
Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

4/14/2022 Minutes

Present: Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Steve Whelan, Gail Lytle Lira, Alice Schehr, Steve Beckman, Jeff Johnson

Absent: Jennifer Somerville, Philip Eisenlohr

Quorum present: Yes

  1. Nella Davis-Ray called to order this meeting at 7:05pm
  2. Reviewed and approved meeting minutes from 1/13/2022
    1. John noted that the neighborhood covenant expires in 2024, not 2025. The minutes were updated.
    2. Alice confirmed the bank account balance of $3,200 that was listed
    3. John motioned to pass the updated minutes, Gail seconded. The motion passed unanimously
  3. Neighborhood Covenant
    1. John, Steve Beckman, and Steve Whelan will work as a Covenant Committee to draft documents to send to residents that have not yet signed consent to remove the race-related language from the neighborhood covenant.
    2. The documents will be sent to the board for approval
    3. John has a list of properties that have submitted a signed consent form. Alice has a spreadsheet of current property addresses. Steve Beckman will combine the lists into a spreadsheet of properties that have not submitted a consent form and print mailing labels. Steve Whelan will purchase envelopes.
    4. A stamped return envelope will be included for the signed document.
    5. Signatures only need to be witnessed, not notarized
  4. Email from Mike Benedict. Mike Benedict sent an email to the board with a number of concerns related to the neighborhood.
    1. Excessive noise from local traffic on Hagadorn and Grand River Ave.
      1. Steve Whelan noted that the East Lansing Police Department is unlikely to intervene in the event of excessive vehicle noise at this time
    2. Excessive pet noise
      1. Add a reminder about pet noise to neighborhood newsletters
    3. Trash and recycling receptacles located in visible locations on non-pickup days.
      1. Local ordinance states that they should not be visible from the road. Steve Beckman will draft a newsletter item noting the local ordinance and a suggestion to hide the receptacles with small portable fencing or other affordable covering options
    4. Musselman Neighborhood Park maintenance
      1. Ask for neighborhood volunteers to weed and pick up the area
    5. Neighborhood trees near roadways needing maintenance
      1. Nella will notify the city of specific trees that need to be addressed
    6. Repaved street quality
      1. Nella will contact the city regarding locations that need to be addressed after the streets were repaved last fall
  5. Street sign at the intersection of Maplewood and Roseland has been missing for several weeks
    1. Steve Whelan will contact the Department of Public Works
  6. Treasurer’s report
    1. Current account balance is $3,603
    2. Only 50% of the neighborhood residents paid dues for 2022. Unlikely to change until the annual neighborhood meeting in September.
  7. Neighborhood residence updates
    1. A Maplewood resident recently died, and property ownership is in transition. The property owner had not signed a covenant amendment so an out-of-state family member will likely need to be contacted if the property is not sold prior to 2024.
  8. Interview request from The Spartan Newsroom
    1. A student reporter emailed the neighborhood association asking if any board members would be available for an interview regarding the relationship between neighborhood residents and the members of fraternities and sororities
      1. Steve Whelan will respond that our neighborhood is not in close enough proximity to local fraternity or sorority houses to have an opinion
  9. Open Discussion
    1. Neighborhood garden walk. Popular with participants in 2021, but will not be held in 2022
    2. Neighborhood newsletter
      1. Gail requested that any additions to the newsletter be submitted to her by 4/21
  10. Adjournment
    1. Gail motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm. John seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.