
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

1.27.2020 Minutes

 Present: Jeff Johnson, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays, Nella Davis-Ray, Ben Flietstra, Diane Kearns

Absent:  Jennifer Somerville, Jennifer Castner, Alan Munn

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7.33 PM by Ben Flietstra.
  2. The board reviewed the minutes from the October 7, 2019 meeting. There were no questions. A motion was made and seconded to approve the October 7, 2019 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Ben Flietstra presented the Treasurer’s Report dated January 27, 2020.  Dues & Donations total $1,100 since July 2019. The board reviewed upcoming expenses as well as account balances.
  4. On Going Business
    1. Deed restrictions
      1. The board discussed the signing party held last fall. Overall, the event was quite successful and residents seemed to be able to move through the process quickly.
      2. John Hays will email Rep Brixie to determine status of legislation removing racial language from neighborhoods and HOAs.
      3. The board discussed next steps for obtaining the remaining signatures. The board agreed another signing party in the spring would be a good idea. Ben Flietstra will send out possible dates to the board to have another event.
      4. John discussed providing a letter explaining the situation to those that haven’t signed yet to help bring more awareness to the issue. We could bring the letters door to door or put in mailboxes.
    2. Directory
      1. The board discussed the BHN directory and updates. Currently, there hasn’t been much demand for a new version. The board discussed the directory being online and how it gets updated.
  5. New business
    1. Diane brought up how BHN can welcome new members to the neighborhood. Discussion revolved around procedures for welcoming new members, providing a welcome packet, discussing the covenants, providing a directory, and inviting them to join the Facebook group. The board all agreed this would be a good topic for further discussion.
  6. The next meeting will be held May 11 at 7:30pm at the Grand Traverse Pie Company –
    1. May 11, 2020
    2. July 20, 2020
  7. The meeting was adjourned at 8.37 pm.