Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Meeting Notes from January 29, 2015
Roll Call
The meeting was attended by Board members Judy Benedict, John Boughman, Jeff Johnson, Nancy Knupfer, Alan Munn, and Ed Swanson. Beth Blythe, Jennifer Castner, Dawn Parker, and Kay Ruekberg were unable to attend.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan Munn presented the BHNA Treasurer’s Report. Account balances as of 29 January 2015 are $661.79 in the BHNA checking account and $2543.59 in the BHNA savings account. Dues brought in $720 last year. Expenses include web hosting, annual picnic, and the donation of a brick to the refurbished Partriarche Park. The board also discussed some ideas for getting more residents to pay dues. This subject will be revisited at the next meeting.
Communications Report
The Communications Report was tabled until the next meeting.
President’s Report
Ed Swanson attended three city council meetings and reported back on issues relevant to the BHNA.
At the October meeting, the following items were discussed:
- The park district vote
- East Lansing received positive feedback on their quality of life survey
- Dormant neighborhood associations can be taken away or absorbed by other neighborhood associations
At the November meeting, the following items were discussed:
- Infrastructure improvements including work on sewers that will result in upcoming lane closures on Michigan Ave
- The city updated its website; it is now more searchable
- Residents can now recycle textiles, toys, and electronics at the curbside
At the January meeting, the following items were discussed:
- New ice and snow removal ordinance, specifies time to remove snow from sidewalks and fines for not doing so
- Closure of the Bailey Community Center
Old Business
There was a brief discussion about emergency preparedness for the neighborhood, and various ways to communicate with neighbors during an emergency. Use of the website, Listserv, and Facebook page were discussed, along with a phone tree. Alan and Nancy will work together to get up-to-date contact information for the neighbors and bring this to the next meeting.
New Business
Our webmaster Carl Lira asked that the following items be added to the agenda:
Would anyone on the communication’s committee be interested in learning how to post items of interest on the web page? I try to watch the East Lansing news lists and post stuff to my blog that I think is of wide interest, but I would welcome someone else who would want to watch the lists.
The communications committee has been contacted and will meet separately.
Also, the forums have never been used very much except be me. Should we take down the forums?
The board agreed that the forums should be taken down as they are under-utilized.
Other business