Board Meeting Minutes: 2024-10-27

Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association 

Board Meeting Minutes

Date: October 27th, 2024


Date: October 27th, 2024

Board Members:  Steve Beckman (Secretary), Nella Davis-Ray (Communications), John Hays, Elizabeth Hoffman, Matthew Kazmierski (President), Denise Moore, Pat Poli (Communications), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner (Vice President)

Call to order: Matt Kazmierski called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 6:05 pm ET on October 27th, 2024 in a meeting at 252 Oakland.

Roll Call:

  • Roll Call: Steve Beckman, Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Matthew Kazmierski, Denise Moore, Alice Schehr, Mark Warner
  • Absent: Elizabeth Hoffman, Pat Poli
  • Others in attendance: None
  • Quorum present: Yes


Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on July 24th, 2024 as presented. The motion carried without objection.

Treasurer Updates: 

  1. Alice provided a report that stated the association’s current account balance is $2,523
  2. Luminaries materials have been purchased for $379.10
  3. $80 tree guards were purchased for new trees on Oakland and Maplewood

Old Business:

  1. BHNA website
    1. Website redesign is complete
      1. Aesthetic updates
      2. Looking into a way to have emails automatically sent to people on the neighborhood distribution list when new posts are published
  2. Environment Committee updates
    1. Options for replacement tree species have been narrowed down to three. Debating between native and non-native species and considering annual debris dropped by each. Each tree is between $250-$350. Would prefer to purchase from Van Atta’s instead of Gee Farms. Total cost for a replacement tree and the additional materials (dirt, mulch, labor, etc.) would be $500. Leaning towards the Zelkova species.
    2. Five properties have requested trees for empty spots: 204 and 253 Oakland and 204, 228, and 282 Maplewood. Will be scheduled for spring 2025. Owners need to be regularly reminded to care for their new trees themselves.
      1. Could potentially use a third party to plant the new trees instead of using the company that sells them
      2. Consider asking property owners to donate additional money if they receive a tree
      3. Will ask the city if we can add our replacement trees to their bulk order in the spring
      4. Submit the “Street Tree Planting Request Application” or “Street Tree Application & Permit” forms in January
  3. Social Committee updates
    1. No current objectives. Members will assist with events like luminaries and  the garden walk.
    2. Discussing options for new events like game nights
    3. On luminaries night might have someone host a gathering with a fire pit and hot cider
  4. Neighborhood documents
    1. Matt is now in possession of the collection of physical BHNA documents
    2. Need to locate the historical neighborhood information boards that were on display during the annual meeting

New Business

  1. Appointment of Board Officers
    1. The following appointments were nominated and approved unanimously:
      1. President – Matthew Kazmierski
      2. Vice President – Mark Warner
      3. Secretary – Steve Beckman
      4. Treasurer – Alice Schehr
      5. Communications – Pat Poli and Nella Davis-Ray
    2. Members at large – John Hays, Elizabeth Hoffman, Denise Moore
  2. Quarterly Meetings
    1. The following quarterly meeting dates were agreed upon:
      1. Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at 4:00pm, location to be determined
      2. Sunday, April 13th, 2025 at 4:00pm, location to be determined
      3. Sunday, July 20th, 2025 at 4:00pm, location to be determined
      4. September meeting to plan for annual meeting, date and location to be determined
        1. Annual meeting scheduled for Sunday, September 14th, 2025, at 4:00pm on Oakland Dr. Rain date will be Sunday, September 21st, 2025.
  3. 2025 Luminaries
    1. Purchased own sand instead of using city’s so it can be reused
    2. Long-lasting candles and 1,000 bags of sand stored at Alice’s house. Looking for others to store them if possible.
      1. 650 bags reused from last year
    3. Next year’s cost will be $140-$180 due to the expected reuse of materials
  4. BHNA Directory
    1. Nella will make updates to the directory based on recent changes to the owners of some properties

Open Discussion:

  • None


Action Items: 

Name Action Deadline
Environment Committee Submit forms for planting of new street trees 2025-02-01
Environment Committee Ask city if our replacement trees can be included in their bulk order 2025-02-01
Nella Update BHNA Directory 2025-03-01
Mark and Matt Investigate options for automatic emails when new posts are added to the BHNA website 2025-03-01
All Attempt to locate the historical neighborhood information boards from the annual meeting Ongoing



  • A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm. The motion carried without objection.

Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, January 19th, 2025. Time and location to be determined.

Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman

Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2025-01-19