Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: October 27th, 2024
Date: October 27th, 2024
Board Members: Steve Beckman (Secretary), Nella Davis-Ray (Communications), John Hays, Elizabeth Hoffman, Matthew Kazmierski (President), Denise Moore, Pat Poli (Communications), Alice Schehr (Treasurer), Mark Warner (Vice President)
Call to order: Matt Kazmierski called to order this meeting of the Brookfield Heritage Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at 6:05 pm ET on October 27th, 2024 in a meeting at 252 Oakland.
Roll Call:
- Roll Call: Steve Beckman, Nella Davis-Ray, John Hays, Matthew Kazmierski, Denise Moore, Alice Schehr, Mark Warner
- Absent: Elizabeth Hoffman, Pat Poli
- Others in attendance: None
- Quorum present: Yes
Approval of Past Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the Board meeting held on July 24th, 2024 as presented. The motion carried without objection.
Treasurer Updates:
- Alice provided a report that stated the association’s current account balance is $2,523
- Luminaries materials have been purchased for $379.10
- $80 tree guards were purchased for new trees on Oakland and Maplewood
Old Business:
- BHNA website
- Website redesign is complete
- Aesthetic updates
- Looking into a way to have emails automatically sent to people on the neighborhood distribution list when new posts are published
- Website redesign is complete
- Environment Committee updates
- Options for replacement tree species have been narrowed down to three. Debating between native and non-native species and considering annual debris dropped by each. Each tree is between $250-$350. Would prefer to purchase from Van Atta’s instead of Gee Farms. Total cost for a replacement tree and the additional materials (dirt, mulch, labor, etc.) would be $500. Leaning towards the Zelkova species.
- Five properties have requested trees for empty spots: 204 and 253 Oakland and 204, 228, and 282 Maplewood. Will be scheduled for spring 2025. Owners need to be regularly reminded to care for their new trees themselves.
- Could potentially use a third party to plant the new trees instead of using the company that sells them
- Consider asking property owners to donate additional money if they receive a tree
- Will ask the city if we can add our replacement trees to their bulk order in the spring
- Submit the “Street Tree Planting Request Application” or “Street Tree Application & Permit” forms in January
- Social Committee updates
- No current objectives. Members will assist with events like luminaries and the garden walk.
- Discussing options for new events like game nights
- On luminaries night might have someone host a gathering with a fire pit and hot cider
- Neighborhood documents
- Matt is now in possession of the collection of physical BHNA documents
- Need to locate the historical neighborhood information boards that were on display during the annual meeting
New Business
- Appointment of Board Officers
- The following appointments were nominated and approved unanimously:
- President – Matthew Kazmierski
- Vice President – Mark Warner
- Secretary – Steve Beckman
- Treasurer – Alice Schehr
- Communications – Pat Poli and Nella Davis-Ray
- Members at large – John Hays, Elizabeth Hoffman, Denise Moore
- The following appointments were nominated and approved unanimously:
- Quarterly Meetings
- The following quarterly meeting dates were agreed upon:
- Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at 4:00pm, location to be determined
- Sunday, April 13th, 2025 at 4:00pm, location to be determined
- Sunday, July 20th, 2025 at 4:00pm, location to be determined
- September meeting to plan for annual meeting, date and location to be determined
- Annual meeting scheduled for Sunday, September 14th, 2025, at 4:00pm on Oakland Dr. Rain date will be Sunday, September 21st, 2025.
- The following quarterly meeting dates were agreed upon:
- 2025 Luminaries
- Purchased own sand instead of using city’s so it can be reused
- Long-lasting candles and 1,000 bags of sand stored at Alice’s house. Looking for others to store them if possible.
- 650 bags reused from last year
- Next year’s cost will be $140-$180 due to the expected reuse of materials
- BHNA Directory
- Nella will make updates to the directory based on recent changes to the owners of some properties
Open Discussion:
- None
Action Items:
Name | Action | Deadline |
Environment Committee | Submit forms for planting of new street trees | 2025-02-01 |
Environment Committee | Ask city if our replacement trees can be included in their bulk order | 2025-02-01 |
Nella | Update BHNA Directory | 2025-03-01 |
Mark and Matt | Investigate options for automatic emails when new posts are added to the BHNA website | 2025-03-01 |
All | Attempt to locate the historical neighborhood information boards from the annual meeting | Ongoing |
- A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm. The motion carried without objection.
Next Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Sunday, January 19th, 2025. Time and location to be determined.
Minutes submitted by: Steve Beckman
Minutes approved by: Board motion during meeting held on 2025-01-19