now or be forced to pay much more later. Both agreed that, while not ideal, the upcoming vote on a gas tax was the best way forward.

Candidate of East Lansing City Council

At the conclusion of the presentation, Erik Altmann, a candidate for the City Council was introduced.
