
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

10.14.21 Minutes

Present: Jeff Johnson, Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Jennifer Somerville

Absent: Philip Eisenlohr

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Jeff Johnson
  2. Positions were selected:
    1. President – Nella Davis-Ray
    2. Vice President – Jeff Johnson
    3. Secretary – Jen Somerville
    4. Treasurer – Alice Schehr
    5. Communication – Gail Lytle Lira
    6. FB Admin – Steve Whelan
    7. At Large: Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, John Hays
  3. Set Quarterly meeting dates:
    1. 2nd Qtr – 1.13.2022 at Gail’s house
    2. 3rd Qtr – 4.14.2022 at Jeff’s house
    3. 4th Qtr – 7.14.2022 at Jen’s house
    4. Annual Meeting and Picnic – 9.11.2022 on Maplewood Drive
  4. Nella to give FB Admin access to Gail and Steve
  5. Announce meetings on FB
  6. Make sure bylaws are posted on FB – need to verify that they are on the site
  7. Addressing racist language in covenant
    1. Alice will retrieve the treasurer’s account information from Alan.
    2. John to create a consent form for homeowners to sign (need to be witnessed – not notarized)
    3. Steve Whalen, Steve Beckman, and John Hays work together to identify non-signers, send forms to landowners, state our stance on FB page along with a map identifying plots that haven’t signed yet
  8. Working on a social event later this winter or early 2022

Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.