Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Council
1.13.22 Minutes
Present: Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Philip Eisenlohr, Jennifer Somerville
Absent: Jeff Johnson
Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm by Nella Davis-Ray
- Reviewed and approved meeting minutes from 10/14/21
- Nella moved to pass the minutes. John seconded
- Gail asked if there were any other newsletters besides the one that comes out once a year preceding the picnic.
- Have not historically done e than 1 newsletter per year before the picnic
- What is the best way to update the directory? Last update was in January 2021
- Ask city for the most updated copy of the neighborhood list
- Gail would like to offer hard copies to people who would like it in a more readable format. No issues with doing this; add language stating this is not for distribution
- Neighborhood Covenant
- John received paperwork from Alan – 31 people had already signed to remove the language from the covenant
- John proposed putting a letter together laying out the covenant language, and having them sign for consent (witnessed – not notarized)
- John will send a draft of the letter to the board for review
- Note: Covenant expires in 2025
- Once we receive an updated property owner list, John will identify who has not signed yet
- Nella to get the addresses of non-deliverables to John
- Steve, Steve, and Philip will help John get mailings out and go door-to-door in the spring
- Alice – Treasurer’s Report
- Current balance is $3,200
- Only 50% of the neighborhood residents paid dues (impacted by covid and not hosting the picnic in person)
- Luminaries
- $500 for all 3 streets
- Want to do it again on the evening of Dec. 25, 2022
- Gail noted that no minutes from 2020 on are on the website
- Jen will handle or work with Carl Lira to get them all posted
- Jen will post future minutes on the website
- The agenda should be on the website at least 3 days prior
- Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.