
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council

1.13.22 Minutes

Present: Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, Jennifer Somerville

Absent: Jeff Johnson

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm by Nella Davis-Ray

  1. Reviewed and approved meeting minutes from 10/14/21
    1. Nella moved to pass the minutes. John seconded
  2. Gail asked if there were any other newsletters besides the one that comes out once a year preceding the picnic.
    1. Have not historically done e than 1 newsletter per year before the picnic
  3. What is the best way to update the directory?  Last update was in January 2021
    1. Ask city for the most updated copy of the neighborhood list
    2. Gail would like to offer hard copies to people who would like it in a more readable format. No issues with doing this; add language stating this is not for distribution
  4. Neighborhood Covenant
    1. John received paperwork from Alan – 31 people had already signed to remove the language from the covenant
    2. John proposed putting a letter together laying out the covenant language, and having them sign for consent (witnessed – not notarized)
    3. John will send a draft of the letter to the board for review
    4. Note: Covenant expires in 2025
    5. Once we receive an updated property owner list, John will identify who has not signed yet
    6. Nella to get the addresses of non-deliverables to John
    7. Steve, Steve, and Philip will help John get mailings out and go door-to-door in the spring
  5. Alice – Treasurer’s Report
    1. Current balance is $3,200
    2. Only 50% of the neighborhood residents paid dues (impacted by covid and not hosting the picnic in person)
  6. Luminaries
    1. $500 for all 3 streets
    2. Want to do it again on the evening of Dec. 25, 2022
    3. Gail noted that no minutes from 2020 on are on the website
      1. Jen will handle or work with Carl Lira to get them all posted
      2. Jen will post future minutes on the website
      3. The agenda should be on the website at least 3 days prior
  7. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.